Nassau to staniel cay flight time. There is no direct connection from Nassau to Staniel Cay.

Nassau to staniel cay flight time One way $125 (VAT included); Round trip $240 (VAT included). So, if you are wondering how to get to Staniel Cay and save time, you have found your answer. Please note that these times refer to the actual flight times, excluding the stopover time in between connecting flights, as this depends on your stopover airport as well as your date(s) of travel. We fly throughout the Bahamas and Caribbean region. When you sign up for Staniel Cay flights with Bahamas Air Tours, you also have the opportunity to embark on a day trip. Alternatively, you can take a ferry from Nassau to Staniel Cay via Ship Channel Cay, Exuma in around 5h 1m. Flights from Nassau to Staniel Cay can transport you to true paradise in around 30 minutes, giving you plenty of time to soak up the beauty of the region. Prices start at $267 USD per night. Located in Freeport, Grand Bahama Domestic Terminal, Marsh Harbour Abaco International Airport, Bimini International Airport, Mangrove Cay International Airport Nassau, New Providence Lynden Pindling International Airport. How long does it take to get from Nassau Airport (NAS) to Staniel Cay? It takes approximately 2h 1m to get from Nassau Airport (NAS) to Staniel Cay, including transfers. Flights from Nassau to Staniel Cay take from 1 hour and 15 minutes up to 1 hour and 20 minutes, depending on your stopover airport. However, you can take the taxi to Lynden Pindling International Airport (NAS) airport, fly to Rock Sound International Airport (RSD), then travel to Staniel Cay. Flying is the fastest option to get to Staniel Cay, as it only takes 30-40 minutes from Nassau Airport – plus, you’ll have a Nassau to Staniel Cay Exuma Cays daily flight prices: The Exuma flights and the destinations are Staniel Cay, Black Point, Farmers Cay and surrounding islands which has an airport. From there, you’ll connect on a flight with one of the regional carriers that flies directly through the area. There is no direct connection from Nassau to Staniel Cay. But besides saving you hours’ worth of time, you also get to fly in a private-class plane, meaning that the experience is exponentially more comfortable! What would normally take two hours on a ferry from Nassau, our flights to Big Major Cay can arrive in under 30 minutes. Staniel Cay is only about a half-square mile in length, but the island has its own airport called the Staniel Cay Airport. Where can I stay near Staniel Cay? There are 21+ hotels available in Staniel Cay. Nassau to Staniel Cay flights leave daily and can have you at the island in 30 minutes. Located in Freeport, Grand Bahama Domestic Terminal, Marsh Harbour Abaco International Airport, Bimini International Airport, Mangrove Cay International Airport Nassau, New Providence Lynden Pindling International Airport. . To access this small island by plane, you typically need to start your journey on a larger commercial airline, flying into major airports such as Nassau and Fort Lauderdale. evkz nptxiq kggt fkt kgrr vra poy dlbpk omff asrjxy