Cds view not visible in rsrt.
CDS view is not visible while creating a model in SAC.
Cds view not visible in rsrt. SAP S/4HANA on-premise.
Cds view not visible in rsrt Date Bucket CDS view will be used in consumption view with help of Consumption. DataPreview in Hana Studio: View YCS_ATTR is used in a CDS view of object type CUBE: Transaction RSRT a. Hi, We are able to connect SAP Hana CDS view in Power BI using SAP Hana Power BI connector but we are not able to see the CDS view data in Power BI. Thanks. XYZ) Click on Search; In the log there is a warning available: To be precise, you can test the CDS view with F8 / Data Preview but that is not going through the Analytical Manager at all. Information: Default Authoriazations are missing. It is available in Dev System through RSRT as well. So your answer can go both ways: How to force this field to be requested by the OData. define view ZCDS_XXXXX_TEXT as select from The reason was that the records in RSRREPDIR table were duplicated i. <UTC_TImestamp_DField> as TZNTSTMPS)" After creating a CDS view via ABAP Development Tool (ADT), it can be found in View browser or Custom CDS View app. publish not visible in /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE. How to expose a Custom CDS view created by ABAP Dev . Range value can be derived in one Variable, which is not possible in Parameter in CDS View. query:true) is available in Open Query dialog box only when it is set as C1-released (As a developer on customer-site, you can use the Use System-Internally (C1) release contract to make custom objects available for use in key user apps. For table CKMI1, SAP builds a SQL View V_CKMI1. SAP Community; Products and Technology; Technology; Technology Q&A; Custom CDS view is not visible in Acquire Data Con cancel. Our SAC connection is of Live Connection(BW). Hi! In previous post ABAP CDS views with Authorization based on Access Control I considered a process of creation of authorization in ABAP CDS views. What I have found is that when I set the variable to be NOT input ready, then it works, but unfortunately our requirement is to have the variable as input ready. If you would like to test via the Analytical Manager from SAP GUI, then you can use RSRTS_ODP_DIS on ODP provider / CDS published via @OData. But, when tried to access from SAC - S4HANA live connection, unable to find any datasources except for 2C Datasources. It is very easy to publish a CDS view with OData Service. The views and tables used in the opened view can be displayed with Dependency Analyzer. As we’ll show, RSRT would provide useful information to find the underlying CDS view. former_member22 8339. To do it we Check that all the OData services are displayed. Options to find a CDS View There are several ways to find CDS Views in S/4HANA. The solution I found was: 1) SE38 run ANALYZE_RSZ_TABLES •Select database Introduction: This Blog post provide information and understanding on very important features in S4HANA Embedded Analytics which is Text, Attributes, and value help in CDS views. Created a CDS view with OData exposure in Eclipse. But I am unable to see in the SAC. I've created a list report, to which I've extended by adding some custom columns. publish: true and make API State as released. The SQL View Name for the CDS view is Alternatively as you need to creat value help instead of @ObjectModel. Also, in the report's browser page, the "Validity of Data" on the top end is the last load and not the one loaded by me today. These are not visible in the ABAP Dictionary. I have completed the extension and am able to see the extended fields data in preview, but those fields are not displayed in the Fiori app. 1. alternatively change some memory setting - It may work . RSRT) is a good starting point to explore these runtime statistics in SAP BW/4HANA. Our connection is OK we were able to retrieve data with others cds views. - Troubleshooting: Query Results Issues: SAP Note: 1591837 - How to analyze query results. Otherwise the field is treated as a characteristic. Thank you very much for your answers. Number of records is 133 848. For each Query CDS view created, first COMPU ID will be generated in RSRREPDIR backend table along with If you can find the underlying Bex Query and CDS view of an SAP Fiori app, that’s a good way to trace it back to the backend. If you've already registered, sign in. In my previous post "How to build a Custom Hierarchy in ABAP CDS views" I create a custom CDS view with hierarchy based on HCM Area tables. The data is getting successfully loaded to the DSO, but it's not appearing in the report which has been created on the DSO. We can take any field as key and can make any field as text from different tables or from same table. The Trial Balance ABAP managed CDS is comprised of a DDL source C_TRIALBALANCEQ0001 which generates a DDL SQL view CFITRIALBALQ0001. Is there any way to preview these ODS View result from SAP GUI? If there is something like t-cd, please tell me. 4. Please visit our website for a As seen above we have defined CDS View “ZCDSV_C_Q_FI_ACDOCA” as Consumption view with annotation “@Analytics. displayHierarchy: #ON is needed for display hierarchy for Odata Service of the CDS views not active in S/4 HANA Go to solution. _____ The query view selects from a Cube, which selects from basic views and database tables. SAP do not plan to enable the cubes for data extraction as these are not delta capable and this can lead to unintended use. Labels: Labels: Need Help; Message 1 of 7 1,744 Views 0 Reply. The problem is that the query does not recognize the master data from these tables. @ AccessControl. Create a CDS consumption view with @Analytics. One basic rule to consume the Query CDS view in RSRT Query monitor transaction. I can always just check by writing out a long is or Field = 'value1' OR Field = 'value2', but if such syntax exists, I would prefer to use the shorter syntax. Below are the steps I followed: 1) Created a custom table Now that we have the table, we need to overlay it with a CDS view. From S/4HANA 1809, a CDS query (CDS view with annotation @AnalyticsDetails. query: true". Scenario 1 –Directly Access CDS-ODPsource from BW). I've extended standard CDS view C_SalesAnalyticsQry_1. From online blogs, I understood below are the steps to expose a CDS view to cloud SAC. Additional documentation at: I would like to consider a case of using Windows Fuctions in ABAP CDS views based on data in S/4HANA system. If the Custom CDS View should be exposed as Dimension please notice the following: It must have a Representative Key field. Just put the break-point into the proper place of the code. It's not possible to use Not Released CDS Views in S/4HANA Cloud system. ), just like in BW system. It seem that CDS view analytical query is not use Cube CDS view authorization, but it is not true. derivation The CDS view is based on the table SCARR. sqlViewAppendName: 'ZE_SALESANAQRY1' @EndUserText. Category ABAP programming error I create Open ODS View by referring below link (4. One of the features of CDS views is the use of annotations to enable additional metadata on the data model. In order to use such fields as characteristics, you can instead use a calculated field to cast the timestamp: "cast(<DS>. Read more Environment. Subscribe to RSS Feed; Mark Question as New; Mark Question as Read Thanks for you reply i tried to check in RSRT it gave me the below msg. Please suggest what I might be doing wrong or if someone else I'm in trouble inheriting in SAC the behavior of CDS View Entity default parameters. Why it is important to check if the issue/scenario is reproducible when running the BW data source directly in RSRT transaction? This If the issue also occurs in RSRT transaction, it means that the issue is The parameter XQUERY is used to identify the CDS view that will be shown in the cross-tab. Hello Experts, I want to show a time hierarchy( Year > Month > Date) in RSRT / Query Report<query browser> as shown in the below snapshot. I am a beginner in SAP S4HANA Analytics. However, the new Custom CDS View app does not bring in the standard CDS Views to select in step 2. I_BillingDocumentItemCube Overview. Dimension View . nora_roch. sqlViewName:'ZTEST_ASSOCJ' @VDM. To open the BW Query created on top of CDS View in BW-MT, the only way is to use “Open BW Object” and search with the Query name. SAP S/4HANA on-premise. The first one returns a wide list where original and reversal MSEG records are listed side by side. Select the ABAP perspective as shown below: At the top of the CDS views are the annotations which are used with the @ symbol. Once after the activation of CDS View, a popup will appear near the OData Hi Experts, A Pleasant Morning! We migrated our ECC on any DB to S4HANA 1809, SP0, S4core103. Cannot start the Web application. You can run RSRT with settings like explain multi provider ( to see how the query uses the cubes in a multi provider), explain aggreates ( to see whether the query uses an aggregate or not), cache monitor. Two major stages involved in consuming the CDS View as Query in RSRT transaction as explained below: a. NOTE: If your S4 system is not available as you can see above, you have to configure the destination file if you have not For downward comparability , SAP replace the obsolete table with SQL View. However, when running in BEx, the default values are not filled in the variable. Overview: We face multiple Hi Guys, I have an Import connection to S4 system. Hi, I created 2 CDS views and in both CDS view I changed only the name but one of the CDS views is not showing RSRT. What is SAP Transaction RSRT? SAP Transaction RSRT (Query Monitor) is a transaction code used in SAP BW to execute and analyze queries. View definition below: @AbapCatalog. This InfoArea is normally not visible in the Executing CDS in RSRT tcode will give us prompt as shown below : Generating Input help: If we define txt field as Key in CDS view then text will not appear in F4 help. SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition. I need to create a CDS view, to be visible as a BW query. Active Contributor Options. Highlighted Points: [I] Introduction/Summary [II] Query Monitor (RSRT) [II. Here is the DDL source codes of a sample CDS view to replace table prcd_elements in your OpenSQL queries in ABAP programs. You can run Analytic Query type CDS Views with Transaction RSRT from a SAPGUI session within your S/4HANA system like BW Query. We are trying to connect Qlik with a Bex Query BUT, this Bex Query is based on a CDS view, created in eclipse. Option1. 2511457-Custom CDS View has no Create option. Actually by creating a CDS view which selects all fields from the prcd_elements table works quite fine and resolves ATC check errors for package violation. Thanks Martin for the valuable info/link. The following sources provide further information: CDS Analytical Projection Views: https://blogs Pic3 – Release CDS-View via Public API Test CDS Virtual Data Model in Source System The data model of the CDS view can be tested in the system (works in a SAP S/4HANA and in a SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse) using transaction RSRT: Pic4 – Test CDS-Model in RSRT (1) Pic5 - Test CDS-Model in RSRT (2) Pic6 - Test CDS-Model in RSRT (3) From S/4HANA 1809, a CDS query (CDS view with annotation @AnalyticsDetails. Follow RSS Feed I've extended standard CDS view C_SalesAnalyticsQry_1. In below example, we have generated different dates which can be used to filter data dynamically. Scenario 1: Now run the report in RSRT or Analysis Office, highlighted (Yellow) is text for Material which wasn't appearing earlier. With RSRT, you can easily Data provider could not be created in your Web application. This issue got started from last The CDS view I_GLAcctBalanceCube is not visible in SAP BW system. Custom Analytical Query from custom CDS view Step1> App: Custom CDS Views open and click the create and select the scenario " Analytical Cube" Step2> add the data source In transaction RSRT, use 'execute and debug' on your query. I tried to use the trasport connection and retransport the query which was successfull but the same thing occured (could not execute in rsrt or find using query designer ) Please advice how to solve this . Check result in RSRT or BO Analysis for Excel. Below is the naming convention of generated transient query: 2C<SQL I have extended the standard CDS view - Sales Volume Flexible Analysis, to add some custom fields. preserveKey: true @AccessControl. query: true is used, this annotation makes this view visible in query browser. The Hierarchy is getting displayed but second level expand of nodes are not working. For creating a CDS view, logon to the HANA studio. SAP HANA 1. Show replies . Hit various activation errors like: 'CDS local associations not allowed (when @Analytics. 0 Kudos Try to use some variables . g. fuzzinessThreshold: 0. However, when the data type is not I have enhanced an existing query by adding a single field in Dev system and transported the same to Q system. Showing results for 'Query: Current Memeber on Month' define transient view entity ZLR_PC_RSRT_SHIFT1 provider contract analytical_query with parameters p_month : This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. In Eclipse it is possible to get a data preview but testing it with Analysis for Office it is not possible to find and call it. Environment. Viewed 337 times 0 . After the extension I'm able to see the extended field in GUI as appened attribute, however unable to see the same in the Query browser report output. CDS views can be created with parameters & without parameters. viewType:#BASIC Trying to create SAC Dashboard based on se11 Ztable. System Response. We have some standard Views they were not visible in SAC, So i did a copy of it and created new CDS with Prefix ZGLCDS. After installing SAPGUI for Windows 7. 3093717-Assign CDS view query into an InfoArea. Viewed 2k times 2 . But it is possible to use another set of parameter to influence what must happen when the tile is pressed XQUERY Used to tell what CDS query to be displayed - Use the SQLView name of the CDS view prefixed with 2C => 2C<SQLVIEWNAME> XPROMPT This blog is about CDS scalar functions - CALENDER_SHIFT and CALENDER_OPERATIONS and how to use it in analytical queries for time comparison. When executing this new query or generating the query using T-Code RSRT, the system hangs in the program SAPLRRBA, with the main program being RSRT_BICS_START_INTERNAL. How to achieve the the result (or similar). As discussed in CDS views: HowTo use in BW contexts, in a CDS view of category cube, each key figure should be defined with @DefaultAggregation: #SUM, #MIN or #MAX, or @Aggregation. The view is running perfectly in RSRT t-code and also in AO. 2783951-How to expose a CDS view created by ABAP If I'm not mistaken, break-point in user exit will force the system to enter debug screen during ordinary query run (not through RSRT). In this post, I would like to share a workaround which functions similar to "NOT EXISTS". Since CDS Views will be deprecated I'm using this new object type but nothing changes using old CDS views. How do I create the Custom CDS Views with reference to View products (1) Hello Experts, I have done a full load today, using an Infopackage which loads data to a DSO. I really understand how important is for you to use both CDS Views, so I tried to find a workaround and I found that you can use the View Browser to search for similar released CDS Views that could SAP SAC Customs view not visible after upgrade. @AbapCatalog. g : @AbapCatalog. Create a new consumption CDS Zc_Orgunit__Query Notes: @VDM. Regards A new CDS analytical query is transported or created. An ABAP CDS view returns data when being queried from ABAP system, but returns no data when run the same query in the SQL console of HANA studio. defaultSearchElement: true @Search. Regards Context: SAP Datasphere connected to SAP S/4HANA in SAP RISE. In rsrt is it visible. Now it is time to trace and troubleshot. label: 'Test extension' SAP Fiori can use a BEX Query as the source, based on a Transient provider. It is not displayed under the InfoProvider in BW Repository tree at the moment as CDS View (Transient Provider) is not displayed in the BW Repository Tree in BW-MT. SAP NetWeaver Application Server 7. I'am going to explain this thema based on analytical query CDS Z05_C_FlightByAirportQuery which is based on Cube CDS view Z05_I_FlightByAirport. 8 Key txt as OrderTypeText // Text Field as Key } Search for the relevant view in Eclipse ADT perspective. Refer to SAP Note 2737769 for details. If you can find the underlying Bex Query and CDS view of an SAP Fiori app, that’s a good way to trace it back to the backend. Our environment is SAC and at the back-end its custom analytical ABAP CDS view. The code sample is below and it works perfectly when running the query on RSRT. Annotations on this cds are : Is there something missing Hi experts. I'm counting the number of What you did is to create a view natively in HANA (with SAP HANA Studio). This can happen for several MM In this blog you will learn about the creation of Query CDS Views for Analytical purpose and their consumption in RSRT tool, along with the required steps that needs to be followed to achieve it. Below are the main ways: 1. Hierarchy View . I have seen other Community Q&A indicating that the new Custom CDS View App does not show the Standard CDS Views like the deprecated version had done. Looks like CDS views work better in S/4 Hana rather than in Suite on Hana. A Text Association should be selected for the representative key field, if a language dependent text is available. It already has the annotation The general process is: Create the CDS View, add it to an Open ODS View, where I map my counter as characteristic (and key figure for debugging purposes) and then add this Open ODS View to a Composit Provider which will then hold my query. Offset is used to filter in Restricted Key Figure “Prev. The definition of the CDS View is displayed as follows:. It provides a user-friendly interface to execute queries, view query results, and perform various analysis functions. Can you please advise on how to use Fiori Apps for example Manage Purchasing Categories which has behind the CDS view C_PurchasingCategoryFs which is not released. In continuation to previous blog Step by Step Hierarchies in S/4 HANA Analytics here I will show creation of analytical consumption query View which is used for generation of hierarchy. My goal was to create CDS views on ECC side and create BeX queries on them (and also create variables, etc. I was searching topic on how to use CDS views with not released status. ; Transaction SE80, click button 'Edit Objects', input DDLNAME, double click on 'Data Definition, CDS view definition can be displayed and checked. Consumption View Query properly expanding in "Analysis Office" We will be using the CDS view we created in the previous part 8 of this blog Consumption View — the end product. a] Technical Information & Special Features [II. Consumption View . Expose OData API from custom CDS view ( Option2 will be added in the next blog) Option1. You want to grouping CDS view queries by customizing InfoArea in RSRT, but the customizing In continuation to previous blog Step by Step Hierarchies in S/4 HANA Analytics here I will show creation of analytical consumption query View which is used for generation of hierarchy. In RSRTS_ODP_DIS metadata errors for these views referring to I_MATERIAL are reported. b] Execute & Debug [II. In se16, table RSDDSTAT (BW Statistics), you can see the time used for both executions (all coding samples are based on CDS Analytical Projection Views - but they should work as well for CDS View (Entities) with sligh adoptions ) Contents: Use Case Description; Used Syntax Elements; Sample Query; Now, let’s begin our tutorial on using SAP transaction RSRT. label: 'Value help for Airports' define view entity ZVALUEHELP_AIRPORTS as select from zairports {key airport_id as AirportId, Hi SAP Community, we are facing an issue with this CDS view (C_PFMViewProductFootprints) from SAP Product Footprint Management. 70 or higher you run into problems when using transaction RSRT: When running a Query using RSRT "ABAP BICS" or "HTML" mode, buttons become unresponsive in the variable screen and/or the layout seems broken: &q BICS, HTML, RSRT, BW, Selection, buttons, unresponsive, do not work, distorted, HTML Viewer We should be able to test the analytic query (consumption view) via Query Monitor (transaction code - RSRT) Consuming CDS view data from Fiori CDS Data can be consumed from Fiori. query: true)' or ' xxx is not a numeric value' or '_xxx: has unsupported path entry type [Analytics]' In a CDS view, UNION two tables. Check whether the data provider (query or query view) has been correctly specified in or deleted from the Web template. Transaction RSRT in SAPGUI To execute Analytic Query of CDS Views and the associated source 3. since the shown CDS View is your Cube View, you should remove the line(s) @ AnalyticsQuery: true @ OData. association: '_vb' you can use @Consumption. BW Query can be executed with the Transaction RSRT in Backend System as well. is there any settings needs to be Thank you for the detailed explanation. The requirement was to exclude material document items (MSEG) which were reverse posted; and the reversal documents them I am trying to create a CDS view and provide my own labels to the fields. Use the prefix “2C+SQL view name” given in the CDS View. When viewing the CDS view in t-code SE16, field labels are not visible and it is just showing technical field name even when we are changing the user parameter to Field label. Symptom. Which auhtorizations? Where i In this blog I would like to consider a case of using Windows Fuctions in ABAP CDS views based on data in S/4HANA system. Otherwise, register and sign in. dataCategory:#CUBE". So run your query 2 times, with and without using aggregates, using the same selections. But when opening the same CDS view in SE16N t-code, field labels are visible properly. @AnalyticsDetails. Procedure. And finally, we can have multiple usage of these Help View for Fiori applications like Query browser in analytics, or Fiori Tile in UI5, In App Extension in BTP. It really helped me understand the CDS views better. Once you have logged into the app Custom CDS View, you notice that the Create/Edit/Delete button are not present. But when setting up a I even use the query designed in QA to search for the second query but could not find it. query. Best regards, Eugene. Table of sales transactions. In transaction RSOSM: Button 'Search Metadata' Enter the affected query name (e. ; Transaction SE11, display Database table by input SQLVIEWNAME, the sqlview Hello Laurent, I think I am not putting this clearly, ok, let me put it differnently, I wrote a DDL entity in eclipse e. To get the same result using CDS views, I have split the query into two views. Source data in back-end . I have gone through multimple documentations and done exactly like in help but it does not seem to work. However, I am I am creating a CDS Views analytical flow using root view entity views. . This preview is done with the Web Dynpro Data Grid that I started view the backend transaction RSRT with the technical query name "2CZJF_C_DynLabels_Q01". How to use ABAP CDS for Data Provisioning in BW. using test transaction RSRT. You can find this view by searching *CKMI1* in the ABAP perspective of HANA Studio. Turn on suggestions. Create custom analytic queries from custom CDS view; Option2. The results demonstrate that authorizations of Cube CDS view are used in analytical query. Product. Read more As per my knowledge we can consume CDS Views via OLAP Connection for S4 hana system with http (system details) we have tried this approach . RSODP051 , KBA , BW-BEX-OT-ODP , Query Runtime for Operational Data Provisioning , Problem If we define txt field as Key in CDS view then text will not appear in F4 help. Method 2: Using CDS view just as a text view In this method we will use or create just text view. Active Contributor Mark as New; After creating a CDS view via ABAP Development Tool (ADT), it can be found in View browser or Custom CDS View app. records for dev, quality and production were not identical. Can you please help me. Analytical Query Creation: View becomes query view if annotation @Analytics. This logic doesn't work in CDS views directly due to lack of subquery support. Replace prcd_elements table name with DDL name of the CDS view. Thanks, Vijay. Repeat same steps for other CDS views. (Not possible in Analytic Query). The problem I'm facing is that my custom columns only work when the CDS field behind it (bind) is being displayed at the standard columns. If you look at the DDL source (I am using the ABAP perspective in HANA Studio) you will see the link to the name of the view that is generated. query:true to add addtional elements into the CDS query. Approach 1: I defined the CDS-View as "@Analytics. So in your CDS view, use V_CKMI1 instead of CKMI1, this issue has been resolved in this way. All the blogs on S4HANA embeded analytics/Transient Provider says that we can find standard transient queries in RSRT-- search with 2C*, but I cannot see any queries except statistics related. sqlViewName: Hi All is there anyway to add analysis for office beside HTML, Liste, ABAP BICS, Java Web as an option in RSRT to show query results? I need to know where one can set that in BW up and add AfO as an option beside other options. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search Dear All, I have a cds view present in S/4 HANA (C_FundsMgmtBdgtActlQuery) but I cannot see it in SAC. You may choose to manage your own preferences. However it's not displayed when trying to create a custom CDS or Query based on this data source. Just by reading the technical documentation it is not always easy to transform the business use case into actual coding. I am hoping to see the description show up in SE11 in the short description column. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 2 months ago. Example – Executing CDS via RSRT Tcode – Question: Is it possible to develop a report based on CDS view having facility of optional input parameters? Answer is yes, let Create an extend view for a CDS view with annotation @Analytics. text: true @Search. Also check, if neither of the above applies, whether the query can be called up from the query designer. 3. View activated and working correctly, I can see the SQL View data using se16N. sqlViewName: 'ZCDSSql_View' @AbapCatalog. The CDS Views that are not released are also not planned to be available. Cause. Develop Date Bucket CDS View. e. We simply do that by define a view entity and import the fields and rename them as needed. viewType: #CONSUMPTION and @Analitics. I also take case of some features like: Main CDS view syntax and semantics; Parameters in CDS views; Consumption options of CDS views; Introduction Currently SQL functions like LEAD, LAG, NTILE and other are not supported in CDS views. We should expose the CDS view Hi Team, I am creating a CDS Views analytical flow using root view entity views. We have activated and released API state too of CDS . query: true are needed for this view is visible is Query Browser App and for a transient analytical query 2CZC_ORGUNIT__QUERY is created. You must be a registered user to add a comment. Remember I'm extending a list report. It contains time characteristics, sales manager, customer and amount. odata; sapui5; cds; Share. It must not contain any language dependent texts. The option for a customer is to create a custom Query on a released CDS-View of type “CUBE”, using the app “Custom Analytical Queries”. In the post post I would like to consider how to model time-dependent attributes and language dependent texts in ABAP CDS views. ABAP CDS View Extended but in Query browser/RSRT unable to see the extended field. Why can I not see the CDS-View itself? Thanks in advance. The Query Monitor (Tr. I am able to view the added field in BEx Designer in Q, but when I run the report in RSRT in Q system, the characteristic is not available. Trying to create SAC Dashboard based on se11 Ztable. How to expose a Custom CDS view created by ABAP Dev When opening this CDS cube view in an SAP supported front-end tool or running the adhoc query of this CDS cube view (<CDS cube view sql name>/!<CDS cube view sql name>) in transaction code RSRT, the sequence of the variables is not the same as in the CDS cube view. It is showing for the standard cds views. Show replies. As this is a very new function in the ABAP server you need a NW 7. I am not able to see my consumption view in RSRT even though i mentioned @analytics. Under the InfoArea SAP BW/4HANA Runtime Statistics [2O-BW4-DM_STAT], Transient Providers generated by the consumption CDS Views and related transient Queries on top of them are listed for evaluation of their content. I also take case of some features like: Main CDS view syntax and semantics; Parameters in Custom CDS Views application does not appear in the service catalog of the SAP Cloud Platform Web IDE Full-Stack because the custom CDS views with an external API scenario are not intended to be used in UI Then same can be achieved by creating separate date bucket CDS view where we can calculate required dates. VijayCR. Contributor Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; Subscribe to RSS Feed; Print; Report Inappropriate Content 11-14-2013 3:12 PM. are there any standard CDS views available to get this hierarchy? or else Could you please help me anybody, How to achieve that? Thanks In Advance, Bhargava It is not directly supported by CDS views, but it's supported by most versions of SQL (including Open SQL). In case of time-dependency ABAP CDS Views are great and all; however, they don't support subqueries at this time. vbeln' which is working with analytics view as shown in below. Analytical Query Creation: View Need your little help in this issue. (I already know that there is t-cd: RSODSVIEW but is for "Display" not for In SAP S/4HANA Cloud, a view, namely a query, that is not released for customer usage (API-state=not released) is not available to customers for creating own CDS-views. Analytical Queries based on CDS are a powerful way to model analytical data sources that can be used in a variety of user interfaces (SAP Analytics Cloud, Analysis for Office, Smart Business KPIs, Web Dynpro Grid, ). The Second Structure A query is not visible in the Project Explorer; The search functionality does not return any result for the query; However, the query is available and can be executed e. These annotations are required in the Query CDS View, but not the Cube. sqlViewAppendName: Custom CDS view is not visible in Acquire Data Connection S/4 Hana in SAP Analytics Cloud. Issue: The CDS View “I_GLAccountLineItemCube” can be seen in S/4HANA (both data and definition), however, when trying to consume it in Datasphere within a “Data Flow” or a “Replication Flow” it does not appear, that is, the CDS View is not visible. The field carrid is defined as the key of this table, the view also offers the fields AirlineName and URL. You don't need to create additional access control for analytical query CDS view. pulish: true. CompareFilter: true @AbapCatalog. BEx Query, CDS view, etc) in the scenario. default: #NOP, #SUM, #MIN or #MAX (the new annotation as of Note 2381161). Sales Model Tables 1. Thanks, MGrob. In se16, table RSDDSTAT (BW Statistics), you can see the time used for both executions It's not possible to use Not Released CDS Views in S/4HANA Cloud system. authorizationCheck: # NOT_REQUIRED @ EndUserText. To use it as Value help for In APP custom Fields you need to release the view (Path: Windows -> Show View -> Properties). Data provider could not be created in your Web application. After the extension I'm able to see the extended field in GUI as appened attribute, however unable to see the same in the Query In RSRT queries based on CDS views cannot be generated. It must not contain any parameters. CDS view activated normally and display data in HANA. Fiori View Browser To list CDS Views and display the definition of the CDS Views and export the list as Excel File 2. query: true and @OData. Some CDS queries are not CDS view is not visible in Web Intelligence when using S/4Hana 1809; The CDS view / query used to work before S/4Hana upgrade; The CDS view / query can be executed in T-code I've extended standard CDS view C_SalesAnalyticsQry_1. Show it in Project Explorer, right click and copy it to ZCDS_C_SALESANALYTICSQRY_2 to the package of your choosing. c] Key Figure This site uses cookies and related technologies, as described in our privacy statement, for purposes that may include site operation, analytics, enhanced user experience, or advertising. CDS view is not visible while creating a model in SAC. In the debug options you can choose not to use aggregates (and cache). Result in RSRT: Some PUBLISHING CDS View to the Outer World over internet with OData Service and consume via FIORI app. Here we will be discussing ODP. 40 system for that. List View of Fiori Apps In this video, I have discussed the consumption view and how it can be used in embedded analytics in S4HANA using RSRT t-Code. IN RSRT we can also see how the query is actually is getting executed in Bex. Hello @Vinitha . But we can't see any CDS views in the system. 2. query: true annotation to a CDS view. If we create view with parameters, then it will become mandatory to provide input while executing a report. Here the code of the called entity: Here the code of main entity: The goal is to set a default value to two parameters, with two months ago and current month. SAP Analytics Cloud (Enterprise) Import S/4HANA (On-premise) Product. This results in empty search helps - See Screenshot from RSRT: In this case the Projects from table PRPS should be displayed in the search help. is there any settings needs to be SAP Hana CDS View data not visible in Power BI 03-27-2022 06:08 PM. SAP HANA, Platform Edition . 656 Views. query: True. Annotations are set correct. For each Query CDS view created, first COMPU ID will be generated in RSRREPDIR backend table along with the Info Provider CDS View name under Info Cube field and query name in COMPID field as highlighted below. Thank you I could see that this happens because the oData service is not being requested to return the dmsDocumentCount field. Please share did I miss any steps. label: 'cds view for custom Hello, i try to consume a cds view as query via import data connection S4Hana in SAC. 1. When I was comparing data from the report C_PurchaseOrderSpendQuery There is an issue occurring in Analysis Office tool and a BW data source is involved (e. If you want to access the view from ABAP you can create the view via the ABAP Dictionary (in the ABAP Development Tools (ADT) ). Query could not be opened! GENUNIID is invalid. Improve this Below follows essential SAP notes while analyzing, troubleshooting BW OLAP queries in RSRT. Change the @AbapCatalog With the report RUTDDLSSHOW2 (or Transaction SDDLAR) the definition of CDS Views (query and provider) can be displayed in the SAP GUI. We examined the CDS view with RSRT and got f After that run again in RSRT. 3486157-CDS view doesn't appears when creating model in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC). Output of CDS View. Modified 4 years ago. Search with tech name. Now we will create a analytical query: Show how to enable hierarchy in You want to grouping CDS view queries by customizing InfoArea in RSRT, but the customizing InfoArea could not be found when checking F4 help list in RSRT. As per documentation, it should be enough to add an @Analytics. Code: @AbapCatalog. Provide the SQL view name of your CDS view with prefix 2C in COMPID tab and you will end up in the below screen as shown: By default highlighted annotations should be there in the standard ABAP CDS views if not add these two annotations to leverage F4 help values, Key & Text display in reports. foreignKey. query: True”. In the InfoArea tree of the value help, the queries whose technical ECC, FIORI, CURRENCY, CURR, TCURR, C_SALESVOLUMEBYYEARQUERY_CDS, CDS view, BRAIN380, BRAIN 380, currency issue, F1905, KBA , BW-BEX-OT-ODP , Query Runtime for Operational Data Provisioning , HAN-DB-CDS , SAP HANA Activation of HDBDD-files (CDS Definitions) , BC-DWB-AIE-DIC , Tools in Eclipse for Data Dictionary (without CDS) , BC-SRV Hello Experts, I am trying to integrate CDS-View IFIGLACCTLIR in Datasphere as a remote table, but cannot find it under Extractors > ABAP_CDS, I can only find the generated table to the view in ABAP Tables. sqlViewName: 'ZMMV_001' During the runtime of a report it is not always visible which data has been selected. 51 for SAP S/4HANA 1610 I would like to consider a case of using Windows Fuctions in ABAP CDS views based on data in S/4HANA system. Below is a test code. Product and Topic From S/4HANA 1809, a CDS query (CDS view with annotation @AnalyticsDetails. Regards, Rashmi I am trying to display a team hierarchy in Fiori List Report and the data is supplied through Hierarchy CDS view. Have created CDS view on top of Ztable in Eclipse and used annotation @Analytics. Ask Question Asked 8 months ago. In transaction RSRT, use 'execute and debug' on your query. 0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform RSRT is the tool for that. XYZ) Click on Search; In the log there is a warning available: If a CDS View is "Not Released" in one or both columns, this means that it's not possible to use it for that purpose (Key User Extensibility or Developer Extensibility). authorizationCheck: #CHECK @EndUserText. 2567914-An ABAP CDS view not showing data in HANA studio using SELECT statement. Operational Data Provisioning (ODP) is an SAP A query is not visible in the Project Explorer; The search functionality does not return any result for the query; However, the query is available and can be executed e. SAP S/4HANA The general process is: Create the CDS View, add it to an Open ODS View, where I map my counter as characteristic (and key figure for debugging purposes) and then add this Open ODS View to a Composit Provider which will then hold my query. CDS view details . They are all gone but i can open the old stories which use the right analytical views. UTC timestamps are not supported in analytical CDS views as characteristics and will therefore not be displayed correctly. Regards, Suman. C_RevenueFromInvoiceQry. We had an update on the SAP system and when searching for custom CDS views in SAC i cannot find any of them anymore. It doesnt show up. Create a CDS composite view with cube data category. compiler. (if properly defined using right annotations). Thanks for Once you have logged into the app Custom CDS View, you notice that the Create/Edit/Delete button are not present. What you did is to create a view natively in HANA (with SAP HANA Studio). You can test in transaction RSRT first. This Transient Info Provider is based on a CDS view. Can Open query in Analysis for Office, BEx Analyzer or RSRT, in InfoAreas tab, some transient InfoAreas (for example: InfoAreas start with 2O) are missing. SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview. Modified 7 months ago. Year”, in which “Current Fiscal Year – 1” is calculated for filtering automatically. SAP Analytics Cloud all 5. valueHelp:'_vb. All forum topics; 2511457-Custom CDS View has no Create option. define view ZCDS_XXXXX_TEXT as select from tXXX01 // CDS View to generate text {key aXXXX as OrderType, // Key Field @Semantics. We are able to see and execute this quey from RSRT, but when we open Qlik and try to connect to that Bex Query is not there, we cannot find the infoprovider or query name. sziydvloldhkabpbudnsdrnictkvudyxjzxyrpsqvdkjcdb