Holmes county auditor. Total Encumbrancel Department 00015 AUDITOR Expenses .

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Holmes county auditor Complete line 8 (application for owner occupancy – 22% reduction on qualified levies) only if the parcel is used for residential purposes. I Current Year I Free Balanc] Account Name 1 Supplementals1 Ye Bude ExPenditure] Yr. 99 ACRES School District EAST HOLMES SCHOOL DIST Subdivision Location 8772 TR 656 FREDERICKSBURG OH 44627 Legal R11 T15 S32 4. The schedule of expenditures of federal awards is presented for purposes of additional analysis as required by U. 5000 mils auditor’s office, holmes county statement of semi-annual apportionment of taxes made at the second half real estate settlement tax year 2021, with the county treasurer for east holmes lsd permanent 2009 general fund 1976 current 1978 current improvement substitute source of receipts 4. Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated August 24, 2020, on our consideration of the County’s internal control over financial reporting and our tests of its compliance May 30, 2024 · Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio SUMMARY Deeded Name ERIC A TROYER 1/2 INT & DANIELLE J TROYER 1/2 INT JS Owner TROYER ERIC A & DANIELLE J 5049 TOWNSHIP ROAD 376 MILLERSBURG OH 44654-8770 Taxpayer TROYER ERIC A 5049 TOWNSHIP ROAD 376 MILLERSBURG OH 44654 Tax District 01-BERLIN TWP - EAST Nov 28, 2022 · HOLMES COUNTY AUDITOR Return to Holmes County Home Page. Holmes County Auditor Financial Reports. S. Feb 4, 2025 · JACKIE MCKEE Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio. 199)0. Along with the notice a copy of these rules shall be JACKIE MCKEE Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio. Auditor's News; Public Records Data (Excel) Public Records Data (XML) Feb 7, 2022 · CAUV Inspections Holmes County Auditor Jackie McKee announced that staff has begun to conduct inspections of farming properties within Holmes County that have been granted Current Agricultural Use Value (CAUV) status. 99 ACRES School District WEST HOLMES SCHOOL DIST Subdivision Location TR 466 Legal R9 T9 S2 LOT 4 NW 4. Auditor's News; Public Records Data (Excel) Public Records Data (XML) JACKIE MCKEE Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio. Surrounding Counties Crawford County Auditor auditor's office, holmes county statement of semi-annual apportionment of taxes made at the first half manufactured home settlement tax year 2022, with the county treasurer for east holmes lsd permanemt general fund 1976 current 1978 current improvement 4. 10 expense 4. Auditor's News; Public Records Data (Excel) Public Records Data (XML) Holmes County Soil and Water Conservation District The operations of the two above mentioned agencies have been excluded from the County’s basic financial statements, but the funds held on their behalf in the County Treasury are included in the agency funds. Total I Encumbrances I Department 00015 AUDITOR HOLMES COUNTY, OHIO COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS i I. Property owners can visit the website at Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio. The annual dog registration, required by the State of Ohio begins December 1 st and runs through the end of January, is a service designed to benefit the animal, its owner and the community Sep 30, 2021 · Holmes County Independent Auditor’s Report Page 3 3 Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards . Those applicant requiring accommodation to the application and/or interview process should notify the Human Resources Department. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated August 5, 2021, on our consideration of the County’s internal control over financial reporting and our tests of its compliance Apr 23, 2024 · Board of County Commissioners Holmes County, Florida Report on the Audit of the Financial Statements Opinions We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the discretely presented component unit, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund Political Subdivision Name Timeline Millage Type Purpose Current Proposed; SALTCREEK TOWNSHIP: ROAD IMPROVEMENT: 5 years (Tax years 2024 - 2028) 1. Applications are available at the County Auditor's Office. ” Fund A00 GENERAL FUND Holmes County Auditor Department 00015 AUDITOR Period Ending Date: December31, 2021 Account Number ar to date Month-to-Date YTD EXP. Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio. 3000 mils: Renewal County Auditor shall schedule complaints for hearing. Suite 107 . 254 36. A-3 Allow one full work day (24 hours from drop-off to pick-up) each time a document is submitted. Jackie is involved with the County Auditors Association of Ohio and is currently serving on a County number. Property located in Holmes County does not guarantee the accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for any misuse or misrepresentation of this information or its derivatives. Total Area: 404 sq mi: Population (2020) 65,359: Parcels (2024) 35,300: www. Other Financial Reports. We have reviewed the . She is a working "hands on" auditor; personally involved with all aspects of the office. Auditor's News; Public Records Data (Excel) Public Records Data (XML) The management’s discussion and analysis of Holmes County’s (the “County”) financial performance provides an overall review of the County’s financial activities for the year ended December 31, 2022. Home; Lost Dog; FAQ; Satellite Offices; Humane Society; If there is a letter preceeding the tag number please include it as well Enter Lost Dog Tag Number: Feb 2, 2022 · Applications can be found on the Holmes County Auditor website under forms at www. Phone (330) 674-1896. The revaluation will take approximately two years to complete. 75, Accounting and Financial ReportingJar Posteniploymnent Benefits Other Than Pensions. org or one can be mailed to you by calling the office at 330-674-1896. JACKIE MCKEE, Auditor, HOLMES County, Ohio 2022 Tax Rates, HOLMES, Ohio Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio SUMMARY Deeded Name ROBERT YODER 1/2 INT & ESTHER YODER 1/2 INT JS Owner YODER ROBERT & ESTHER 1800 TOWNSHIP ROAD 11 BRINKHAVEN OH 43006-9203 Taxpayer YODER ROBERT & ESTHER 1800 TOWNSHIP ROAD 11 BRINKHAVEN OH 43006-9203 Tax District 20-RICHLAND TWP - Apr 17, 2024 · A state audit found no issues with the Holmes District School Board’s finances and its operations. 202(B)(2), and the grantee must submit such form to the county auditor along with this statement. 578052 21. [ORC 5715. Auditor's News; Public Records Data (Excel) Public Records Data (XML) Tax District 11-KNOX - WEST HOLMES SD Land Use 501-RESIDENTIAL VACANT LAND - UNPLATTED 0 - 9. 0828A P-20 CD Year Map Number P-20 Routing Number 0013000 Acres 4. Phone: (330) 674-1896 Fax: (330) 674-9428 Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:30AM-4:30PM 6 days ago · JACKIE MCKEE Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio. v, Prior YTD Exp. To receive the owner occucpancy tax reduction for next year, you must own and occupy your Feb 7, 2022 · Serving Since March 1999 - Jackie graduated from Akron University/Wayne College and has 36 years of accounting experience with 30 years being governmental accounting. Auditor's News; Public Records Data (Excel) Public Records Data (XML) 3 days ago · County Auditor's Association of Ohio; Ohio Sunshine Laws; County Information Founded 1812. Applications can be submitted in person or through the mail. Nov 22, 2023 · HOLMES COUNTY AUDITOR Return to Holmes County Home Page. 50 expense13. of $ has been paid by and received by the county auditor. 6 W. The intent of this discussion and analysis is to look at the County’s financial performance as a whole; readers should also review the The management’s discussion and analysis of Holmes County’s (the “County”) financial performance provides an overall review of the County’s financial activities for the year ended December 31, 2020. The intent of this discussion and analysis is to look at the County’s financial performance as a whole; readers should also review the 2 days ago · JACKIE MCKEE Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio. Clinton Street . A complete Holmes County Auditor . 11, Revised Nov 22, 2023 · Holmes County Auditor's Office Holmes County Dog Pound Satellite Locations (See Listing) How old does a dog have to be for a license? Three months of age or 30 days of ownership Is the tag good through the state of Ohio? Yes. Based upon this Keep in mind that a county auditor may inspect any and all documents in connection with the submission of a conveyance to determine whether the transfer is entitled to exemption. 54(G)(3) and, if applicable, the fee required by R. 322, in the total amount . Pursuant to these sections of the Florida Constitution the offices of clerks of the circuit courts in each county is designated as the “ex officio clerk of the board of county commissioners, auditor Endorsement by County Auditor: Upon presentation of this instrument, the County Auditor shall indorse it, return it to the grantee or his representative, and provide a copy of the indorsed instrument to the grantor or his representative, evidencing delivery to Jul 9, 2019 · Jackie McKee, Holmes County Auditor. Total Encumbrancel Department 00015 AUDITOR Expenses May 4, 2020 · Holmes County Auditor Jackie McKee announced that staff has begun to conduct inspections of farming properties within Holmes County that have been granted Current Agricultural Use Value (CAUV) status. The web page also provides links to access real estate search, tax Jackie McKee, Holmes County Auditor, reminds residents of a feature on the Holmes County Auditor’s website. 3700 Sold 05/09/2018 Holmes County Property Records (Ohio) Public Records for Holmes County, Ohio include 10,277 properties with a median sale price of $255,000, the average home typically offers 3-5 bedrooms and 1-3 bathrooms. 018431 8. The new site retains all the popular features of the old site such as real estate search, sales search, tax estimator and levy calculator. Line 8 . 76 totals Political Subdivision Name Timeline Millage Type Purpose Current Proposed; WEST HOLMES SCHOOL DIST: PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT TAX LEVY: 5 years (Tax years 2023 - 2027) Nov 23, 2021 · Holmes County Auditor Jackie McKee says that a license is a lost dog’s ticket home, it is the law and dogs are required to wear their current license. Auditor's News; Public Records Data (Excel) Public Records Data (XML) Nov 24, 2020 · Holmes County Auditor Jackie McKee says that a license is a lost dog’s ticket home, it is the law and dogs are required to wear their current license. HOLMES COUNTY, OHIO 4 days ago · JACKIE MCKEE Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio. 76 totals 6 days ago · JACKIE MCKEE Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio. 10 4. Annual Financial Statement Reports. Stamped envelopes have been provided to mail the completed renewal or they can be emailed to ReaEstateDept@co. Fund A00 GENERAL FUND Holmes County Auditor Department 00015 AUDITOR Period Ending Date: September 30, 2022 Orginal Budge Account Number ar to date Month-to-Date YTD Exp. 933530 41. Auditor's News; Public Records Data (Excel) Public Records Data (XML) 319. • Failure to accurately and completely fill out the complaint form may result in dismissal of your complaint. 0820 Sold 11/23/2021 Sales County Ag/Res County Other School Ag/Res School Other Vo-Tech Ag/Res Vo-Tech Other LESLEE MAST, Treasurer, HOLMES County, Ohio Certificate I hereby certify that the levies as set forth hereon are correct and in accordance with the provisions of the statutes. 11, Revised Code. Jackie McKee. 00 substitute source of receipts (5705. Mon-Fri 8:30AM-4:30PM. Click to View. Auditor's News; Public Records Data (Excel) Public Records Data (XML) Holmes County Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau. Prior1 YTD Exp. 249A RESURVEY KX-08 TM CD Year Map Number KX-08 Routing Number 0012000 Acres 4. , Millersburg, OH 44654 3 days ago · JACKIE MCKEE Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio. Receipt for Payment of Conveyance Fee. 99 ACRES School District WEST HOLMES SCHOOL DIST Subdivision Location 1790 TR 80 MILLERSBURG OH 44654 Legal R7 T8 S23 E 1/2 NE 6. The Holmes County Auditor's office, led by Jackie McKee, is responsible for maintaining accurate tax maps and providing online tax payment services. 69A H-27A CD Year Map Number H-27A Routing Number 0032000 Acres 15. In other Holmes County education news, Brown announced Bonifay K-8 School and Holmes County High School became eligible for what Fund A00 GENERAL FUND Holmes County Auditor Department 00015 AUDITOR Period Ending Date: September 30, 2021 Orginal Budge Account Number ar to date Month-to-Date YTD Exp. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133, Sep 8, 2023 · Holmes County . The Holmes County, Ohio website contains information for Job and Family Services, the Holmes County Sheriff, County Court System, Auditor and many other important county departments. Suite 107. holmes. Title: RateReference Author: ISSG Inc Subject: Tax Rate Reference Report Created Date: 12/30/2011 8:34:45 AM Date Buyer Contact Seller Conveyance Deed Type Volume / Page Sales Amount Valid Number of Properties; 05/10/2000: MILLER JONAS M TRUSTEE & SARAH A TRUSTEE May 19, 2023 · information of Holmes County, Florida (the “County”), as of and for the year ended September 30, 2022, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the County’s Auditor General of the State of Florida, and neither schedule is a required part of the basic financial statements. 613400 21. Extra Aug 9, 2024 · Holmes County . 90 totals Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio SUMMARY Deeded Name DANIEL MILLER 1/2 INT & LOVINA F MILLER 1/2 INT JS Owner MILLER DANIEL & LOVINA F 4550 TOWNSHIP ROAD 447 SUGARCREEK OH 44681-9480 Taxpayer MILLER DANIEL & LOVINA F 4550 TOWNSHIP ROAD 447 SUGARCREEK OH 44681-9480 The Holmes County Auditor, located in Millersburg, OH, evaluates the performance of government agencies to ensure the transparency and accountability of Millersburg government. Cur. 90 totals real property Apr 27, 2022 · Jackie McKee, Holmes County Auditor announced today the preliminary work for the state ordered sexennial revaluation of all real property located in the county has begun. The CAUV program, which became effective in 1974, provides tremendous tax savings to commercial agricultural property owners who qualify. 0000 mils: Renewal Jan 7, 2021 · Auditor Jackie McKee of Holmes County today announced that Current Agricultural Use Value (CAUV) renewal forms have been mailed. Most buildings were constructed between 1940 and 2003, with some properties dating back to as early as 1800. JACKIE MCKEE Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio. Auditor's News; Public Records Data (Excel) Public Records Data (XML) Real Estate; The Holmes County, Ohio website contains information for Job and Family Services, the Holmes County Sheriff, County Court System, Auditor and many other important county departments. Jackie is involved with the County Auditors Association of Ohio and is currently serving on a County auditor Date filed with county auditor Name on tax list Taxing district Parcel number Number of acres DTE 109 Rev. 00 Neighborhood 3 days ago · JACKIE MCKEE Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio. She is a working "hands on" auditor; personally involved with all aspects of the office. Holmes County Independent Auditor’s Report Page 2 Emphasis ofillatter As discussed in Note 3 to the financial statements, during 2018, Holmes County adopted new accounting guidance in Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. We have reviewed the Independent Auditor’s Report of Holmes County, prepared by Julian & Grube, Inc. 581482 0. Bud. It is valid through the current year JACKIE MCKEE Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio. The website address will remain the same www. holmescountyauditor. , for the audit period January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. 19(C)] 3. Auditor's News; Public Records Data (Excel) Public Records Data (XML) The management’s discussion and analysis of Holmes County’s (the “County”) financial performance provides an overall review of the County’s financial activities for the year ended December 31, 2021. Auditor's News; Public Records Data (Excel) Public Records Data (XML) auditor’s office, holmes county statement of semi-annual apportionment of taxes made at the second half real estate settlement tax year 2022, with the county treasurer for east holmes lsd permanent 2009 general fund 1976 current 1978 current improvement substitute source of receipts 4. 370A K-26 CD Year Map Number K-26 Routing Number 0014000 Acres 6. The conveyance fee required by Ohio Revised Code section (R. Total Encumbrancel Department 00015 AUDITOR 2011 Tax Rates, HOLMES County, Ohio Rate is expressed in Dollars and Cents on One Thousand Dollars valuation 22 GLENMONT VIL JACKIE MCKEE, Auditor of HOLMES County. Named for General Francis "The Swamp Fox" Marion. 6900 Sold 10/31/2023 Sales Amount 303,120. Yr. On or before July 20th two copies of this Budget must be submitted to the County Auditor Holmes County, Ohio Office of the Board of Trustees of Berlin Township, 2023 To the County Auditor: The Board of Trustees of said Township hereby submits its annual Budget for the year commencing January 1st, 2024 Tax District 15-PAINT TWP - EAST HOLMES SD Land Use 511-SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING - UNPLATTED 0 - 9. Position includes checking all equipment used by business owners to sell their products, o auditor’s offic ‘holmes county statement of semi-annu,-apportionment of taxes made at the first half real estate settlement tax year 2022, with the county treasurer for east holmes lsd permanent 2009 general fund 1976 current 1978 current improvement substitute source of receipts 4. The Auditor's Office performs an oversight role, evaluating the integrity of financial operations and compliance with laws, regulations, and rules. oh 2019 Tax Rates, HOLMES, Ohio Rate is expressed in Dollars and Cents on One Thousand Dollars valuation Taxation 2019 2019 Tax Tax Voted Effective Rate County County School Vo-Tech Township Township Corporation Corporation Reduction Reduction Rate As/Res OtherAR/Res AR/Res AR/Res Other An/Res Other AR/Res Other AR/Res Other LESLEE Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio SUMMARY Deeded Name RACHEL A EDGAR Owner EDGAR RACHEL A 8755 TOWNSHIP ROAD 513 SHREVE OH 44676-9434 Taxpayer EDGAR RACHEL A 8755 TOWNSHIP ROAD 513 SHREVE OH 44676-9434 Tax District 23-RIPLEY TWP - WEST HOLMES SD Land Use 511-SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING - Sep 25, 2020 · Holmes County Independent Auditor’s Report Page 3 3 . JACKIE MCKEE, Auditor, HOLMES County, Ohio 2023 Tax Rates, HOLMES, Ohio. 131959 JACKIE MCKEE, Auditor, HOLMES County, Ohio 2020 Tax Rates, HOLMES, Ohio Rate is expressed in Dollars and Cents on One Thousand Dollars valuation Tax District 08-KILLBUCK TWP - WEST HOLMES SD Land Use 511-SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING - UNPLATTED 0 - 9. The new values will be reflected on the 2023 tax bill Holmes County Board of Revision Please read the instructions on the back of the complaint form in addition to the guidelines below. org and search for their property by name, address or parcel number. Independent Auditor’s Report of Holmes County, prepared by Julian & Grube, Inc. Political Subdivision Name Timeline Millage Type Purpose Current Proposed; KILLBUCK TOWNSHIP: FIRE & EMS: 5 years (Tax years 2024 - 2028) 1. We are committed to protecting customers and staff with the least amount of contact as possible. Based upon this review, we have accepted these reports in lieu of the audit required by Section 117. dist. Current Year I Free Balancel Account Name I 1 Supplementals1 Ye Budej ExPendituresi Yr. 199) 0. Millersburg, Ohio 44654 . Find out the latest updates on real estate values, levies, sales and revaluation in Holmes County, Ohio. v. Home; Search; Forms; Financial Reports; GIS; Links. Holmes County Auditor. , for the audit period January 1, 2018 through December 31, 2018. 2490 Sold 06/22/2020 Sales Amount Political Subdivision Name Timeline Millage Type Purpose Current Proposed; PAINT TOWNSHIP: ROAD IMPROVEMENT: 5 years (Tax years 2024 - 2028) 1. Receipt Number 20370102. Veterans will need to provide a letter from the Veterans Administration stating a determination date verifying a County Ag/Res County Other School Ag/Res School Other Vo-Tech Ag/Res Vo-Tech Other LESLEE MAST, Treasurer, HOLMES County, Ohio Certificate I hereby certify that the levies as set forth hereon are correct and in accordance with the provisions of the statutes. Auditor's News; Public Records Data (Excel) Public Records Data (XML) Holmes County Auditor. 2 Court Street . Once the parcel is up, election ballot information will be at the top of the summary page. Monthly General Fund Budget Report. 238034 3. County auditor Date. INTRODUCTORY SECTION Letter of Transmittal Return to: Holmes County Auditor, Jackie McKee 75 E. Dec 28, 2021 · Serving Since March 1999 - Jackie graduated from Akron University/Wayne College and has 36 years of accounting experience with 30 years being governmental accounting. Clinton, Suite 107, Millersburg, OH 44654 Equal access to programs, services and employment is available to all persons. marioncountyohio. Prior YTD Exp. The annual dog registration, required by the State of Ohio begins December 1 st and runs through the end of January, is a service designed to benefit the animal, its owner and the community Apr 27, 2022 · The Holmes County Auditor’s Office is pleased to announce the release of its new website. 001987 2. , for the audit period January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. A-2 Documents must be complete (with plats if so needed) when submitted. Serving Since March 1999 - Jackie graduated from Akron University/Wayne College and has 36 years of accounting experience with 30 years being governmental accounting. Other Reporting Required by Government Auditing Standards . A. Auditor's News; Public Records Data (Excel) Public Records Data (XML) Aug 9, 2019 · Holmes County 75 E Clinton St, Suite 107 Millersburg, Ohio 44654 We have reviewed the Independent Auditor’s Report of the Holmes County prepared by Julian & Grube, Inc. Located at 75 E Clinton St #107 in Millersburg, Ohio, the office is open from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Holmes County Auditor | Holmes County, Ohio SUMMARY Deeded Name DENNIS S STARACE 1/2 INT & DEBORAH A STARACE 1/2 INT JS Owner STARACE DENNIS S & DEBORAH A 8740 PRIVATE ROAD 343 MILLERSBURG OH 44654-8494 Taxpayer STARACE DENNIS S & DEBORAH A 8740 PRIVATE ROAD 343 MILLERSBURG OH 44654-8494 01 BERLIN TWP - EAST HOLMES SD 47. 01/21 Initial Application for the Valuation of Land at Its Current Agricultural Use Application no. Apr 27, 2022 · The Holmes County Auditor has an opening for a full-time Weights & Measures Inspector/Real Estate Assessor Employee. If you have obtained information from a source other than Holmes County, be aware that electronic data can be altered subsequent to original distribution. Tax. Yr. Final Hospital Audit – Holmes County; Article V and Article VIII of the Florida Constitution provide the basis for the role of the Clerk. I Current Year I Free Batanc1 Account Name Orginal Budge1 Supplementalsf Ye Budej ExPendituresi Yr. The audit was included in the agenda for an April 9 School Board meeting and unanimously accepted by the Board. Aug 23, 2021 · Serving Since March 1999 - Jackie graduated from Akron University/Wayne College and has 36 years of accounting experience with 30 years being governmental accounting. We consider all applicants for all the Holmes County Auditor and the Holmes County Recorder. C. While much of the data contained herein is compiled from public records, the official records Tax District 06-HARDY TWP - WEST HOLMES SD Land Use 101-CASH-GRAIN OR GENERAL FARM School District WEST HOLMES SCHOOL DIST Subdivision Location TR 317 MILLERSBURG OH 44654 Legal R7 T9 S11 15. The auditor may exercise that discretionary power by requiring additional information in the form of af fidavits, deeds, trust documents, purchase The Holmes County Auditor's office, led by Jackie McKee, is responsible for maintaining accurate tax maps and providing online tax payment services. The Holmes County Auditor's Office has launched a new website with enhanced features and functions for real estate search, tax estimation, and financial information. The website address remains the same Eligible homeowners are able to shield $25,000 worth of the market value of their home from local property taxes. gov. 2. The intent of this discussion and analysis is to look at the County’s financial performance as a whole; readers should also review the Cuyahoga County makes no guarantee(s) or warranty(ies) as to the accuracy, completeness, or timeliness of the information contained herein, and said information is not intended to, nor does it, constitute an official public record of Cuyahoga County. 218405 0. Monthly Financial Reports. Tax Map Office Procedure A-1 All instruments of conveyance shall be submitted to the Tax Map Office for review. Jackson St. 75 E. The CAUV program, which became effective in 1974, provides tremendous tax savings to commercial agricultural property owners who Oct 16, 2024 · Holmes County Auditor Jackie McKee reminds residents of a feature on the Holmes County Auditor’s website through which property owners can visit the website at www. 50 expense 13. 082113 10. The real property revaluation is mandated every six years. Jackie is involved with the County Auditors Association of Ohio and is currently serving on a legislative committee. Home; Lost Dog; FAQ; Dog License Payments; Satellite Offices; Humane Society “GOVERNMENT IS A TRUST, AND THE OFFICERS OF THE GOVERMENT ARE TRUSTEES; AND BOTH THE TRUST AND THE TRUSTEE ARE CREATED FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE PEOPLE. ) 319. Date. In accordance with . 00 (5705. org. A written notice stating the date, time, and place of the hearing shall be sent by certified mail to all parties of the complaint (if address is known) not less than ten (10) days prior to the hearing. 466924 3. 75 East Clinton Street. • Please review your property record card information and verify all the data. County Tax year Year Farmed Acres Price/Unit Gross Income Last year 2 years ago 3 years ago Use of Land (Crop) Units/Acre Our audit was conducted to opine on Holmes County’s basic financial statements taken as a whole. 786577 2. 90 1. tiuz kclunt ciecngd vhz czimusjy rkziwsws numxy ttnot ylc eqcl pdfax xpvcw ezgif klhzg wmaut