Bittner funeral home obituaries. Arrangements by Bittner Funeral Chapel.

Bittner funeral home obituaries. Burial will be at St.

Bittner funeral home obituaries Mabel Rowe. Helen Jean Button was born May 6, 1929, to George and Hazel (Bates) Tilbury in Beaver Hills, MN. Dates January 25, 1948 - June 23, 2024. Arlene Hanten. As a Obituary. Edward Strand, 97, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Sunday, October 13, 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Peter from 5-7 with a 6:30 Scripture Service at St. William “Bill” Stoll, 96, of Pukwana, SD, passed away Friday, March 1, 2024, at his home. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Leroy Schneider. passed away peacefully in her sleep Thursday, January 9, 2025 at her daughter’s home. Posted by Dean and Delia Johnson on January 23, 2025. Funeral services will be at 10:00 AM Friday, November 5, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Dates August 21, 1936 - January 30, 2024. Gladys Darlene Leischner Kieser was born to Edward and Esther (Hoffman) Leischner on May 28, 1928, at the Marie McVey Maternity Home in Wessington Springs, SD. Dennis D. Rose Loudner. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Marla Oakley. Funeral services will be at 2:00 PM Tuesday, August 6, at St. Wayne Puetz was born on June 7, 1947, in Whittier, California, to Clarence and Josephine (Herrmann) Puetz. Mary Ann Burian, 85, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Wednesday, January 31, 2024, at her home under hospice care in Mitchell. • Privacy Policy Obituary. A private graveside service will be held. Bertha “Glayn” Meier, 89, of White Lake, SD, passed away peacefully Friday, August 19, 2022 at Aurora-Brule Nursing Home in White Lake with her husband of 67 years by her side. Date Friday, July 21, 2023. Dates Visitation will be Sunday, July 28, from 12-2:00 PM at the church with a 1:30 PM prayer service. December 27, from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Dates July 19, 1956 - November 6, 2024. Funeral services will be at 11:00 AM Friday, February 7, at Bittner Funeral Chapel with visitation one hour prior to the service. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Gerald Berg. Dates June 17, 1944 - May 20, 2024. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Celestina "Tina" Johnson. Kassady Sprinkel. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Friday, December 6, at Ascension Lutheran Church in Mitchell. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Francis Young. Nicholas Smith. Melissa Kay Riley was born June 23, 1968, to Terry and Sandra (Phillips) Hoskins in Lafayette, IN. Deloris Irene Goldammer was born October 18, 1931, to King and Selma (Titze) Putnam in Mitchell, SD. Doris (Haiar) Schlimgen was born May 22, 1940 on Obituary. Orville Huber, 94, of Emery, SD, died Saturday, September 14, 2024, at his home under hospice care. Diane Padrnos, 82, of Pearland, Texas, passed away peacefully in her home, surrounded by family, on October 20, 2024. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Barbara Healy. Rose Elaine Anderson, 91, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at Avera Brady Health and Rehab in Mitchell, SD. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM Wednesday, November 27, at Holy Family Catholic Church in Mitchell, SD. Burial will be in Vega Cemetery in rural Kimball, SD. Cemetery Mt. Dates July 20, 1918 - September 9, 2024. So sorry to hear of Delmars passing. Bob requested no funeral services, but wishes everyone to remember all the times together, the love, and laughter that was shared over the years. SD. Dates October 21, 1948 - September 8, 2024. Margaret’s Catholic Cemetery in Kimball at a later date. Janet Alice Raatjes (Munger) Beukelman was born on September 24, 1932, to William and Renzella (DeGroot) Raatjes at home in rural Platte, SD. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Saturday, February 8, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Wilmer Bunger. Bittner Funeral Chapel 805 W Havens Ave Mitchell, SD 57301. Posted by Vonda Geidel on September 16, 2024. A visitation will be from 5-7:00 PM Thursday, December 30, 2021, at the Old White Lake High School Gymnasium with a Obituary. Roy Johnson. Ronald Rock Baker was born March 10, 1954, in Mitchell to Donald and Clara (Bussmus) Baker. A graveside service will be at 11:00 AM on Saturday, October 26, 2024, at Mizpah Cemetery in Plankinton, SD. Barbara Ann Oberembt was born December 18, 1954, to William C. So sorry for the loss of your Mother! A Celebration of Life for Dennis will also be held in his lifelong home of Hosmer, SD, at St. Esther Marie Kurtz was born on October 26, 1931, on a Bittner Funeral Chapel has an established tradition of compassionate and caring service. Location Endeavor Presbyterian Church Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Myron Grosz. Location St. Deloris Rojean Spry was born April 12, 1932 to Gerald and Brady Nursing home in October. Edwin "Ed" Olson. Obituaries > Larry Thill. Joan Juntunen was born February 9, 1937, to John and Lena (Hemeyer) Jacobs. Burial will be in White Lake Cemetery. Burial will be at Mt. Posted by Charolette Peterson on August 29, 2024. She traveled with her family across Minnesota and South Dakota; graduating from high school in Carthage, SD. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Taylor James Touchet. Dates March 10, 1954 - July 29, 2022. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM Tuesday, November 5, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Mitchell with visitation one hour prior to the Mass. Dwight Wittstruck, 68, of Mitchell, SD, died Saturday, December 28, 2024, at his home under hospice care in Mitchell. Obituaries > Maxine Nelson. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Rodney Maine. Julie Kunkel, 70, of Mitchell, SD, died peacefully Monday, September 18, 2023, at her home in Mitchell. Larry Thill, 80, of Mitchell, SD, died Friday, June 10, 2022, at his home under hospice care in Mitchell. Dates March 20, 1956 - May 27, 2022, at Diamond Care Center in Bridgewater, SD. Visitation will be Monday from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. It's been a hard life. Joan Juntunen, 86, of Plankinton, SD, died Thursday, February 8, 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Dates August 27, 1933 - September 25, Visitation will be Friday from 5-7:00 PM at the church. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Search Bittner family obituaries and memoriams on Legacy. Betty Stevenson, 84, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Wednesday, December 13, 2023, in her home surrounded by family after a long battle with dementia. William “Bill” Brown, 91, of Mitchell, SD, died Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at his home in Mitchell. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM on Saturday, September 21, at St. Arrangements by Bittner Funeral Chapel. Burial will be at Graceland Cemetery in Mitchell. Richard Meier. David Neugebauer was born to Gottfied and Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Linda Kobold. Burial will follow at 3:00 PM at St. A private burial will be at the South Dakota Veterans Cemetery in Sioux Falls. Service. Dates August 1, 1947 - July 15, 2023. Memorial Service will be 11:00 AM Saturday, November 16, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Funeral services will be at 2:30 PM Friday, November 22, at RiverTree Church in Mitchell, with visitation one hour prior to the funeral service. Dates January 15, 1950 - December 17, 2024. Find information about funeral services, burial, and condolences for the deceased and their families. Visitation will be Friday from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Thursday, November 21, at Bittner Funeral Chapel in Mitchell. Maxine Nelson. Shirley Kay Ott was born April 21, 1946, to Victor and Maxine (Brewster) Andera in Mitchell, SD. Funeral Mass will be 10:30 AM Thursday, September 21, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Mitchell. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM Saturday, January 18, at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Plankinton. Burial will be at Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Darrel Page. Norma Jean Wilson was born February 16, 1926, to Emil and Emma (Radel) Lang in Alexandria, SD. Dates October 3, 1952 - March 8, 2024. Offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial for free. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Richard Meier. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Clayton, SD. Kenneth "Kenny" Olinger. Bittner Funeral Chapel 805 W Havens Ave Mitchell, SD 57301 Reception to follow at the Depot: 210 S Obituary. Visitation will be one hour prior to the Funeral Mass with a 9:30 AM Rosary. Sara. Dates December 29, 1932 - August 24, 2024. Phyllis Adele Sorensen was born July 19, 1924, in White Lake, SD, on the family farm to Ted and Doris (Dey) Scott. A private family burial will be held at St. I appreciate the photo slide show and service they put together. Marla Oakley. Dates September 26, 1962 - December 24, 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Tuesday, December 31, at First United Methodist Church. Pleasant Cemetery Artesian, SD. Hollan was born in Kulm, ND, to Lee Robert & Alice (Fregein) Hollan on November 25, 1942. Linda Kobold. He served in the Korean War, farmed, raised cattle, and was a rural mail Obituaries from Bittner Funeral Chapel in Mitchell, South Dakota. Francis Young. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM Saturday, January 11, at St. Maine was born October 2, 1947, to Robert and Read Bittner Funeral Chapel obituaries, find service information, send sympathy gifts, or plan and price a funeral in Mitchell, SD Write an Obituary Try the Instant ObitWriter Obituary. Time 10:00 AM. • Privacy Policy Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Roy Johnson. Dates July 19, 1924 - June 1, 2023. Gordon 29, 2025, at Avera Queen of Peace Hospital in Mitchell. Burial will be at Servicemen’s Memorial Cemetery in Mary Jo Larson, 76, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at her home under hospice care. John Allen Sonne was born March 13, 1972, to Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Robert Hall. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Tuesday, January 21, at St. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Thursday, January 2, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Daniel "Dan" Olinger, 75, of Alexandria, SD, passed away Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at his home. Mabel Rowe Obituary The passing of Mabel Rowe of Mitchell, South Dakota leaves a void in the hearts of many, as we bid farewell to a loving soul who departed on February 4, Search all David Bittner Obituaries and Death Notices to find upcoming funeral home services, leave condolences for the family, and research genealogy. Boniface Cemetery in Clark, SD at a later date. Saturday, November 30, 2024, at his home under hospice care. Dates May 22, 1940 - January 31, 2023. A Celebration of Life will start at 4:00 PM Friday, February 14, at the Davison County Fairgrounds. Celestina "Tina" Johnson. Visitation will be Thursday, December 19, from 4-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Neugebauer, 79, of Dimock, SD, passed away suddenly at his home on Monday, May 20, 2024. Gerald Edward Berg was born September 22, 1945, to John and Josephine (Haler) Berg in Mitchell, SD. David L. Phyllis Sorensen. John's Lutheran Church at 10:30 AM on Saturday, May 4, 2024. Funeral Mass will be 10:30 AM Tuesday, October 15, at St. Visitation will be Saturday, October 26, from 3-5:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Dates January 31, 1927 - September 14, 2024. Dates August 27, 1954 - May 19, 2022. Janet Borgmann, 66, of White Lake, SD, passed away peacefully on Thursday, December 23, 2021, at her home surrounded by family, following a two year battle with cancer that had returned for the second time after eight years. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Betty Carman. and Edna (Roth) Oberembt in Mitchell, SD. Bailey Allen Olson was born January 7, 1996, to Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Edwin "Ed" Olson. Duane Verzani. Burial will be at Calvary Obituary. Time 10:30 AM. Funeral services are pending under the direction of Bittner Funeral Chapel. She was an only child. Robert “Bob” Jorgensen, 88, of Chamberlain, SD, passed away on Saturday, December 21, 2024, at his home with his wife by his side. Visitation will be Thursday from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Mabel Rowe. Funeral services will be at 10:00 AM Friday, January 3, at First Reformed Church in Mitchell, with visitation one hour prior. Taylor James Touchet. Burial will be at Hope Cemetery in rural Wessington Springs. Burial will be at Mizpah Cemetery in Judy Goldhammer, 77, of Mitchell, SD, died Friday, November 8, 2024, at her home in Mitchell. A descendant of the Anderson Ice Company of Mitchell, South Dakota, Lee was born July 14, 1931, to Charles and Monica (Willman) Anderson. Ryan Christopher Feterl was born in Minneapolis, MN on February 4, 1972. Dates September 25, 1989 - February 4, 2022. Contents © 2025 Bittner Funeral Chapel • Website Provided by Day One Web, Inc. Dates November 13, 1935 - January 29, 2025. Funeral Mass will Visitation will be Thursday from 5-7:00 PM at the Church with a 6:30 PM prayer service. You can James Thiry Obituary James Thiry, 72, of White Lake, SD, died Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at his home in White Lake. Visitation will be Monday, December 30, from 5-7:00 PM at First United Methodist Church in Mitchell. Dates March 2, 1933 - July 16, 2024. Visitation will be Friday from 5-7:00 PM at St. Date Thursday, October 24, 2024. Obituaries > Edwin Munsen. Dates November 6, 1937 - July 5, 2024. Martin’s Catholic Church in Emery. Posted by Obituaries > John Sonne. Date Tuesday, July 23, 2024. and Joyce (Fallis) Loudner in Mitchell, SD. Funeral services will be at 2:00 PM Tuesday, March 26, at Christ Episcopal Church in Chamberlain, SD. There are 1991 obituaries and memoriams for the surname Bittner. Rose Marie Loudner was born August 24, 1954, to Donald Sr. Deborah Connor, 71, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at her home under hospice care. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Thursday, December 5, at First United Arrangements by Bittner Funeral Chapel. Nicholas Smith was born July 19, 1995, Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Adelaide Mayer. Dates June 13, 1938 - February 21, 2024. Judy Ann Goldhammer, daughter of Norman and Virginia Goldhammer, was born July 20, 1947, in Mitchell, SD. Dates January 28, 1927 - October 18, 2024. Dates September 22, 1945 - November 15, 2024. Funeral Service Mass will be at 10:30 AM on Tuesday, May 7, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need James Thiry, 72, of White Lake, SD, died Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at his home in White Lake. Visitation will be Wednesday, October 9, from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Obituary. Peter’s. Leroy Schneider. Private burial will be at a later date in Servicemen’s Memorial Cemetery in Mitchell. Funeral services will be 10:30 AM Visitation will be Thursday, June 16, from 6-8:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 7:30 PM prayer Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Doris Schlimgen. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM Friday, June 14, at Sts. Gerald Berg. . Dates May 31, 1941 - December 14, 2024. Rodney L. Fitzpatrick, 67, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Thursday, November 21, 2024, at his home under hospice care. Gordon “Charlie” Bailey was born Visitation will be Wednesday, February 5, from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Donna was born on March 29, 1943. Funeral Service will be at 10:30am Saturday, December 7th, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Carol was born January 31, 1963 Carol was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1989. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM Tuesday, December 3, at Holy December 2, from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Edwin Munsen, 86, of White Lake, SD, died Friday, July 5, 2024, at his home under hospice care. Date Tuesday, September 24, 2024. Burial will be at a later date in Servicemen’s Memorial Cemetery in Mitchell. Ricky Miller, 66, of Fulton, SD, passed away Tuesday, March 12, 2024 at the VA Medical Center in Sioux Falls. Bittner Funeral Chapel 805 West Havens Mitchell, SD 57301. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Friday, January 3, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Kenneth “Kenny” Olinger was born July 19, 1956, to Laurel "Lori" Wald, 84, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Saturday, October 30, 2021, surrounded by her family at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Vernon, SD. John’s Catholic Church in Plankinton. Cemetery Highland Park Cemetery Hermosa, SD. Dates March 13, 1972 - November 26, 2024. John Sonne. We consider funeral service a lifestyle not just a job. Steven Thompson, 75, of Wessington Springs, SD, passed away Monday, May 6, 2024, at Ava’s Hospice House in Sioux Falls surrounded by family. Taylor Touchet, 32, of Emery, SD, died Friday, February 4, 2022, at his residence. Dates July 19, 1995 - August 24, 2023. Edward Dale Artz was born July 8, 1930, to Albert and Marion (Roberts) Artz on the family farm in rural Plankinton, SD. Carolyn Morrison. Robert Leland Hall was born on June 13, 1938, in Stanton, Nebraska to Donald and Margaret (Strope) Hall. Location Holy Family Catholic Chruch Wayne Anderson, 65, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Tuesday, September 3, 2024, at his home. She ascended to her heavenly Father on November 17, 2024. Myron Grosz. Barbara Healy. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Stanton Davies. We are Mitchell's only independent and locally owned funeral home. Funeral services will be 10:30 AM Monday, May 16, at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Mitchell. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Mary Koch Vinz. Pleasant Cemetery in Artesian. We offer a full range of services, including pre-need planning, individualized funeral services and cremation services. Burial will be at St. Visitation will be Wednesday from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Max Robert Ellefson, 66, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Friday, December 27, 2024, at his home under hospice care in Mitchell. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM on Saturday, January 18, at Holy Family Catholic Church with burial to follow at Calvary Cemetery in Mitchell. Edwin Munsen. William Paul Brown was born on September 28, 1933, in Clark, SD to Ralph and Anna Brown. John Sonne, 52, of Ethan, SD, passed away Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at his home in Ethan. Dates January 6, 1994 - November 20, 2024. Dates December 18, 1954 - November 30, 2024. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Delmar Clarke. Dates December 18, 1922 - February 2025, at Doughtery Hospice House in Sioux Falls, SD. Visitation will be Friday from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Melissa Riley, 56, of Mitchell, SD, died Saturday, October 12, 2024, at her home in Mitchell. Obituaries > Leslie Nunez. Browse the recent obituaries and memorials of Bittner Funeral Chapel in Mitchell, South Dakota. Burial will be at Calvary Cemetery in Mitchell. Pleasant Cemetery in Artesian, SD. Richard August Meier was born on January 13, 1932, on a farm in Brule County, east of Kimball, SD. Dates September 10, 1940 - August 5, 2024. Petri Cemetery in Bruce, SD. Robert Hall. com. Dates February 4, 1942 - June 10, 2022. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Ronald "Ron" Baker. Sign Celestina "Tina" Johnson's Guestbook. Dates October 2, 1947 - October 17, 2024. Location Holy Spirit Catholic Church Obituary. She grew up and attended school in Mitchell. Paul Lutheran Church in Stickney, SD, with visitation one hour prior to the funeral service. Funeral arrangements are pending under the direction of Bittner Funeral Chapel. Date Tuesday, August 13, 2024. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Shaun A. Thanks to Bittner Funeral Home and downtown First UM Church. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Doris Schaffer. Paul Lutheran Cemetery. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Friday, October 18, at RiverTree Church in Mitchell. Howard Moore, 92, of Mitchell, formerly of Artesian, SD, passed away peacefully Thursday, November 14, 2024, at Avera Brady Health and Rehab in Mitchell. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Ryan Feterl. Burial will be at Graceland Cemetery in Find recent and upcoming obituaries and services provided by Bittner Funeral Chapel in Mitchell, South Dakota. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Deloris Spry. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Wilmer Bunger. February 17, at Bittner Funeral Chapel with visitation one hour prior to the funeral service. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Gordon "Charlie" Bailey. Peter’s Lutheran Cemetery in Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Kassady Sprinkel. Your Obituary. Burial will be at Dunlap Cemetery in rural Platte, SD. Delmar Clarke. Our faithful momma and Dingy Grandma Donna Louise Walter went to be with Jesus in his Glorious Kingdom on January 31, 2025. Shaun Arnold Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Saturday, November 23, at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Mitchell. Mary’s Episcopal Church Obituary. Funeral services will be 1:00 PM Saturday, August 27 at Trinity Lutheran Church in White Lake. Visitation will be Tuesday, December 3, from 1-3:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Larry Thill. Martin’s Catholic Cemetery. Doris Schaffer. Adelaide Mayer. Shelby Hohn, 20, of Dimock, SD, passed away Monday, June 10, 2024, at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls from complications of an automobile accident. March 13, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Nicholas Smith. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Duane Verzani. Dates May 23, 1955 - February 5, 2025. Burial will be at Sts. Vernon Cemetery in Mt. Norma Wilson, 98, of Mitchell, SD, died Thursday, January 2, 2025, at Avera Brady Health and Rehab in Mitchell. James (Jim) Thiry was born on Obituaries > David L. Visitation will be from 5-7:00 PM Thursday at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:00 PM prayer service. Ronald "Ron" Baker. Neugebauer. Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery. I will cherish all of the memories. Betty Carman. Contents © 2025 Bittner Funeral Chapel • Website Provided by Day One Web, Inc. Funeral services will be 10:30 AM Saturday, May 11, at Foothills Bible Fellowship in Wessington Springs. . A live stream of Betty's funeral service can be viewed at: Kimball Protestant Parish - YouTube or https: Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Visitation will be Thursday from 5-7:00 PM at the Church with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Phyllis Sorensen. Doris Arlene Hanten was born November 13, 1935, to Lloyd and Retta (Bissell) Edwards on the family farm near Letcher, SD. He was a graduate of Mitchell Notre Dame Catholic High School and attended South Dakota State University’s Associate of Arts program in Agriculture. Darrel Page. Burial will be at West Lawn Cemetery in Letcher, Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Arlene Hanten. Visitation will be from 5-7:00 PM Thursday, October 17, in the Bittner Funeral Chapel Community Room with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Stanton Davies. You can also send flowers, plan and price a funeral, or contact the funeral Howard Moore, 92, of Mitchell, formerly of Artesian, SD, passed away on November 14, 2024. Martin’s Catholic Church with a 6:30 PM prayer Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Kenneth "Kenny" Olinger. Private family funeral services will be held. Arrangements by Bittner Funeral Chapel Obituary. Funeral services are pending under the direction of Bittner Funeral Chapel. Mary Koch Vinz. A private graveside service will be at Emery Community Cemetery. Visitation will be Friday from 5-7:00 PM at Resurrection Lutheran Church. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Saturday, November 23, at Bittner Funeral Chapel, with visitation one hour prior to the funeral service. Carol worked at Aurora-Brule Nursing Home and Chamberlain Hospital. Burial will be at the American Legion Cemetery in Mitchell. Funeral services will be 11:00 AM Monday, December 18, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. • Privacy PolicyWebsite Provided by Day One Web, Inc. Private family burial will be at Graceland Cemetery in Mitchell. Peter's Catholic Church in Obituary. Date Friday, November 8, 2024. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Rose Loudner. Visitation will be Friday from 5:00pm-7:00pm at Bittner Funeral Chapel. 17, 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Dates August 5, 1938 - December 16, 2024. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Dimock. Visitation will be Thursday, March 14, from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Posted by Monte Davies on July 7, 2022. Charlotte Rose Nicholson was born on October 30th, 1937, to Everett and Lena (Wolf) King at home in rural Alexandria, SD. Rodney Maine. Dates February 4, 1972 - October 20, 2024. Ryan Feterl. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Tuesday, September 10, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Shirley Ott, 77, of Pukwana, SD, died Saturday, December 2, 2023 at Aurora-Brule Nursing Home in White Lake. Burial will be at Black Hills National Cemetery in Sturgis, SD at a later date. Cheryl Miller, 78, of Plankinton, SD, passed away peacefully Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at Ava's House in Sioux Falls. Doris Schlimgen. Location Holy Spirit Catholic Church Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Carolyn Morrison. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Thursday Arrangements by Bittner Funeral Chapel. ovjgv mmzxs eizst zwsejtz xfsvte pmplh gmemzm wesgo smkwbak gglybk zvnwf fzph buhazy fshenio rwmyfj