Home assistant xml sensor. How do I do that? Do I have to enter …
Home assistant xml sensor The returned information is in XML, which shouldn’t be an issue as according to the docs it should Hello jonboy, As mentioned above I use a pair of Dallas DS18B20 temperature sensors connected via a single 3 core wire to a Wemos D1 Mini running ESPEasy. E. Until now I’ve got quite good help by reading others posts in this forum but now I’m lost. So: value_template: "{{ value_json. 2</T_ACTUAL_EXT> Working perfectly, thank you! For anyone else looking to do a similar thing, my application was extracting a variable value from my ISY-994i. se and they only If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually: Browse to your Home Assistant instance. I have successfully created a rest sensor Splitting the configuration. A list of keys to extract values from a JSON dictionary result and then set as sensor attributes. The result is in XML format, but as I understood it should convert to JSON according to this page https://xmltodict-debugger. I have not found any supported platform for Home Assistant to directly access and control this thermostat but I really XML file contents : <form> <text> <id>FanLevel</id> <value>Nominale</value> Hello, I have a mechanically controlled dual-flow fan which generates an XML file containing Hi, I’m getting my first experience with a REST-sensor, using a XML-API. rss_feed_xxxx goin on. yaml (particularly ones that are old), you might notice your default configuration file is much smaller than what the videos show. Doorbells will also have a “Voltage” sensor for troubleshooting electrical issues. The scrape sensor expects a html tag in the select parameter, however, the page is returned in @Troon I read everything and did a lot of tests, but my inexperience and my bad relationship with English are perhaps making me go the wrong way. I’ve managed to get the data I require into the format below before it’s sent to Home Assistant £31. I’m super into AI and LLMs. car_front_door_right, front left window = sensor. I have an RFLINK receiver plugged into a raspberry pi. So I The downloaded image is cached to prevent Home Assistant from making a new request to buienradar. You could keep the sensor as is, and use a condition in the automation when you are actually using the sensor. I have the sensors in a yaml file in the packages folder still written with the old format. 55 every morning. Both Hello all, I have been struggling for months now to get this REST sensor working, but finally admitted my defeat and opted to reach out for help. How do I do that? Do I have to enter . 20210608 - IMPORTANT If you create an mqtt sensor it should convert the XML to json automatically. METHOD 1 - Anchors Define anchors (the code you want Instructions on how to integrate Web scrape sensors into Home Assistant. e. The integration requires a local KNX/IP interface or router. 107 release notes and saw that application/xml has only been added to this release (Add application/xml as an XML to JSON auto converted Scrape The scrape sensor integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. exceptions. g. You don’t. But the only way that this software can communicate with hassio is via an URL request. I have two sensors A and B. The integration does that automatically if the webserver providing the XML sends content type text/xml or application/xml as part of the response. In the template editor it works if I change value_json[0]. The controller is sold under other names in different countries - “ELKO Living system” in Sweden and Norway. What really confuses me This is such a simple question but I have been trying to get an entity to update every hour and using this automation alias: Update Vader sensors description: "" triggers: - Hi, Overral goal I’m trying to create a sensor that shows the status of a particular device from my router. I have ssh access to the Home Assistant shell. Included automation The problem is I don’t see any way to read a from a file - only a URL and I don’t see any way of converting the xml I am getting from the URL and reading it as a attribute for a sensor robmarkcole (Robin) March 22, 2019, Instructions on how to integrate REST sensors and binary sensors into Home Assistant. I couldn’t think of any other way Hi, I have a Control by Web Webrelay X-WR-1R12-1I5-E (1 relay, 1 inpute) that I have been able to get the Relay to activate using the Command line platform and Curl Hey there @epenet, mind taking a look at this issue as it has been labeled with an integration (rest) you are listed as a code owner for? Thanks! Code owner commands. So far I think it is great, but am struggling with my A related question, and my first so please bear with me. nl multiple times a minute when Home Assistant checks for new stills from the Hi. Temp sensor is giving me output in XML form and i still not going in to my dash Is there a tutorial, or is there anybody who could lead me through this new UI so I can generate the same sensor (sensor. template_xxx_yyy_zzz. You could for example use If you don't manage to scrape the value you are looking for, please enable debug logging and lo If all of this doesn't help, use the home assistant forum. I have tts setup and it’s working but when I ad a sensor value to the Hi there, I’m trying to build a custom component using a RESTful Sensor to collect Data from a JSON API. Basically, I’m trying to simply know when my iPhone is connected to Webmin Webmin is a web-based interface for the system administration of Unix-like servers. The sensor has support for GET and POST requests. so far I have attempted a command line sensor but when I paste I have a one-wire temp-sensors to LAN interface which provides an xml document with all sensor ids and temperature values. This is my template. What is the correct YAML code for a REST sensor in Home Assistant? That would depend on what data you want as states or attributes. yaml file. tabulator-row:nth-child(1) > div:nth-child(3) Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-23 RESTful The rest sensor platform is consuming a given endpoint which is exposed by a RESTful API of a device, an application, or a web service. Not having found any possible When I installed a heatpump/compressor I switched from a Nest thermostat to the Anna thermostat. The sensor is unaffected and will continue to measure with a precision of 10 Instructions on how to set up Xbox devices in Home Assistant. provides bi-directional communication with your This is a component to take RSS feeds and put them within a sensor as a list to be displayed with my list-card. and it has the entity ID prefixed as. The parts I need are the values for ‘text:’ in this example for the sensor attributes. I wanted to add one of these values to HA for monitoring Home assistant can parse XML to json automatically since v0. At the top of the screen, select the tab: Helpers. A lot of issues I could find on the forum, but there is one thing I couldn’t figure out. 📰 Display sensor list data in a table. Unlock the full potential of Home Assistant by seamlessly integrating custom data from a Restful API. not created by some integration added via UI) whose settings are partially defined via UI. I use a rest sensor to return this information but i could not set the correct value-template phrase. (ofc, except for friendly_name support in the sensor. binary_sensor. The text overlay can be changed by “uploading” (curl -T) a xml file <TextOverlay xmlns="http://www rest-sensor updates the sensor state with “not available” command_line-sensor-curl does not update the sensore state if not available and leaves the last state ; scrape-sensor same as command_line_curl ; Any way Hello experts, sorry if I asr a noob question, but I am new to Home Assistant. Check the wiki for a scraping guide and other details on the functionality of this component. I’ve read a lot about XML to JSON, the JSON-Path and some more but all my attempts went wrong. but if I change things to The RESTFul sensor component (RESTful Sensor - Home Assistant) has a feature to parse XML data when the proper Content-Type header has been set on the 20220102 - UPDATE: As of release v5. Building templates . I set up a Zigbee integration with a Sonoff Zigbee Bridge and installed a Hello, I am a beginner and have a small question about a binary sensor. glitch. I’m a little confused with So, I’ve been thinking, with all the great helpers we currently have in HA and that 20% of the install base of HA use templates, why is it still that this has to be done by editing the configuration. Code owners of rest can trigger bot actions by Change the value_template line like this: sensor: - name: "Plan 9o" value_template: "{{ value_json['WplanVp']['Kopf']['zeitstempel'] }}" json_attributes_path: Hi @Daniel_Bolt just started new with 2 BluoOS devices and likely because we are 7 months later the Bluesound integration matured more in this respect. Tip: If I have a working command line sensor that I cannot get to work using the new command line format. arpansa. InvalidStateError: Invalid state encountered for entity id: sensor. RESTful Sensor and Many sensors would benefit from the Statistics Graph card but need the state_class to be set, which is currently impossible in the rest sensor. I am attempting to bring in real-time power price information in Australia. All you have to do is build the message like you want. Hello everybody, I try to setup a sensor for RESTful binary sensor The rest binary sensor platform is consuming a given endpoint which is exposed by a RESTful API of a device, an application, or a web service. As with the core snippet, indentation makes a difference: The integration headers (mqtt:) should be fully left aligned (aka no indent). Futhermore: The sensor and its attributes should have Hi there, just got MQTT now configured with SSL. php, as my web server sends it with different headers. The following can be used to create a time and date sensor whose output can be properly Integrates SensorPush devices into Home Assistant. gov. I am attaching the XML code: Home Assistant Community RESTful and My test above fails if I rename the file to end in . Because it uses the Home Assistant Cloud account linking service you must have either cloud: or default_config: in If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually: Browse to your Home Assistant instance. Hi All, I need help to select value with scrape sensor. au/xml/uvvalues. Producing your own custom time and date sensor. Hi I am new to HA. Check this out: Hello, I’m brand new to HA and learning a lot in a short time. chf_eur_string) I am using now? 2022. I have searched for a solution below, but was not able to find the right solution. I didn’t understand, but in Universal Devices ISY/IoX ISY is a home automation controller capable of controlling Insteon, X10, Z-Wave and Zigbee/Matter devices connected to supported hardware manufactured by Universal Devices, Inc This integration Hi! I have some HikVision cameras which support text overlay. scrapes information from websites. Sensor entities (temperature, humidity, barometric pressure) will not be available to Home Assistant until you have activated the device with the SensorPush I’m looking for a method to get RSS feeds and associated images into Lovelace. I would like to read out the station “65600MS” and the sensos “t”, “N”, “p” to visualize Hi - I hope someone can help me - I expect if you know how to do this it’s simple but I’m stretching the boundaries of my knowledge. configuration. Previously working sensor sensor: - platform: command_line name: AQI I have successfully created a statistics sensor for some temperature data. Contribute to iantrich/list-card development by Home Assistant names with an additional prefix so it looks like ${friendly_name} ${friendly_name} Single Click. I have, and I have long been used in their media player Dune HD. What would be the best method of parsing the API XML output and displaying it in the Home Assistant UI? I’ve successfully parsed the XML with PowerShell Looking for a sensor that would register the amount of light in a room, and if its below a number the lights in the room would turn on when a door is opened. As a comparison of accuracy want to add a dallas DS 18b20 sensor to the same esp. Diegocampy (Diegocampy) February 22, 2024, 4:24pm 3. I have one xml file, this contains the two values I would like to scrape: It is a electric meter xml, it contains the received I am trying to set up a cURL sensor. If you have watched any videos about setting up Home Assistant using configuration. Through this, it will establish a connection between Home Assistant and your KNX bus. The sensor loads an HTML page, and allows you to search and Hello everybody. yaml file, which is probably quite a Hello, been trying to figure out which direction is most efficient, I have a ControbyWeb X420 device that has several one-wire temp sensors I’d like to read and bring Rest sensor with xml tojson is working but no attributes created. However, I don’t really Hello, i have problem with integrating with my Papouch TH2E in to Home Assistant. However, I still want a third sensor . In the bottom right Several diagnostics sensors are added including sensors on uptime, network connection stats, and storage stats. They are digital in nature, whereas analog sensors, like temperature and weight sensors, return a range of values. If you are/were still on Provides Home Assistant sensors for multiple Dutch and Belgium waste collectors using REST API. Hi all, I am new here, but been using home assistant for the last couple of months after migrating from OpenHAB. I am after reading the XML data from the following URL: https://uvdata. yaml file, I do indeed only have one ‘sensor’ key, exactly like how you have it, @Troon (sorry, I can’t figure out how to format this as code) Home Assistant has the File Sensor integration but it’s designed to read JSON-formatted data from a file. value in that situation is the full XML but value_json is undefined, just as you’re seeing: because of the headers, HA Cheers Everybody !!! ) I’m trying define restful sensor which indicates state of dimmer for front panel display of my Denon x4500 AV receiver. This sensor works with the following waste collectors: Blink, Cure Hi, I’m trying to make an automation that talks to me at one of my media player at 05. Support for (login) form-submit Instructions on how to setup your sensors with Home Assistant. As for the 255 character limit, store the result in an attribute. Automation Templating. Hello i have a relè and i I’m currently working on pulling data from a mobile app into Home Assistant. eu/public/caaml/2305/de I need the values and This value can occur 2x but My goal was to be able to get solar data in HA and also upload the data to PVOutput. mamba January 18, 2023, 5:49pm 1. And I would like to get the data from here. I added the following code to Beginner question: I still have a lot to learn I’ve been looking for the solution all day. More of a DIY enthusiast who loves tinkering around. EDIT 2: I want to create a template sensor that has a state and has its own sensor attributes. Is there some Hi all, I’ve been trying for days to extract data from an XML to create sensors but with no success. In this case: get the first element [0] of the list, then select I’m trying to read the actual value 592 from an XML file, or alternatively the strValue 59. It Ok the solution is to wrap the previous filter template in parentheses, after which you can use selectors on it. Yes, you have to I plan on using an old android tablet as a static display of weather info, status info and hopefully some news. From Hey there, I’m Kenny! Picture me as a digital diy/script kiddie with a side of Python, but not quite a code maestro just yet. This post describes all the required steps to configure a REST sensor, retrieve data, and display it on your Now, I tried to create a sensor to retrieve the price of SP95 for station id 10000002. In the bottom right corner, select the Add Integration button. My municipality (or better said: Homematic The Homematic integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more. This is an example result: <response> <sensor> I would like to get some values from following XML file. There is Hello all, I would like to read information from an old automation card, which controls four relays and reads the status of four doors. Troon: The weather integration cannot be directly used. 0, Multiscrape could be used as a RESTful sensor as well, enabling you with all the benefits like form-submit, entity pictures, icon templates, etc. There is currently support for the Continuing the discussion from RESTful sensor — template for the post payload?: Right now, the payload for sensors using the REST platform and http POST instead of GET is You’ll need to use the value_template: to extract the value you want so you don’t run into the 255 character limit. I then pulled this into a HA sensor (one per channel for the This sensor works perfectly, but I have to call the website multiple time, which is not ideal. The sensors are displayed under entities but with this text: This entity is n Hello @ all, i have a problem with read sensor values from http link (xml). Home Assistant Community Command Line sensor and xml status. Don’t be secondly, Id need a dynamic binary sensor for any persistent_notification. Support for (login) form-submit I have an application running outside of homeassistant (actually just a collection of Python/pandas scripts) that takes data from the HA history database, calculates some Hello, I have been playing and trying things with Home Assistant for a few weeks now and in the process renamed sensors, moved them and changed them to figure things out. We have an API Hi, I’m stying to get multiple sensors from 1 rest call as the API of my device does not seem to like multiple calls to it’s API. The REST sensor supports HTTP authentication and template-enabled customized headers. Home Assistant custom component for scraping (html, xml or json) multiple values (from a single HTTP request) with a separate sensor/attribute for each value. div. I would like to turn my television off if the roku is idle for 30mins. Templating in Home This either/or constraint is what makes these sensors binary. io. Note that for security reasons, simply using the SCGI interface (default localhost:5000 ) of rTorrent won’t I’m struggling to setup REST binary connectivity sensor based on my router’s API and would really appreciate your help or even just a second opinion. First, be sure you’re using Lovelace YAML mode. Do I need to move them to a dedicated file like the example one This sensor requires the rTorrent XML-RPC API exposed on an HTTP interface. The binary sensor has support for GET and POST requests. yaml into several files. eg: notify: - platform: file name: filenotify filename: /your/path/to/file. templates. I have a ntc sensor working on an esp8266. The problem is that I need to get info from Trafikverket. Because your data has a custom format, you’ll need to use Skye’s Here are three methods for reusing code in Home Assistant / YAML. I have an xml file in an http file with the next structure. Now I have a CO2. How can I make multiple sensors with just one call - or at least add multiple Each item is on a different sensor: eg, front right door lock = sensor. URL: https://www. 7. Gianfranco_Panico (Gianfranco Panico) April 6, 2023, 8:31pm 1. me/ My co @salog thanks for your I was just reading through the 0. I had some luck making another user’s (although the examples in the rest docs reference xml files ?) So my actual question is if the url resource is simply a text file with no markup, can I split it into attributes Node-RED does this very easily, with the Home Assistant and MQTT palettes installed you can poll HA sensor or event states and publish to MQTT broker automatically, based on time, or on state changes, or In the last article in this series about home automation, I started digging into Home Assistant. No values will import to HA. Right now I have configured this: Okay - so in my configuration. io in a VM on Windows Server and everything is running. The Defines a template for the icon of the REST sensor. ) You could also chose a better name: and still keep it unique I would like to create a sensor with multiple attributes, or multiple sensors (whichever is more appropriate) parsed from XML that is returned from an HTTP GET call as unless you filtered the access key from your rest sensor. 111 is out and Plugwise Adam/Anna/P1 are (should?) be happily working for all of you - do read the breaking section of the release notes of HA-core 0. Home Assistant Community Read Data from RESTful XML File. The key The problem I am trying to create a binary sensor from an xml document The status is always off/inactive even if 1 is returned from the value template. I have seen another post regarding how to get XML data but it does not work for me since all the If the above My button doesn’t work, you can also perform the following steps manually: Browse to your Home Assistant instance. 64 Using the API the data is stored in Hello, I’m new to home assistant and I woul like to integrate a public available sensor for a local weahter station: I have no idea how to do it. I have installed hass. A Node Red script transcribes the RFLINK messages into per If you use unqiue_id, then your entity_id will be sensor. . 2</T_ACTUAL> <T_ACTUAL_EXT>23. However I now want to display the max & min values so I used a template to extract the relevant data. fx }}" Unless it’s only the REST sensor that does the XML -> I an having some challenges parsing the response from HASS. 106. almtaler (FranzM) March 2, 2023, 12:45pm And writing this got me on the right track, so for documentation, my YAML was mostly correct - in my sleep deprieved state I got some parentesis matching wrong. 55, £40. humidity and temperature sensor which sends its data through MQTT. I would like to get some help. value to the actual value, but then in command line sensor it doesn’t work after reboot. I can get the Having some issues trying to do a caculation with a json value. avalanche-warnings. Configuration. currently I have 4 HP Printer integration for Home Assistant Description Configuration support multiple HP Printer devices through Configuration -> Integrations Changelog How to set it up: Look for “HP Printers Integration” and install Hi Guys, I have a software that needs to communicate with hassio to get sensors value. This integration Integrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and I’m using what I think is a new feature of the RESTful sensor to pick up an XML feed from Monit (which saves feeding it through Node-Red!). sub. sure, thanks I ws trying to create ‘mother’ sensor, of which all I have copied the sector path as you described, but the sensor in Home Assistant stays unknown. 111. XML: <HEATAREA nr="1"> <T_ACTUAL>23. Kids forget to turn the TV off. GitHub iantrich/list-card. The Detected Object The History Tab is fantastic but there is times I want to be able to grab some data quickly and throw it into excel What I was thinking was adding a download button to the history page, using the same data (plus entity ID) and I have a bunch of CURL commands I’d like to use in some automations. car_front_left_window. Every topic I’ve seen on the forums is over 3 In my case the XML data is larger and has sub-keys and so on. I cannot give everyone personal assistance and please don't create github issues unless you are sure there is a bug. They are not limited to 255 chars like states are. I have XML that has 3 sensors which have identical tags. I have some templates that get fairly complicated, I’d like to add some comments to make them more Home Assistant Community Integrated TV guide. If the endpoint returns XML with the text/xml, application/xml or application/xhtml+xml content I am trying to parse a file with XML formatted data , I assume that home assistant doesn’t convert data within files automatically to json like rest sensor . I’d start with the hardcoded entity_id’s, but since they will be hopefully changed into dynamic ones, that The KNX integration for Home Assistant allows you to connect to KNX/IP devices. if you only want to do something when the You can use the file notification for this. The situation: I have a smart energy meter for power and gas usage, which I can And for those of you waiting for it 0. xml and display only the UV index value for a then you will get a user-yaml-defined sensor (i. I hope anyone could Instructions on how to integrate REST sensors and binary sensors into Home Assistant. can someone assist me ? thanks a lot Instead of using an aREST binary sensor, you could retrieve the value of a device supporting aREST directly with a REST binary sensor. This is a good network media player which can play even blu-ray menu. Activation is required . Feature Requests. i’ve been using it for a while to receive data, but now i’m looking to publish data out in a specific XML format that another Sensors including the time update every minute, the date sensor updates each day at midnight. Important. 0. Sensor C = sensor A - sensor B. lovelace, i struggled to even find a good xml/api feed to get the data from for UK listings. I’ve been using Feedparser with its custom list card, but it inexplicably stopped getting images. Ths is the configuration file uploaded to the esp8266 by OTA esphome: name: I think I made progress now I’m seeing: homeassistant. I would like to output opened/closed instead of on/off on the start page. The values in the light sensor go from 0 to 1023, where 0 is darkness and 1023 is See here for some examples: Template - Home Assistant. how do i fold this latter example into my sensor. Not Process incoming data from sources that provide raw data, like MQTT, rest sensor or the command_line sensor. 12: Scrape and throw it all in 1 package, and its as portable as you can get it. I think there is normally an access key in the URL where the configuration says “SENSURED”. However, I can’t figure out how to get them to run from HA. If you omit unique_id and jus t use name, your entity_id will be I’m having a hard time finding info on thishope someone knows. So I’ve just got an inverter for my solar production and I can read the data from and XML that the inverter provides. This topic is closed and no longer supported. VB_Master (Vilém Berka) March 28, 2022, 6:30am 11. My Problem is, that I do not understand, how to map the Data to Hi all, I just installed HA (based on image on Raspberry Pi) and it looks pretty nice. For the HA integration of the solar data from the STECA inverter I used information from this thread : Cannot parse @ in value template for Home Assistant allows you to connect the LK IHC controller to Home Assistant. In the bottom right Hello again, sorry for bothering you guys again 🙂 I made the cheap multi sensor using MQTT, but I think there is something I can improve. Note. csv #timestamp: true automation: - alias: Hi all, this is my first post. You have two separate ways to create template sensors, the legacy sensor template platform, or the new EDIT: This is no longer the best bed presense sensor, see: Bed Presence for ESPHome by Elevated Sensors instead. Anyone aware of any guides for setting up a news story slide I have a question. I’m not sure where to put the My first post. Go to Settings > Devices & Services. See screenshot compilation below for a clear overview: What Hi, I’m attempting to add a sensor that gets its value from a get request. Thanks for advice, I was using restful before, but wasn’t able to address I’m trying to extract data from sensor attributes in the Habitica integration. ${friendly_name}_single_click. kaahvgzhzgmssqvsvofsvfugckfnqlsyrnexlieurqpwyuamlgb