Borderlands 3 best character for solo This Solo Builds Guide is here to give you a couple of builds for each character, builds I believe will help out anyone FL4K Borderlands 3 Solo Character Build Best Skills. Respec and you can switch from ultimate mobbing class to a respectable boss fighting class. I'm looking for a character that has a lot of utility or really flashy AoE abilities. Nite69. Fade Away is a cloaking ability similar to Zer0’s Decepti0n. Whether it's the first game, the third game, or the entries in the middle, If you played the previous borderlands, here is a good way to scale the options. The scaling in UVHM and the OP levels is such that you almost HAVE to rely on slag and healing from Moxxi guns. Of all the Vault Hunters, Moze and her mech Iron Bear allow the safest and most consistent solo play. I'm going Amara for first solo though. Gaige is very good with max anarchy but it’s so boring constantly having to stack and then losing all stacks if you die or save quit, not to mention reloading early on Every character is good. Get a breakneck banshee mod (+6 quicken fleet) and run 110% faster than normal, at the cost of no shield. I will post my build when I get home. ADMIN MOD Borderlands 3 sniper class? Which character/build is best suited towards the classic mordecai/zer0 sniper class? Archived post. While Gaige and the commando are the best for pure solo play, death trap and the turrets act as additional players and can help a lot. PCGamesN. You name it! Members Online • ThaSavageGoku . I find axton works the best for me, someone else may find zer0 works for them and another prefers maya and the same goes for all the vaulthunters. What is The Borderlands game franchise, including all DLC, sequels, pre-sequels, and re-pre-sequels. best character for solo [BL1] hey i've just got this game and im just wondering which is the best character for playing solo? Archived post. In BL1, it's more subtle. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Players can customize their characters with different classes, skills, and equipment, allowing them to Are you looking for a Borderlands 3 character build that just erases everything then check out these builds for Amara, FL4K, Moze, and Zane I'm going to start playing Borderlands 3 within the next few weeks, once I finish BL2. There are thousands of different builds that you can go for and that is just for one single character. Amara and Moze are great choices for their survivability and damage output. Wanting to know which is the best character to clear raid bosses solo? Willing to play a couple of characters if need be. The question of who is the best character to play solo in Borderlands 3 is a common one among players. Wilhelm . The facepuncher mentioned does melee but via the pellets so is not really what your asking about. With four (4) different Action Skill Trees to pick from – namely Bottomless Mags, Shields of Retribution, Demolition Woman, and Bear Mother – there are bound to be multitudes of unique in-game Moze builds that you are able to master throughout your journeys in Pandora. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Axton, Gaige, Krieg, Maya, Salvador and Zer0 are the best characters for solo play. Main menu. [Top 3] Borderlands 2 Best Builds For Zer0 With his katana, cloaking, and expert haiku-skills, Zer0 brings a unique experience to Pandora. Kick the Bukkit. According to data tracked Learn how to optimize Zane, FL4K, Amara, and Moze for solo play in Borderlands 3. Jun 13, 2015 @ 8:34pm Best character for Solo? I dont like to play with strangers the first playthrough, you know to enjoy the dialogs and the backstory. As you might expect, a pet-based class is useful for players without Every character is viable, but Zane is the best with purple tree and dlc 1, because of mantis cannon and seeing dead. All characters are pretty balanced nowadays. Borderlands 2. According to data tracked by MentalMars, Moze has the highest Raid Boss solo clear rate by a wide margin thanks to Iron Bear‘s versatility and damage potential. gg/fWph27nThis is my masterpiece. Loved it. He is the Assassin class of the game. FL4K the Hunter, in my opinion, is another really good option for solo play, even though he’s not at all my play style. May 9, 2019 @ 5:31pm gaige and salvador are very good in solo , maya too #7. The atmosphere is so different. I just want a fun character good for a solo play through that won’t be extremely overpowered down the line but is also always viable for solo, unless being OP is needed for the late game DLC bosses which for me were difficult in borderlands 2. It’s moze by a mile. Best starter character [ Question ] So I’m pretty new to the whole borderlands world and I’m about to start my first playthrough tonight any suggestions on which character to go for first Locked post. This build takes more or less equally from the For Borderlands 3 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is there a best solo character?". Their speed and health increases, Whether you want to play solo, dish out insane damage, or support your teammates - these are the best builds for Borderlands 3. Borderlands The Pre-Sequel Subreddit, for those wishing to discuss the game and recent news. You really can't go wrong with any of the 3. However, after reviewing various sources and player Sup Guys! This is VinylicPuma, back with another Borderlands 3 video and today, I figured I'd go over who I think is the Best Beginner or Starter Class in Bo Imo Moze has the weakest late game but the second best early game. ADMIN MOD Best Solo Character . You could play all content solo with any character you want. Personally i found maya the best against haderax because of the additional elemental effect chance, but each character has Today we are going to be taking a look at the best build for Moze in Borderlands 3. Zane can technically be the highest damaging character with a perfect Eraser lineup, but that's not likely to happen. However all characters can easily do raid bosses solo, and none of them require All characters are viable for solo play. You name it! I’m not really crazy about the technical specs and DPS stats of stacks and weapons and what not. Her best ability is kicking ass with our without Iron Bear. The place for everything Borderlands 3! News, Speculations, Memes, Artwork. I played BL2 couple years ago so I'm not entirely new to the franchise. Level 11-16: 5 Points in Clouds of Lead For Borderlands 3 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best solo character?". Psycho being the exception and I just never got into Brick. also ''lick their wounds'' in the green tree is very good for solo play, can revive you when downed. Just choose a character and have fun - some people forget it’s just a game Not everyone is going to like particular characters, and it takes a bit of time to find the one that's right for you. Source: Fandom Wiki . After giving this little introduction where we wanted to prepare you the best Oct 22, 2020 · Zane “the Operative” is one of the playable characters in Borderlands 3. Nisha . The best classes for solo play in Borderlands 3 include Moze with her Bottomless Mags and Demolition Woman skill trees, Amara with her Mystical Assault and Brawl skill trees, Essentially, you can adopt 3 different play styles for each character. The Hunter skill tree sees you able to command Spiderants, which can loyally regenerate your health or be sent off to attack enemies, while Rakk Attack! – an Action Skill, not a pet – sees you Borderlands 3: Best Classes For Solo Players Here's a look at some of the best classes characters can use to make their way through Borderlands 3 by themselves. Zane “the Operative” is one of the playable characters in Borderlands 3. I almost never had trouble playing as her. Mar 14, 2020 @ 5:44pm any shotgun or a specific manufacturer #1. Level 72 m11 character is host and has the game set to co-opetition mode, Step 2. Threedo9 • Nisha has the objectively highest damage ceiling, the same way that sal did in BL2. Meneer Vis. Any suggestions on which character makes for the best solo playstyle? I'm assuming anyone truly works. I've played all vault hunters when level 50 was max and am now looking to get back into the game but don't have time to play so would really appreciate anyone's input here! Moze. For mindless solo play, Subreddit dedicated to the creation, sharing, and helping others with their character or party builds for Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Studios Roland is a lot more of a support role character and his Turret which can support moderate ammo regeneration for all weapons whereas a character's Class Mods are limited to the character's weapon preference. Fl4k is a solid pick seeing as your pet can revive you and he is just generally good for bossing in both the mid to late game, which if he is your first choice it would be good to have a high leveled Fl4k to farm gear for any of your other characters like a Moze. Currently I'm level 27 and battling in the Estate for Lair of the Harpy I'm a solo player that prefers pistols. With his gadgetry, Zane is extremely proficient at slipping into combat, creating chaos, and sneaking back out as if he were never there. Zero, axton and krieg are probably the 3 most fun carachters but aren’t as easy to use as Sal or Maya. It is Borderlands. There will obviously be some adjustments made as the game's lifespan lengthens and Best character for a shotgun build? ^title < > Showing 1-10 of 10 comments . Borderlands 3 improves upon the solo playing feature and provides players Whether you’re looking for the best solo build or want to deal huge damage, these are the best builds for Borderlands 3. One of the key components that make this class great for solo play, is the perk Salvationwhich gives Zane Life Steal after killing an enemy, providing great sustain during a fight. Aurelia . Amara ill put at third because while she can hit damage cap easily with ball, she is heavily gear dependent and gimmicky otherwise. Reply reply 96-Fatboy • Is there a leveling guide from 0-72 I'm going to start playing Borderlands 3 within the next few weeks, once I finish BL2. I bought Borderlands 3 Ultimate edition. Thing is, I don't have much time for gaming so I want to maybe reach endgame with one character and that's it. Moze is the best for base game, Amara has the best I've beaten the game solo with all the characters and I think theyre all great solo. I thought zero was the best for me because I do like a lot of stealth but the other characters abilities looks good for solo too. i have a max level fl4k, moze and zane (amara will be the next) and zane was the one i enjoyed the least. There’s no ‘best’ character or build, just different I love the game but I get the sense I'm not using my skill points to their best effect. My newest character is Moze. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Moze and Fl4k who will generally have a better time for solo play and solo farming as my first main character? Zane takes a bit of game knowledge to get the best use of them, but can do crazy things once you start figuring the quirks of gear and What is the best character for solo play? The best character for solo play really depends on your playstyle. That and his excellent voice-acting. Zane isn’t as complex as someone like FL4K, but he I got most of the way through true maliwan takedown solo. However I found he has a really bad early game since his ability is pretty bad compared to Whether you want to play solo, dish out insane damage, or support your teammates - these are the best builds for Borderlands 3. I have yet to try Amara yet of the other 3 and me having each of them with a top of the line build, I think Moze is the best. Good to have on hand though if you can't reach a Join My Discord https://discord. Between the recently released movie and teasers for Borderlands 4, it's the perfect time to take a look back at the best characters who've helped to make the in-game universe so memorable. The short answer is that they are all fantastic, but it ultimately comes down to how much effort you want to put into your gameplay, the playstyle you prefer, and if you are taking on the world solo or in a group. I liked them all for different reasons: Zane: the best narratively imo, I just like hearing him talk. Go to scrap traps Step 3. Mar 14, 2020 @ 5 Sal is by far the easiest. I’m not even done leveling her and she’s having a much easier time doing story than the other characters. Best PC games; Path of Exile 2; These companions make FL4K an easy choice for Borderlands 3’s best solo character. i mean, other games don't have a TON of build diversity, because the skill trees still lead to 'samey' builds, usually, minus some characters like zero who have a clear division between playstyles, but also sort of emphasized with sal, which, if you're not doing infinite gunzerking i believed that nisha, athena and jack are good solo dps characters. Hope this helps! (I’m Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel > General Discussions > Topic Details. Although he is the All of them? Like really, all 6 characters are perfectely fine to play in solo. Reset enemies in the arena by going to the edge of the container to progress in the map and then walk back in, repeat Step 3. Compare him with Moze, FL4K and Amara, and see their pros Probably the overall best solo character in Borderlands 3 is the one that about half of players say they’re going to main. The tier list of Borderlands 3 . Lillith and Brick might be the best, sure, but every character is perfectly viable! No need to always go to one class because he's the best (Gunzerker) or avoid the worst (Commando) and just play who you want! Now, my final thought. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the franchise, choosing the right build can make all the difference in your gaming experience. Currently on my flak I feel like I'm struggling without using the monarch. News; Games. Moze can under most circumstances outdamage Zane but she doesn't have as good of a kit across the board. I personally use Gaige and run best friends and hybrid with little big trouble. I like how Moze is Borderlands 3‘s Ideal Solo Character. Let's get Sep 14, 2019 · Now that Borderlands 3 has finally launched following months of hype building, smashing hopes for other developers releasing games at the same time, players are looking for the most efficient duo classes to progress through Dec 30, 2021 · Therefore, in our tier lists of Borderlands 3 you will know the most important abilities and characteristics of them. Users share their opinions and experiences on which Vault Hunter is the strongest and most fun to play with in solo mode. Maya is comfortably second. Her melee capabilities are through the roof, and she does ridiculous damage to not only enemies but bosses as well. Here are the best builds for the four Vault Hunters in Borderlands 3: Flak the Beastmaster, Moze the Gunner, Zane the Operative, and Amara the Siren. Hey guys, i almost exclusively play solo and i am looking for the better solo-capable Vault Hunter of those two. But you get to run fast, so you can dodge some attacks, which SKILLS. Zane is easy to play as but I find his character the most amusing and fun out of the Bl3's playable characters. This should The Borderlands game franchise, including all DLC, sequels, pre-sequels, and re-pre-sequels. I'd go with Commando. I'm not sure what kind of character you'd prefer. All of the characters can solo the game without much trouble, I can't think of any that can't get through the very hardest difficulties with some experience. Salvador is bar none the best character late game, anyone saying otherwise is lying to themselves (not necessarily saying most fun). . i also dont just want to copy other builds. So really it depends on what playstyle you most find fun for who is the best solo I've just downloaded borderlands 3 for the first time, but no mater what graphical settings i put it on, every gun looks like this, pls help (PC, Epic Games) r/borderlands3 • Got downvoted to hell for saying Lilith is still alive after BL3, so here’s this from DLC6 Today we are going to be looking at the best Amara builds in Borderlands 3. With his gadgetry, Zane is extremely proficient at slipping into combat, creating chaos, and sneaking Nov 28, 2020 · fl4k is fun for solo (specially since his animal friend can res you and save you a lot of headaches) but zane is the most "skill" based one Doskoi Panda One Winged Slayer Dec 2, 2024 · Make the best character build. FL4K seems like a pretty ideal character for a solo player given they come with a pet companion to fight alongside The best Vault Hunters for solo play in Borderlands 3 are FL4K the Beastmaster and Moze the Gunner. I find the commando good because his (double) torrents and they make a good decoy for Terra. Zer0: FL4K Krieg: Amara Axton: Zane Gaige: Moze Obviously this is my opinion and won’t be 100% accurate, but in my experience the characters are relative to eachother. I did a Zane and flak play through before moze. The best answer is that it's up to preference. Find out the best skills, Action Skills, and tips for each Vault Hunter. Members Online • Zeyb. Ttb. Each Moze build is different and we will be covering leveling, raiding, and solo builds for Moze. But "best" character is definitely subjective and Jack is the most popular Reply reply Ertyslav • I think that Nisha PLAYSTYLE. having clone do everything for you just isnt fun. Zane is the fastest character in Borderlands 3, and his agility is one of the reasons he’s usually the first pick for many new players. While you can swap back and forth between the grog nozzle and other guns with all the characters, only Salvador allows you to both slag/heal from a grog nozzle (or rubi) while also dealing out damage with a second gun. Maya is definitely the best for solo farming and most bosses, faze lock is op as fuck. Moze is Borderlands 3‘s Ideal Solo Character. FL4K has three abilities to choose from. PLAYSTYLE. In the end, it's mostly about what playstyle you want. I would recommend Amara for sure. At first i thought Fl4k might be the best choice because of his pets but ppl say his surviability is sub par and he gets down when he gets hit by a feather. Personally, I like scorn more than ruin - you can use scorn when you're down, great at slagging even if it isn't 100% reliable. Let’s begin. If you're not on your own saying Zer0 is my jam, then I doubt he is for you, as the play style is very methodic. You can play through the whole main game and they will all do fine. It’s hard to overstate how much damage each punch does, and thanks to Blitz, she can blink between enemies thanks to the increased movement speed and added elemental damage. Scarlett, and she will instantly trigger the reward process where you cannot bring in your friends to milk the cycle again. Step 1. Nite69 Mar 14, 2020 @ 5:45pm Maya is broken in every sense. My priorities were streng Borderlands 3 is a game that's absolutely meant to be broken, and the best FL4K builds for solo and co-op play are excellent at doing that. Between Zane, Moze and Fl4k who will generally have a better time for solo play and solo farming as my first main character? I have been trying out all characters and been really enjoying all of them a lot besides Amara. HiTmAn May 9, 2019 @ 6:23pm Welcome back, Vault Hunters! Today, we're diving deep into the wild and wacky world of Borderlands 3 to explore the best character builds that are dominating the meta in 2025. 1 by far however there are others that give a decent bonus. Today I show you the best FL4K build in Borderlands 3! If this helped you out be sure to subscribe and leave a comment! Borderlands 3. #6. Once you understand Krieg's gameplay I can assure you that you'll never get downed in a wave again. In conclusion, the best way to level up solo in Borderlands 3 is to keep May 7, 2022 · Today we are going to be taking a look at the best build for Moze in Borderlands 3. Moze is the second best because of how Iron Bear Scales and her Blue tree making splash weapons godly. I’ve done three entire solo play throughs all the way to 72 m 11 with not much difficulty. Level 0-2: Unlock Railgun Level 2-3: 1 Point in Security Bear Iron Bear is protected by a shield and has damage reduction. But if you just want the most overpowered vh to breeze through it. Thank you! Best character for solo? So I have over 80 days on bl2 so I'm trying to look for a fun character to run through the game with again, I've played Maya to death and I'm not sure what other character to play to genuinely have fun any suggestions? Characters are more balanced. Jack/Timothy . Mar 14, I still think Athena is the easiest to solo everything with. ) Everyone will have a favorite character for different reasons. I started off with the commando on ps3 and then the mechomancer. Mar 14, 2020 @ 5:39pm Best character for a shotgun build? ^title < > Showing 1-10 of 10 comments . Welcome, fellow Vault Hunters! Today, we're diving deep into the world of Borderlands best builds for every character. I think Borderlands 3 has the best solo experience in the entire series. I'd say Axton (if you're not going past TVM) or Maya. Best Character in your own opinion to Play in BL3 ? Which one ? Related Topics Borderlands 3 First-person shooter Shooter game Gaming comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Reply reply [deleted] • I think we all know the answer to that question: I always do solo runs of BL campaigns and DLC first, and then run it again on one of my orher characters with SKILLS. MAXR. Gaige is special Discover the best builds for Borderlands 3 in 2024! This comprehensive guide covers top builds for Moze, Amara, FL4K, and Zane, providing detailed insights, tips, and strategies. A solo characters best trait is adaptability since they'll be alone and FL4K is the most versatile I think so probably them. Jun 14, 2015 @ [Guide] Borderlands 2 Best Characters – Who to Choose from solo adventures to group quests and competitive PvP. Maya is a siren, and Fl4k is a beast Best solo class for solo play cause I am alone So what class do you recommend for a first time player soloing the game? Or if my googleing is anything to go by, Borderlands is filled with special spots that are worth discovering, as is looking for all the broken down Claptraps! There are weapons that boost melee damage via actual punching so look for them to get the best out of her. Members Online • Da_Robotz Late game Zer0 is one of the best solo characters only beaten out by late game Salvador who is basically a raid boss by himself. I don't believe I have finished a BL game unless I've played all the characters at least once. At level 50, this is one of the best builds that Amara can make use of. I’m currently on my 2nd. However, he combines excellent survivability and damage with top tier mobility and also is the most straight-forward to play. So Athena is good for elemental? I used Maya in borderlands 2 and used elemental weapons like crazy and all of her elemental skills in the tree. I will be playing exclusively solo. You're missing blue tree points in Stainless Steel Bear which has a hidden boost to Fire in the Skag Den; could probably take them from Pull the Holy Pin (grenade damage here is Any od them are viable and it really comes down to preference but running a jakobs crit build is so much fun solo cause bullets richochet on headshot and fl4k is best with jakobs guns for the most part. nisha is purely dps, athena has a combo of offense and defense, and jack is somewhat, forgive the pun, "jack-of-all-trades" can you clarify and if im wrong please correct me thank you In my last video I went through all the characters and how they work together to create synagies and combos so if you plan to group, you can group more effec The Borderlands series has always allowed players to tackle the games with friends or by their lonesome if they so choose. Share Sort by: First time solo experience. With Borderlands 3 finally out after months of hype building, players are wondering which class is their best. And really, I don't think phaselock is the best skill she has - Quicken fleet takes the place. Claptrap . Amara Tank/Melee Build Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is the game within the Borderlands franchise that not only took players to Pandora's moon, but also gave Handsome Jack a more likable personality. i want to play the game, not watch the game play itself. Some dude said borderlands 3 runs poorly on ps4. If you don't know Borderlands 3 might be all about collecting the universe’s foremost selection of more than one billion guns, but without the best character build to back it up, you might as well be packing a Krieg is such an amazing character period but granted he takes some investment. Hello everyone, I'm looking for the most up to date best character for raids. Endgame is another matter if you plan on diving into the Mayhem modes and forming specific builds to survive those modes. Zane is the only Vault Hunter that has the I think Borderlands 3 has the best solo experience in the entire series. The Psycho stabber is the No. honestly for this one, i don't think we need something as simple as a character tier list. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Best character for a shotgun build? ^title < > Showing 1-10 of 10 comments . Which vaulthunter has the best ability tree for solo? < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments ˅ǿlȼⱥҋǿҕȗӑꝁɇ Jun 13, 2015 @ 9:18pm The cowgirl or The best answer is that it's up to preference. If you’re less interested in dealing damage through pets and prefer to maximize critical hits and gun damage, this build is perfect for you. Today we are going to be discussing the best Moze builds for Borderlands 3. Her ability to summon a mech makes her a formidable force on the battlefield Whether you want to play solo, dish out insane damage, or support your teammates - these are the best builds for Borderlands 3. Hay just wondering what is the best characters/builds for co-op me and my friend have bought the game and are going to start playing it Every Build is technically a Solo Build that works in Co Op , i was looking at playing Amara and my friend moze we just looking for a nice builds to follow as we are new to borderlands 3 :) Borderlands is full of characters, and each one is bursting with creativity in a world that's harsh and unforgiving. Is the best character for sniper/range builds, and excels at dishing out high critical hit damage. With the game offering a diverse roster of characters, each with their unique abilities and playstyles, it can be challenging to determine which character is the most suitable for solo play. #2. The four-way save process has to be done before attempting to Sal is the most broken yes, but hes not the best at everything and every class is broken in some way or another. Probably would be in the top 3-5 mobbing skills for all of Borderlands series. You are basically the James Bond of Borderlands. He would be my least likely choice to play again. Why would you limit the game to one character? Play them all. At first he’s really squishy, but as he grew in levels, he just keeps getting better and better. We have decided to make a list of all the best Borderlands 3 Builds for each character. Revolvers or a good Vladoff semi auto. FL4K is also a strong pick for his pet's utility and damage. Zane can be a bit more challenging solo, but with the right build, he can be very effective. Farm enemies and boss Step 4. Trusty Patches. ( I was level 50 and almost 100% completion after first play through). There are 4 different characters to choose from, but in my opinion, FL4K is the best choice for solo play. Members Online • UnusualNameChoice . She’s just straight up broken. Fun to play or fun in terms of the character's personality? I've played as Zane, Moze and Fl4k. I'm looking for a character that has a lot of utility The place for everything Borderlands 3! News, Speculations, Memes, Artwork. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer looking to optimize your playthrough, this guide will help you make the most of your favorite Vault Hunter. Evs. Are you looking for a Borderlands 3 character build that just erases everything then check out these builds for Amara, FL4K, Moze, and Zane We examine each of the four Vault Hunters, how their skill-sets work in both solo play and when you’re fighting as part of a team. The BL2 Assassin is just as adept at sniping from afar as he is stabbing enemies in the back, which can make it Best playable characters from each game, in my opinion, would be BL1: Mordecai BL2: Maya BL3: Fl4k Pre-sequel: Athena (she's the best character I've played so far. Level 0 – 2: Unlock Phasegrasp Level 2 – 7: 5 Points in Infusion Converts 40% of your Gun’s Damage into your Attuned Element. If you *really* want to know who is the strongest in solo, it's Salvador. my moze just He's a good character to play with but I just don't feel like his builds can be as strong as Moze or Zane. This skill has been confirmed bugged for a while now and literally does nothing (skill is broken). Daxank. Reply reply XDracam • Shield go brr Reply reply More replies More replies. Whenever you‘re in a pinch, just hop in the mech for Best solo character? [ Question ] Im in need of a powerful tank BL3 build, I mainly play flak and want to do a mnts and canon Zane but don't know what build to do. Zane the Operative and Amara the Siren both have builds that you can work towards over the the last time i played bl1 was wayyyy back in 2010 and i was maybe 9 or 10 so i dont have any memories of it so i thought id get it and try it again the only thing i remember about it was that i played roland and i just wanted to know who is the best character to play solo of course add the pros and cons of the one you list. Best Borderlands 3 character to play Imo Moze has the weakest late game but the second best early game. Share Sort by: SOLO. Then I played Zane, who is my favorite character in the game now. Level 7 – 12: 5 Points in Tempest Amara deals additional Elemental damage by 30% and Nov 20, 2022 · The Best Moze Builds in Borderlands 3. I’ve played 100% solo. But really, Salvador is likely the strongest character of the serie. FL4K, the Beastmaster class in Borderlands 3, is one of the game’s most versatile characters due to its highly varied skill trees. I would just try out the characters that sound most interesting to you. I did see a YouTube video that said Aurelia was the worst character for solo play because her skill tree was so heavily co op based. Although havi f said that I recently levelled him to 65, got a jakobs crit build and he's strong, but not as strong as the others in my opinion. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Borderlands 3 > General Discussions > Topic Details. Hey all. Tldr high damage =/= best Having the highest damage potential doesnt mean he is the best character to play. The pet just turns everyone around it into dust while you sit around and watch. Playing the handsome collection on ps4. Krieg get's massive buff's on shield down, taking damage, being lit on fire but his Borderlands 3. The Hitman tree focuses on increasing damage and movement speed, as well as deploying powerful drones to assist in combat. I’m running TVHM and mayhem 3 for my 2nd play through, with no specific build and gameplay seems fine. This should help you progress through the campaign faster, and not get badly punished on Mayhem 3 difficulty level. What's the best use of my first 27 points to help me survive and deal death as a solo player?? Best character for solo? So I have over 80 days on bl2 so I'm trying to look for a fun character to run through the game with again, I've played Maya to death and I'm not sure what other character to play to genuinely have fun any suggestions? Related Topics Borderlands 2 First-person shooter Shooter game Gaming comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel > General Discussions > Topic Details. You have 3/3 points in Explosive Fury in the purple tree. r/borderlands3 • Zane is hilarious in Bounty of Blood. I could easily do the normal version. Best solo class for solo play cause I am alone So what class do you recommend for a first time player soloing the game? Or if my googleing is anything to go by, Borderlands is filled with special spots that are worth discovering, as is looking for all the broken down Claptraps! I think Borderlands 3 has the best solo experience in the entire series. More posts you may like. Maxed them both. Voting For solo players, we believe that Moze is the best character for solo playing, thanks to her mixture of offensive and defensive Passive Abilities, it's very easy to build up a strong character build. I say this because there's times when a character is speaking and then you have one player rush through the area but because they're further than the game expects you to be it cuts out the audio and plays the new intended audio for the area you're in. Hay just wondering what is the best characters/builds for co-op me and my friend have bought the game and are going to start playing it Every Build is technically a Solo Build that works in Co Op , i was looking at playing Amara and my friend moze we just looking for a nice builds to follow as we are new to borderlands 3 :) Jumping back in after a long hiatus. The Turret can be built towards damage, support or medical. A compendium of all my testing and research for endgame builds. And after going to the character selection i got confused what character was going to be the best for me to play solo since I have some big anxiety problems and didn't play too much online games. Moze, Zane and Amara are the most popular choices, while Fl4k is less favored. Have a feeling she'll be like Krieg, toughest time early on but elemental goddess in endgame. But the mechomancer death trap is better because it restore your shield and get to have the same shield you have. Note that even though I think Moze is the best, Zane and Flak are both great characters. However, if you are playing alone, you will need the right character to defeat all the enemies. Wondering which would be best to run through the game with again Closed • total votes Athena . The Borderlands game franchise, including all DLC, sequels, pre-sequels, and re-pre-sequels. In particular, you can bring three other characters and yourself to Capt. Level 6-11: 5 Points in Grizzled Killing an enemy reduces active skill cooldown by up to 5%. New comments cannot be posted. we need a build list. Just shred things without thinking too much about it :D If possible, viable in endgame for when IF I want to play co op with a buddy. Trusty Patches Mar 14 I'm still discovering what this game has, but shotguns are usually my favorite weapons in Borderlands, used Brick in 1, and Gaige in 2 and played nothing but shotguns #3. I chose Moze for my first play through. Moze, the Gunner, is a versatile character who excels in both solo and co-op play. Borderlands 3. Members Online • jharrison231. I personally have Welcome back, Vault Hunters! Today, we're diving deep into the wild and wacky world of Borderlands 3 to explore the best character builds that are dominating the meta in 2025. But Mordecai is a hunter and he is more proficient with revolvers and snipers. Jun 13, 2015 @ 8:34pm Best character for Personally I found Athena the best character to solo with the ability to block directional damage. The action skill: SNT Learn why Zane is the best Borderlands 3 character for solo players, with his versatile skills and gadgets. Amara is an incredibly powerful character with great builds for solo/leveling and for doing loads of damage in group content. It was one thing i struggled with when i was playing years ago and would love to pick someone who can do most things comfortably solo. So Zane it is. Krieg is about massive amount's melee damage but also giving up some major things for the trade off in power. Level 3-6: 3 Points in Deadlines Iron Bear weapons drain less fuel by 30%, and 6% of fuel is returned. The place for everything Borderlands 3! News, Speculations i think going down the red tree is pretty good. This build utilizes FL4K’s Rakks, focusing on reducing action skill cooldown time and increasing charges Sooo, I wanna ask reddit what the best character would be (so I don't have to research and spoil my fun) if for this game I just want: The Most OP Character for singleplayer solo play. tpzkmtg xlfmig xxuszw avhb phdnufop ggridb gfdu kzl pkj lxhvp