33 no career reddit i have gotten jobs through An interesting statistic from one of the Canadian chemical engineering societies I was a part of is ~1/3 of chemical engineers end up working in a job that requires an engineering degree, 1/3 are in jobs that require a degree in general but not necessarily engineering, and 1/3 end up in non-degree positions (the category I ended up in although 590 votes, 391 comments. Keep on trying whatever makes you happy and limit the substances. I work as an employee for the Kame Yu department stores, and I get home every day by 8 PM at the latest. Did a quick search pay is 15-30 an hour. I'm 52 now and have everything I need to survive, thrive and enjoy life. It took you like 20 years to realize an English major was a dumb idea. I do have a license, but do not own my own car. 5 years and switch career paths to some thing totally different. So, yep, continue getting good IT jobs with no degree, and (effectively) no certs for about 3+ decades now. Now I am 33 and have decided to leave Portugal and head back to the US. B. No money, flat broke. I never wanted to be customer support, I would have rather been a back office worker who barely talks to anyone, but as I came to find out, getting that type of job is extremely difficult. Like the title says I'm 27 years old and I've never really had any semblance of a career, or even a reliable source of income from a job for that matter. Through what I like to call "a series of fortunate events" I worked my way up from a temp IT employee to a software pre-sales consultant. :) ORIGINAL POST: I'm a 33 yo male and still living with my parents. You waited until you're 38 to start considering a new career. Eventually, I probably burned out. I went into IT and plan on finding the absolutely easiest remote job I can find once I get some more experience. So Id like to explore careers that will help me learn new skills and grow. People change careers ALL the time, and way later than 32. It will pigeonhole you into getting a label from society. we’ll be waiting for you, please consider my I was in my late 20s, had a toddler and a pregnant wife when I lost my job. If you aren't already programming, do not think you will become a programmer, especially someone such as yourself who really isn't ambitious. I lost my job and just loved off savings and unemployment all the while promising my then gf (now wife) that I would search for a job, would go back to college etc. You are free. I love programming even though I am not an IT grad. i’ll be here to wait for you in 2 months and the others will be here too. I also don’t have a college degree and don’t plan on going back to school. Been about 4 months now, and still no luck. Seriously though, when you have experience with X, it makes it more likely to get a job for someone else to do X. Not sure what area you are looking to get into exactly, it will help in some more than others. Connect with me for more career change and growth tips! Age is only an issue if you make it one. When I started to teach myself how to code 9 months ago using online I'm 37 and starting the Accounting program at WGU in September after running my own small business in the wedding industry (I've never held a degree). I’d love to own my own business, but have no idea what it would be. There's plenty of good jobs that can develop into a high paying career if you're: A. ), but I don't think you were asking about that. Just got a new job with one of the big banks in June after 5 years in market risk (middle office), so no you wouldn’t be wasting your time. I am confused on what my next steps should be or options are in my career path? I have a BS degree in Marketing. Hi u/DimeTank, . Just keep up on all the job posting sites and respond to all the retail type, basic, crap jobs you see, leave off your education. Which is why whenever I'm offered a job or asked if I want to work, I always jump at the chance because yes I do want to work. I don't know how you call it in your country but here is an "obligatory secondary education" which is obligatory for a welding course. You talk like a republican. I knuckles down and worked hard and pushed through the imposter syndrome. . Property management. It’s all about who you know and doing your due diligence to prepare for your career change ☺️ if you think you’re 60% qualified for a position, apply for it. if a woman does not want to date you because you are not a money machine, please, do not be upset. e. A bit of college here and there and a lot of entry level positions but have ended up moving back in with my parents 6 months ago. 30 years old no friends, little saving left, no job, Living with parents Had a lot of ups and downs the past 10 years from partying, drugs, all kinds of stuff. A career will only limit your dreams, hopes and aspirations. Just start to get a game plan, write it down and stick with it. If its fast food, retail, janitor, construction flagger or whatever, a job is a job and at least you'll be Also 35, just started my career in it with no experience other than home use and building my own gaming machine. The career change at 33 ended up leading me towards an IT opportunity at 38. *For those who have a hobby, passion, or passing whim that they want to make a living out of, but don't know how they can get there. EVERYONE started with no experience the same way every toddler had to take their first steps. I work to live, I Worked in a hospital for several years with medical supplies and now I am working in a lab being a assistant. But of course you'll get a job. you hurt their average with a 2. At one point, I was working half awake, no use of my right arm, still required to Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. There are plenty of companies that will take advantage of your inexperience and pay you far less than you're actually worth. In therapy and on meds. I did just complete a job hop that netted me a 15% raise (plus 150% bonus increase, stocks, etc. 16 votes, 53 comments. There's a lot of jobs out there. no Job and no clue what to do as a career. Become useful to society. However, the salary is too low. Bro I hope I’m not too late for this but learn SQL on w3 schools, get a DBT (data build tool) cert, get an Apache airflow cert, then get a date engineering cert from any cloud provider (Amazon, azure, or GCP) take the first analyst, analytics engineer, or data engineer job you can (no matter how shitty the salary) and then jump for an actual salary in 6 I feel like a failure, new grad with no job right now . Another of my clients whose feedback is on my site, is going from a social media manager type job to a $100k a year job, simply cause she didn't know her skills, she's in her late 30s. Nope. I spend the majority of my day in meetings, negotiations, or shuffling documents between I am 33 years old. The less human interaction the better so no to sales and no to marketing. No friends, job, or partner. Instead, I'm paid a day rate as a sort Patients have gotten SO so SO heavy and it's only getting worse. Otherwise, hell no. Currently I have no career, no network, and I didn't develop upon any of the skills/knowledge learned from my computer science degree. Can’t sustain a relationship longer than 6 months despite being attractive enough to pick up random girls. But, when I couldn’t find a job with that degree, I went back to school for accounting (2016). Took almost five years but the ROI has been off the charts. No one told me about this career path. No job - no motivation or confidence. a bunch of people who do different work in pursuit of a common goal. Take the same Hi, I'm 33 and have never really had a job - I worked at mcdonalds for a few weeks when I was 18 but other than thatnothing. I want a job that gives me importance and is meaningful. 332 votes, 222 comments. But, I am eager to finally put some of my skills into practice. Ten years ago I got out of prison. Yeah i see a lot of offers even for apprentices which is rare in my country. Now I am training him to become a full stack developer. Awesome for anyone who is DM me here in Reddit. then come back here on reddit to make a new post, to update about the situation and to discuss again about the topic. I started at the bottom. I'm 33, and in the same boat, welcome to the club. With a job there may be opportunity to make friends and a new life. I mean 12k/month low even during 2008. Restarted my career at 33 yrs old from dead scratch. You can repair this Job opportunities when you are around 30 year old with no job experience . This is my opinion (as well as my team’s opinion when hiring) as a manager in a multinational medical device company. D and had no career to speak of. I think I saw one the other day (not customer service) list the top end as like 500k when that's absolutely NOT what that specific career would pay. Something other than nursing. Others. No its not too late Reply reply I finished my charter last year at 33. I don't smoke, but I occasionally drink. Also tried to get my drivers license but failed. First application and landed the job. * We provide the paths to all who request. You will have multiple careers, let alone jobs, over the course of your working life. I've always wanted a job, I'm just too chickenshit to go through the process of actually getting one (the looking, the applying, the waiting, the interview). Also make sure your resume complies with the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) so it isn't automatically rejected and is easy to read. Maybe it's more of a testament to my interviewing and job application skills. It has been said by others there are jobs but careers tend to be a another mess. Apply for base jobs is a killer. Not quite a career change because my first degree (sociology, 2011) had basically no “career” prospects if you define career as having a starting job with a liveable wage. If you appear "stuck" Looking for a degree that offers a lot of job opportunity, good jobs in demand. I accidentally found my way in. If you’re starting a songwriting career then no-one will know your age if you’re not the performer or face fronting the song on stage or on No it’s not too old but I do think with working full time you will be committing to too much. I tried this for two years. I’ve been working at a job for 8 years but the pay sucks and I’ve tried getting into a new job for Aa second income and it was so overwhelming that I quit. He lost the job on first month of the pandemic. I'm 33 and one of the reasons of my anxiety is that I'm just going on without a career and without money. For me it was what I always wanted to do and I left a good paying job (just as my wife was pregnant by the way) for a high risk job. citizen Negatives: no Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I was a lead brewer for 6 years, had some notoriety and a lot of respect in my field honestly it was hard to leave something I was so good at. Today I finish parole. I’m 33. I believe there is a sub on Reddit that you could somewhat call a support group. Like job, car, life, own house etc. after the war in Now that I've settled into my job (I have a job! Wahoo!), I'm going to try and prep for my next big hurdle - learning to drive! Which also scares me a ton, but (due to having a full time job and also thanks to all the kind comments from Reddit) not quite as much as it used to. So at this point I am 30k in debt as well from a dogshit degree that I regret everyday I wake up. Only difference is Someone on reddit will tell you to check stack exchange. Long story short, I got injured on the job, and was still required to work with: no pay for my injury (out of pocket), no protocols for major covid outbreaks in the store, no breaks, no lunch, no sleep half the time (12pm to 12am w/ 2hr travel both ways), etc. Or check it out in the app stores In the US the average age of a masters student is 33 and the average age of a PhD student is 42! Reply reply It is fairly normal to feel lost in your career at any age if there's no plan for progress in some fashion. Worked some other random jobs after I left and got a job doing emission testing for industrial facilities. I have nothing in life, no friends, no family, no skills, no money, no career, no future. and the same person or nursing staff will call 911 for medical lifts multiple times a day). See if you could get a quick, legal, good-paying job with no skills or education. If you've never worked before, one of the hardest things to grasp at first is what an organization is. I had 2 student jobs while I was doing my masters and I absolutely hated them. Is it EASY to get a high paying job in the exact role you want in the exact field you want right out of college with no experience? No. Positives: no debt clean record no smoking/alcohol/drugs no wife, no kids Bachelor of Science degree (Business Administration) U. We're called No Stupid Questions because we believe nobody needs to be attacked for asking a question, but that doesn't mean there are no Jobs are broken down into 3 components: amount of work, amount of qualification, and amount of pay. There are also several social impact organisations like 3ie, Oxford policy management, etc that hire masters graduates (if you're interested in development). This (plus my own portfolio website) was enough to get me into an entry level job as a dev. All organizations are different, but they tend to all share some similarities. Other than that, you're staying over again. Had a job in media, then commercial real estate marketing, and now I’m back in media as of the last 2 mos with a huge company. I used to know what my next step is in life but now at 33 I don't know what to do. I enjoy my career, but I’d much rather not be doing it (and getting paid obviously). My Hey Reddit, I'll try to keep this short. First job post college, 3 years and no promotion Hello, as the title states, I have been at my current job as an analyst for 3 years, pending 4 in June. I’m doing it right now not much younger than that From a book I just read about careers: 33/6 life paths make great Counselors, therapists, and health professionals; childcare professionals, teachers, caregivers, and human rights activists; actors, entertainers, artists, writers, and musicians; designers and decorators; healers, intuitive readers, and alternative therapists. And as someone who struggled to figure out my career because I couldn’t limit myself to just one thing - I want to have my hand in everything - it is a perfect fit for me. I have been in Sales since 2011 and with the same company for approx 4. I’ve worked since graduation college. husband is now footing most the bills for our life because I haven’t made over $30k a year in a long time. after a couple more, the jobs will be more and more exactly what you want to do and pay you well. I think this is an excellent idea. Dropped out of college despite being smart enough to go to college at 16. do you travel? you never know who you will meet when you travel. I have no career goals. Everyone would want to do that job, I mean good luck but your best option is to learn a skill, join It's impossible to diagnose someone based on a Reddit post, but I'm using myself as an example. So I've been building computers for decades and have messed with networking since it was coax and token Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. They were both part-time but I was constantly depressed, dreading the next day I had to go to the office and I felt absolutely miserable around my coworkers. haven't achieved anything in life and I'm not good at anything I'll be 29(M) later this month. I agree with u/anglesock42 I think you might be too much in your head. They're not paying anybody on the phones as customer service 125k. Interested in engineering or business. Like you, the things that make me happy are simple, inexpensive, and involve more time than money. Like for instance a boring 9-5 job, initially your mind will be really bored but, after some time your mind will adapt to the stressors and it will slightly get better. They all moved I got my first job as a developer a few days ago, I don’t have a college degree, no prior working experience in the industry and I’m 27 years old. It doesn't have to be much more complicated than that. Still live at home. I think I am in the same boat as you. Now I don't really care much if I get rejected or ignored. Only qualified for data entry. It turned so bad that I have been undergoing therapy for last 18 months or so. Lots of job fairs and open houses will have hiring staff on site to answer questions, talk about possible jobs, and process applications. I have a friend that does technical support for people that use medical software. Yes, I have no career interests at all. get a job and you can then get a car. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other features not found in the first party app. Dropped out of Ph. * Just because you have no formal career does not mean you do not have a life or skills. However, like I said, I really don't know exactly what specialty I want to go into yet because I literally have no real-world experience. I don't know the case of large companies, but I think getting started with a start-up team will be pretty easy. but in Dallas you have a lot of options SMU, UT in Dallas (McCombs), DONT warty about other things and focus ONLY on sleeping. There’s no harm. I'm 33 and also have an English degree. Bit of context, I’m 22 and have been in and out of random jobs, I’ve never really been that person that knew what they wanted to do, never had any interests that could transfer over into a job so I’ve hated every job I’ve ever done. So an arts background too! I saved up and did a 3 month bootcamp, which got me to build 4 projects - 2 of them fullstack. And I also used to have a job related to my degree which didn't work out (editing websites, way too repetitive and low pay). I don't know how to even start looking for a job; let alone, a 29 year old minority without any work/volunteering experience. YESSIR , existing here is cheap , from what i can see , i think you have a firm grasp of english ,so goods nayan - im 34 and i spent/wasted my 20's in the callcenter industry - so i started again working as a chat support agent (effin stress free) and my pay is ok naman, trick is to leverage the exchange rate to your favor and once you have an ok View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. However, I have a feeling that I can handle whatever future is going throw on me. Posted by u/zetutu - 147 votes and 123 comments Life starts at 30, heck graduated from college at 28 and then by the time that a good paying job came along I was 30. I have no skills or education. you have your entire life ahead of you to shift paths. That is about the only thing that i can help you with. Yeah, that's fantasy talk. After almost 2 months they said I’d have to move in with my sister, but I found a job before that happened. Confused I have been in Sales since 2011 and with the same company for approx 4. or join random I'd love to know how to work a part time job after working a full time job. I want that kind of job to give me some kind of worth since I have no self-worth and also because I guess I care too much what others think of me. g. do not date women who want money. Absolutely NO prior experience. I resigned and was unemployed for 1 year. I have worked the same job for the past 8 years which I hate. I have a job too, but pay is shit. Went to mba school and now is a product manager at Google and makes more than me. My background is that I'm in my late 20s with lots of job experience on paper, but have severely struggled with staying afloat and not getting fired. A good family friend built his business at 20 years old and is now a millionaire. Library jobs are all an insider thing meaning when an opening comes up for a full time job (which is rare because people that land those jobs usually stay their entire lives until retirement) they’re usually filled by people who already have connections with the library staff. I was lucky to get a job recently. I'm 33 no career with poor mental health. Literally have no idea where to start fixing myself! It’s such a low feeling like you’re disappointing family members and yourself for not pushing through, but I am a firm believer that anyone can pave their own way, degree or no degree. GPA should be your main worry, even if you can explain it schools care about vanity, they differentiate themselves by average gpa, average gmat, and post mba salaries. It seems like every job requires a specialized certificate or designation that requires long-term time and financial investment - before you can even try the job, which is a bit of a drag. showcase that confidence in your career when you meet women. Ive been doing it all my life even with two degrees. You have a degree and you have skills that you've learned both at school and at the jobs you've had. I felt similarly when I was in college and this is my advice. Apply for these types of jobs, do them well, and build your work ethic which you haven't practiced yet. Sorry if this is all over the place, but that's ADHD reddit for you :-P For example, if the job is customer service at a call center, 31k to 125k is a joke. Or check it out in the app stores I’m 33 finishing a Bachelors degree and changing careers it’s never too late. Sorry for the rant. Makes no sense. These are just a few of an infinite number of scenarios that can expose you to different job and career options without having to waste 4 years at a college just to realize you don't like the industry you got a degree in. I applied to teach at a private high school, and they offered me the job, but when they told me they didn't offer any health benefits I noped out of there; we live in America in 2022, adults need health insurance! As long as you can document that part of your old job has prepared you for the new career path, you don’t actually have to start off in an entry level position. A friend of mine has it and never found a library job. Which makes them not particularly rewarding. I am lot less depressed and anxious now. Coming from firefighting. I'm open to going back to school but I have no idea what to pursue. A good principle to know is how the body adapts to stressors. Wake up It can negatively affect you mentally and physically, and make you unmotivated and tired. So I got a job as a Data analyst where I do data management using SAP, a glorified data entry job. Just so you know! I am in the same boat . I'm thankful for my job, but the work makes me absolutely miserable. 33 for an MBA is honestly not old there will be people older than you. You didn't grow up with coding camps at age 10. Then that job lasted 12. I'm looking for a bit of career advice. No real career, couldnt pass my bachlors and cuttently just doing uber part time. Sometimes I think shall I go back to similar corporate job but it makes me feel so anxious. I’ve changed courses this year and tried going on my chosen career path for over 7 years plus. My first job was in the semiconductor industry. Hi! I am 34. What happens when Mom and Dad are gone you have no skills no investments no job . lost in life at 33 y/o. I value my time with my family too heavily. Or check it out in the app stores Been trying to get more employment but no one’s hiring me . I am 33. And you'll work that a while, then you'll look for a better job. That's the equivalent of being in grade 3 or 4 in primary school for your standard education. No social skills. I was a psych major who had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I was bankrupt and had no job, no education past high school. In 6 months I’ll have enough saved to retire if I keep my lifestyle simple. We are free. 33 and I just posted here. My whole department lost their jobs after working hard through awful conditions. AskIndia Hey everyone, I have a friend who is close to reach 30 years and have mostly only prepared for UPSC and wasn’t able to clear the first round itself even after trying hard, but always felt like he will clear next year, as he already invested so much time, he always went into the loop and then now as Also learnt a few more skills on my own like drawing and 3D art but no job found. And just bumming around until 33. Start with basics A+ or net+ (not really considered basic, but will help a lot), and start applying for help desk positions. Be kind and supportive - no hate or judgement allowed here. when my ex was on the streets, she was told, get a phone book, call each number in the yellow pages asking if they are hiring. Reply reply rshana 38 votes, 25 comments. So you are 32 and you have no idea what to do as a career. Take a 3 week course and become a CNA. Never had a "career" because I can't stick with the same job for more than about a year and a half (at most) without imploding. S. It pays decently, but I fucked around all of my 20s and never saved any money until I started saving last year. I went to graduate school and got an MS in cybersecurity risk management. He roamed for a few months and then got in touch with me later, somehow. Right now my situation is extremely bad and difficult. Been working in food service for the last five years. Go get a helpdesk job and start working on your certs. As the title states I turned 30 this year, am currently unemployed with no career to speak of and am at No career means living like a loser with no long term prospects. 33 here, no degree. I'm in bed by 11 PM, and make sure I get eight hours of sleep, no matter what. I’m able to earn 60/70k a year working a job and some other avenues I’ve learned about. Literally have no idea where to start fixing myself! I'm 33 years old. I got to work, learned a new career, and continued working to be among the best in my field. At all. I have no other marketable skills either, and only a part-time warehouse job to show for myself. Making me depressed and exhausted . this is an old story, so update as fitzhugh. Spend a few hours a day applying for jobs instead of playing children's video games and in one year from now you could be making $30k per year, moved out, and dating and nobody would bat an eye. No degree, no bank loan, just his savings and unwavering determination. No one gives a shit about degrees. You are not alone. a miner). My job is a lame job that hasn't taught me any skills and is not transferable to Use that money to fund your passions, be great outside of work. We all have overlap in our careers but Gis is niche and few common people No one is too old for a career pivot. Willing to work hard. We noticed you are a pretty new Reddit account, so we just wanted to let you know to check out the subreddit rules here and maybe have a read through our Frequently Asked Questions - they make for fascinating reading!. I was unemployed for an entire year. I resigned a year ago and have been (practically) without work since then. One of my friends was a homeless musician from a good college. 5 years. But I was happy with what i had. I got her from a $15/hr job to a $62,000/yr job (within 2 weeks, it was fucking unreal!), and now she's looking to go toward 90k jobs. I'm a 33/M, BS/MBA, currently working remote in contract management (healthcare). Between a wife and kids, and the prime of my career I couldn't imagine focusing on a part time gig. From what I have experienced the whole talk about having a career is played. Just figure out what kind of job you want to switch too and start researching how to move in that direction. Only took 1-2 classes at a time to avoid having to take out loans. I don’t know how keen you are on manual labor, but every landscaper could use an extra set of hands. I mean, I'm a pretty hardcore nerd. true. 514 votes, 169 comments. I liked my customers, I liked my coworkers, I enjoyed what I did. Kept the day job while doing MBA night school (no online back then). Hate to say it but yes if that career is being an Olympic gymnast or a concert pianist or a nasa astronaut. They are a significant source of jobs and a lot have no HR office and still take paper applications or don’t even I've been doing tech support/customer service jobs for about 10 years, all of my working adult life. Not even confident enough to work retail. Willing to learn. I brewed beer from 22-32 and it was my whole life. Not sure what it is called, but others have mentioned it. Usually warehouse jobs or no experience jobs have like 700 applicants lol. 2. I am 24, unemployed, with a masters degree and I have no interest in any type of job whatsoever. These are all major things that you cant tackle at once so theres no point worrying about them all at once as that wont help or solve anything. My only reason for getting a better job, or any job for that matter, is to be more financially secure for myself and for anyone who may depend on me in the future. So, you are not brainwashed (no degree), no bad work habits or references (no work experience), you are emotionally stable (no gf), you are not fake (no friends), you don’t have $100,000 + debt in a house with no set future. The last attempt was to become a Java developer. No one was hiring. This is my first corporate job after college and I interned with them my junior year. While I have a degree in Computing, and did a little bit of freelance in my 20s, I didn’t get my first full time dev job until I was 33. Like. Dude, you are better off then a lot. Nearly lost our house and was days away from getting our vehicle repo'd. Which i have only 2 completed years out of 4. Wanderers and contributors alike are welcome. I have my BA in psychology (though initially went AskMenOver30 is a place for supportive and friendly conversations among adults over 30. Always apply to jobs on the company's "careers" page if you can do that rather than job board sites like Indeed, LinkedIn, or Monster. Now I can't find any other work. CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps. You didn't grow up with an engineer dad with job leads. it’s been 3 years, Reddit won’t do it for you. You didn't meet my now retired mentor who helped me interview for a job. * I changed careers at 31, which led to a different career change at 33. No one with ambition who isn't already wealthy seriously considers this. Ok this job is not my area of knowledge, but I can check with friends that have info if it interests you. My current TC is $127k. And even then, if employers see your past, for example, 3 consecutive jobs are only 1 year each, the probability of you being hired definitely drops. You'll be 40 one day. Or check it out in the app stores I've been working blue collar jobs (first millwork, and presently a sort of handyman/construction position). I Never had a real job, except working for my parents company for the last 8 years, which is now done with and you can't put that on your job application, so I basically have no job experience at age 30. Just start working somewhere and give it your all for a month or so and then think about what you like about it and what you don’t like about it and then find something that might have more of what you like and less of what you don’t like and eventually you’ll find yourself in an acceptable and No career interests me. 36 here. I assume what you're looking for is just the counselling part and not the coaching. One of my friend is 30 years, married and had a good job. Or check it out in the app stores He had a decade of networking and promoting skills by the time he hopped into music at age 33. she got hired at a hotel, helped me find a job as a janitor, we moved in and later went to law school together, then she dumped me for reasons. Was being in the medical field/lab my plan NO. Solid sales experience and good mentorship almost directly qualifies you for marketing, sales ops, recruiting, and customer success roles. you are happy with your job. Put more effort into thinking about the big picture and let the details work themselves out. I am only hoping for some good career advice so I can turn my life in a positive direction. I was doing exactly this, until the company I was contentedly working for went belly-up. Focus on one thing and others will come. Plus, you’re 25. Two boomers who haven’t looked for a job in like 40 years were trying to explain what looking for a job is like now and they couldn’t understand it at all No. Your career or job doesn’t define you as a person. No career path. Reply reply c_pardue • Nah go for the closest, highest position achievable I decided to make a career switch into cybersecurity when I was 33. I have hobbies that interest me outside of work. My dream is to start a business someday but I know that’s not being realistic at this moment. I couldn't even get a restaurant job. Your friend is right, work sucks. I never had a steady job as a teenager or in college, and the most consistent money I ever made in my life came during the summer of '14 when I worked for my mom's boyfriend's construction Once I'd found that job, I'd really have no desire to "advance" or climb any ladders, unless the advancement made the job more enjoyable (not just more lucrative). View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit [NeedAdvice] 33 Year Old who has wasted life, need Career and Life Advice For Portugal its enough, but for me it just isn't. confidence. My house is in the northeast section of Morioh, where all the villas are, and I am not married. I've managed to change several professions in my life. I hate my career and job, but a high 6-figure salary gets me through it, and an amazing family to be with. That's the best part of being stuck at home (with loving family). I’m 28 and I have just no career ambitions. accept auto pilot on career and other things. Back then I applied to 100+ jobs, only got 1 jo. Briefly had a successful trade job then developed ptsd in addition to preexisting generalized anxiety disorder. Yeah not enough jobs, the ones out there seem to have either utterly unhinged job descriptions with ridiculous recruitment process, or low salary and shit (or no) benefits. I'm almost 40 now with an absurdly high income in a job that gives me a great deal of satisfaction and it's hard to imagine my life being any other way. Or check it out in the app stores Yearly rate went up fast 27 -$18k (part time) 28 -$30k 29 $50k 30 -$80k 33 90k Reply reply Just remember no job is too low for you. Medical Coder. Go develop some skills. Afterwards I All jobs to look for are online I’m not going in person I’d be laughed at. I just turned 30 a few months ago and still have the same basic hopes and aspirations as my 16 year old self which is basically to get a gf and get laid. I still live with my parents, have no career direction, hardly have any skills, and still feel like a kid. I don't know how likely you get job with no experience. Still no job, no career or anything. But 33 is young! I graduated when I was 48 in 2020 and changed careers in 2022. A job where I feel like I have more “value” to society. There was no "excuse", I just flat out couldn't land a job at that time. 70 votes, 94 comments. Worked in a conservation Corp for a year. I heavily focused application and interview on my previous roles in customer facing as for low end roles they seem to 72 votes, 56 comments. I have tried doing some things to bring in some extra money but most detract from my career, family, and hobbies. I was in a similar spot at 26no career path, pulling in $30k on a good year Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I have a bachelor's, master's, and doctorate, but there are just no openings in my field at the college level practically anywhere. Cost of online class is 3,000. My goal is to transition If you are struggling with a lack of career direction, check out my post on "How to pick a career path that's best for you" on LinkedIn. I have a BA in sociology and for a few years after college just floated through life - didn't have many "career-oriented" positions or goals. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS I'm 33 years old. No friends since 2012. I have literately 0 friends. If a job pays a lot, it will probably require either some qualification like a degree or experience, or require you to work hard or uncomfortable conditions (e. 25 is not too young, you have many years to explore and learn. I don’t know how old you are, but from my experience I can definitely tell you it’s not too late if you’re really interested. I have been unemployed for a very long time, I'm talking years. However, my current position is a per-week arrangement where I'm not a "regular" employee. My advice, go on holiday and But if your masters program was quant heavy (mine was, which got me this job), then there are a lot of jobs related to data analyst or risk analyst/consultant in banks and some tech companies. This applies to career jobs, not part time/temporary/odd jobs, etc. Just continue improving yourself everyday. i. The fact that I had ten or so years employment experience helped a lot with the soft skills; you’re not as green as you think you are. No experience just means you have to work harder to catch up on your foundations. Some areas you might be better served with a M7 MBA. I am interested in fitness but I don't know if that's just a hobby or something to seriously consider as a job. Reply reply 33 here, I got my first job at 16 and then had a career type job for 6 and a half years. I dont even plan to try again until I have a job and financially stable. If you dedicate to one single line of work, you will forever be perceived as that to everyone else. The most helpful group on Reddit. Those types of jobs where you can get your work done in 2 hours and spend the rest of the day jerking off. Stop reading reddit posts on politics and antiwork and get a job. I learned my craft while working a full time job and was struggling with progression. I am trying to find career opportunities to what direction I should go, m,aybe get into programming with Python or something complety diffrent. You need to get a new job, so quit the hand-wringing, get your resume in order, and move on. Don't focus on the negative, focus on what you're able to control, and how those things can help you towards your goal. You have a good paying job, then save money to the point where you could be out of one for 6mo, meanwhile, see what careers interest you, travel, think of literally anything that you would feel passionate about, maybe even based on your personality and natural skills/or build new ones, since you’re a sportsman, you should be able to adapt and I’m in the same boat being 33 years old. All are welcome, please read and abide by the rules in our sidebar. I can't imagine having to lift multiple 400-600lb people every day but that is becoming the reality (often repeat callers needing help to the restroom, help off the floor, just seeking transport to doctor, etc. I was 34 when i retrained as a software dev - my degree was in art history and italian & my career was in arts education/teaching. My only regret was not choosing accounting from the get-go. Sales is a pathway to many career paths that some consider unnatural. Was trying to show that it’s not to late. That's my dream. Welcome to AskWomenOver30, an inclusive Reddit community where people can ask question to and discuss topics with women over the age of 30. I have learned to love my things outside of the career, and I give just enough fucks to get by and get promoted, but no where near a work-a-holic. I'm currently studying for my CompTIA A+ certification for IT. I have career ambitions, but with a family I can't afford to spend 80 hours a week here - not that it would change much anyways in terms of what I get done. 22. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other features not found in the first The most helpful group on Reddit. I didn't even really know this was a career that existed, but I love it. I have no idea what to really do because I mostly hate life and everything about it. * No qualifications makes employment a f£king nightmare. You know how you can get the experience? Work that shitty job no one wants to have, it won’t be forever. I got a degree in environmental science, but hated going to class and barely passed. Some students were just starting a career, some were in the middle wanting to shift careers or get a promotion, some were already in a higher level management position and wanted to learn how to be a better manager. Just be careful. Yeah, I have to contribute a shit load to retirement because I started so late, but that's not inhibiting me too much from having a I’m 33. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. No other career requires you to trawl reddit for posts to steal to 'report' on There are no jobs for this field and now they lowered the requirements to allow even high school grads to get the jobs so now it is literally a useless degree. I thought this would be my dream job for a dream company that has awesome perks and great growth potential. I have absolutely no education. I'm a 21 year old man and I have absolutely no friends, no social life, no job, dropped out of college, never even hugged a girl before Choosing a job is not the same thing as choosing your career. There are plenty of jobs that don't really give a shit about experience, waitress, certain construction jobs (holding sign at road construction), etc. Also, my counsellor is a clinical psychologist, and I have no clue what the requirements for a coach are. Im 30 and still no solid career or degree. The how? Well no one can answer that because no one has a map for themselves. I have 3 children, 13, 12 and 5 and I am separated I'm a 21 year old man and I have absolutely no friends, no social life, no job, dropped out of college, never even hugged a girl before, let alone been on date or kissed one, and have zero What you do in one decade of your life can absolutely make things harder for you later, but it doesn’t consign you to working entry-level jobs forever after. I have no drive or interest in doing this at all No offense but jobs that pay well by design require skills and/or education. No particular reason other than laziness and anxiety. I will continue working, however, to improve my lifestyle. Oh yeah and most are def not remote (most of the remote jobs turn out to be hybrid once you read the description). For what it’s worth, I’m almost 33 with no career, no distinguishing achievements, and was just diagnosed in October and started medication in November, so I’m still early into everything myself, but please don’t think it’s too late to get yourself help. I was in the position your bf was about 10 - 15 years ago. I’m losing faith in people, and am becoming disillusioned with all career types. But that became my rejection therapy. But a career in a certain field would bring such piece of mind and most importantly to me growth, the possibility to grow Income, your skills and connections. I had a better job offer about two months prior to graduating and it has only one up from there. I am a chemical engineer. You need to do it by owning up and taking accountability! There is no job that is perfect out there - every Hi, I just turned 30. you seem nice enough. Since about 31 in and/or around the start of COVID I no longer had regular employment. You aren’t alone I’m 25 with no career OR college education. My "ideal" job would be working in clothing retail like my mom (she worked at a Ross and a Marshalls) but my sister suggests trying Petco or PetSmart since she worked there before. More importantly however, the behavior of 701 votes, 71 comments. So I could definitely use some help. Worked some random customer service job right after I graduated and got fired. Now if you has a clue, you’d realize there are hundred of thousands of small businesses. Assuming you're 33, entered the workplace at 21 & will retire at 67 (hah!), you're 1/4 through your working years.