Civ 6 war rush reddit I would take your first 1-3 warriors and bully a nearby city state or civ without the intent if capture to utalize the eagle warrior's ability to generate some workers. The Ottomans, Gran Colombia, and Byzantine are great and fun domination Civs but require a little more nuance on how you approach the game. For context: I'm playing my first game as Alexander, Prince Difficulty, 6-Armed Snowflake Map. You will always need districts built and envoys. T2 Intelligence Agency, if you lack faith, because well, what else? In a 1v1, I agree it's easy to win with an early rush on Deity. Built a defensive army - this is approx. I really like the stagnate early option, take my closest neighbor steal that early settler they get and setting them back while giving me a free second city. Chop out pyramid and rush gov plaza and chop out ancestral hall. Wait until someone loses a city and befriend said civ Rush the civic for liberation war Denounce and declare a war of liberation against the civ that took the city Don't actually liberate the city (you want it to stay under enemy control). Hey everyone, so I'm a huge nerd for mythology and legends and love the tale of Gilgamesh. Assuming you went Encampment first district and have Iron, get a Builder for Ironworking to rush the Oppidum as soon as the Classical Era starts. Getting your choice of pantheons seems pretty powerful. One thing that took me a while between civ 5 and 6 was getting used to the fog of war. Mongolia has a passive that if you trade with a civ your visibility with them goes up. Depending on what difficulty you're on, a handful of MaA's will be enough to take down mo My question is what the most effective way is to wage an early war with a nearby AI. With the Aztec you can pretty much start rushing Eagle Warriors from turn 1 and leverage the combat strength bonus you get from luxuries, and even get the occasional builder. Your first city doesn't have to be perfect, just gotta make sure your second and third city have enough chops and a desert plain for pyramid. In capital you won't need aquaduct. Declaring war for a settler is almost always worth it Even with current situation in mind, Russia has been a major player in this world's history and a playable nation since the original Civilization. Why do that when you can rush a second city, rush units, eliminate other AI science and land competition, then sim-city your way to being several techs or eras ahead of the AI with a good early war game. , so rush the +100% holy site card, choose monumentality, and spam settlers until you run out of tundra. Forge god is okay for early war rush. Sumera, War carts America, +5 strength home bonus. Yes to Faith regardless of type of victory. I personally think the reason for that the AI sucks is because they crammed all those fancy new mechanics into the game without training the AI properly for them. Norway - My favorite civ and whenever I feel like having a fun game, I go with them. I have never won a game of Civ 6 before and I am only playing on Chieftain. In particular, I recently wrote up a two-part guide on war tactics -- how to wage and defend against war in Civ 6. I prefer to limit my builder charges, and mass build them at feudalism Steal settlers as often as possible. Start building war carts from turn 1 and go hunting for barbs or AIs to kill. From there, proceed as you would any other Civ. War on contact is an option yes but it means the player could basically never peace if they wanted to without risking a multiple turn gap where trade routes can be sent. i would expand on the chop/improve a bit, by saying improve any flatland woods tiles with lumber mills, and chop any trees on grassland/plains hills, since you can get the chop and also place a mine on it later. Those 20-30 turns are never enough to conquer at least a single city, since cities are also quite well defended by that time. But I have a purpose, to have all the civ in the future era and then we will build a World War 3 haha. Edit: forgot how broken Khmer is post “balance” update. 10 gaesatae with battering ram should guarantee tier 1 government and at least 1 nearby civ - wait for them to surprise war you and just turtling with archer/fortify and counterattack. Scythia: Heal if you lose a unit to them France: +3 combat bonus from diplo Kongo and Rome can often pull their UU out very quickly Georgia, nothing inherent to the civ, but Tamar likes to rush walls. When you get trebuchets and have build 2-3 depending on accessibility of target city. So the more you see the more you hurt. You then proceed to storm over there with your high movement War Carts, and crash the camp, netting you easy gold, faith, eurekas and other nifty treats. It’s also super easy to get a classical golden age because of special district era points, founding religion, etc. I do that too. All your mines will be more productive with apprenticeship so early, your opidums are built twice as fast as industrial zones and can get good adjacency with your mines and strategic resources, you have access to the man at arms which is 2 eras ahead at that point, and you get culture from the mines and IMO this isn’t even really close. Here's my usual strat: Completely ignore catapults/trebuchets Use siege towers until they're rendered ineffective by medieval walls Pause the war until observation balloons are unlocked But what they forget is that when Soren designed civ 4, he specifically designed the combat system to be usable by the AI. 4-6 units. . Dec 15, 2018 · A fairly consistent tactic for early aggression is the sword rush, specifically upgrading your prebuilt warriors to swordsmen. Also, any civ with a rainforest or hill bias will be annoying to attack in a lot of cases. You'll usually have way less cities in Civ 5. My general strategy is to get the maximum amount of gold from the AI through trades and diplomacy at the start of the game, and only start caring about winning condition by the medieval age. The key advantage of Gaul is that every city can be productive and thus can finish wonder within their era (e. I know I risk sounding elitist here, but I honestly wonder what is wrong with people who say they prefer the combat of civ 5 and 6. One of my favorites I've tried so far. If you're looking for a classic era rush, rome's legions are tough to beat, alex gets 2 unique units that are super good, and scythia's double light cavalry can knock an opponent 10-15 is a lot but you should be shooting for at least 6 before the borders with your neighbors settle down. Hope this helps some of you win some deity or multiplayer games this break. ) Initiate the war once you can get your army into a position to Siege, and just run people over for as long as you can. Super strong early domination civ. 1: Timings. On lower difficulties horseman are great because the chances of them having walls is much less. Warrior rush is ok but against an effective militaristic Civ you may want to get to archers or even horseman first if you don’t have a starting unique to give an edge. Enemy units can hide in plain sight, so keeping the fog uncovered by sending out a bunch of units helps. For instance Sparta and Gilgamesh are great at early war, basil may be better serve red biding his time and spending a few eras prepping infrastructure until his horses xerox Thanks for the information. Ziggurats are pretty spamable and get you a decent bit of extra science and culture in the early game if you have the pop to work them, but their yields scale very poorly in to the late game. Builders can expend charges to turbo-build districts to accelerate whatever strategy you're going for. you don't even need an army if you get her, you just need a sense of tiny bit of timing/planning and some basic counting. In swordsmen rush, the free city combat strength is higher and you will have to fight 2 swordsmen instead of 2 warriors. Great that you took the first city fast, that's something many new players fail attempting. The best way to counter such a play is by simply ignoring it. I've noticed the first 50-75 turns are crucial and are a huge indicator on whether or not I'll get a victory. , ancient great bath, classical colossus). Like all religious civs you want to hit golden 1st age, but still playable if you don’t. The tier list clearly is ONLY considering unit strength in open combat, which I think is misleading. Just tech unique units. Then peace out as soon as you can, and dencounce again Most people do this, but almost always rush political philosophy for the new gov I generally don’t chop as much as most people do. The Alexander crack is because he doesn't gain war weariness. Excluding Janissary there is a debate between some of the classical era UU’s, but getting the upgradeable Janissary for low cost and +5 combat strength combined with grand vizier and siege bonus is just way better than what you can do with almost any other civ for domination. I've heard both good and bad things about it, but I want to see it for myself. Just wanted to know how it will end. I think the Immortal is a stronger rush unit than a War Chariot. I interestingly have the opposite approach - once I’m in the final stretch of a science/culture/religious victory I always throw out a couple of nukes for good measure - usually against whichever civ[s] slighted me with a surprise war on turn 10 Forge god is okay for early war rush. I just finished crushing her coastal cities with frigates after she declared war on me, and each one took 5-10 turns to strip the walls with multiple shots, but they did so little damage back that I didn't lose any units along the way. SInce varus are slow you should get a general. But I've never reached that objective due to the barely cooperative AI. The AI is a huge threat in civ 4 because it uses its units properly (or closer to it). Also War Carts getting you thru the first civ or 2 is probably enough, make sure you have diverse units and use them well to continue the push afterwards. In CIV V the strategy I most enjoyed was playing China, rushing the Chu-Ko-Nu and massacring the entire continent. After a brief tutorial I started as Trajan on the middle difficulty. Once you are satisfied with the visibility with them attack them with a surprise war. On Marathon, they have time to scout you, stroll over, mess around a bit, make a sandwich, and then kill you - and you still haven’t researched Archery yet. With nowhere to expand, they will inevitably fall behind and you can take the rest of their cities whenever you please. 6 housing is still a tall order so to make it more efficient you want to look for ways to chain cities together to share that huge housing investment. Really unique civ. Get attacking early. My only complaint was some AIs didn't have enough units for me to kill :). Even better is that most barb camps spawn with a spearman, whose bonuses are ignored by the War Cart, and the War Cart can easily pick up the promotion that ignores fortification bonuses. If you rush defence (as you are doing) you sometimes might still lose, but it’s rare - that’s usually enough to slow them down so you can get to stability. Enjoy the 10 turns of double production. Pretty flexible as religious civs go. Trying to go for my first Domination victory in Civ VI actually, and figured this was a good setup to focus all my attention on war using a civ designed to do exactly that. Basically any civ with a unique ancient era unit is prime for rushing war from very early on. If the war carts get too squishy go hunting bandit camps until you can upgrade them later, and use other units to attack. It can move 3 spaces (4 on open terrain) and is the most powerful starting unit. You can also build horsemen faster if u go for the policy slot that you get early which give you 50% extra production don’t know what its called or get the pantheon god of the forge which give you 25% production to ancient and classical era military units. Just rush iron working and build an opidum which unlocks apprenticeship. The window is big enough to conquer 2 civs. +10 will however always be strong. They split the difference between Archers and Comp Bows, and they’re mobile for pillaging two-tiles per turn, chasing down weak units, and —eventually— abusing Logistics from 3-tiles out from cities. Studying which government and policies work well with your civ, like playing Georgia and go monarchy to get influence/housing and the defense building bonus and then plugging in Limes to get double defense building production to help rush Tsikhe walls. Nubia too. Finally rolled Gilgamesh on the difficulty above Prince and ever since I got my first few War Carts, I’ve felt like a badass war machine. It was "over" by the time my legions were outdated. I wasn't even playing a civ with any militaristic abilities - I'm China and I'm going for a culture victory. Try to set it up like a wall, outer cities have encampments to provide fresh troops, while inner cities are working science/gold/faith/ non direct war related things. Oct 12, 2023 · Sounds like you rushed into a war without a plan on how to hold the cities. General-Use Early Rush Civs: Aztecs: Eagle Warriors are a warrior replacement that comes standard with high combat strength and the ability to convert defeated civ and city-state units into warriors on occasion. It's better if you have it. Fortunately my brother decided he wanted to take the video to another level. I beat the game for the first time on emperor I did a tiny map tho, on my continent there was me and poundmaker the first 40-50 turns he became the leader in science 3 times my science per turn and he had many more troops from me, I sold him everything I could until he had no gold and no gold per turn left, that led him to disband his army while I started to build mine up I attacked him before Hi, I've played CIV 6 for about 120 hours, love the game but since moved the difficulty to Immortal I've been struggling to finish a game, mainly because the AI seems to get way ahead. So what you do is (atleast what I did) spam keshigs and start trading with your target. Go for water maps, the more coastel the better. I am using several tactics, like upgrading for heal, flanking, pillaging for heal, baiting with scout/worker, but still, failed mos of my try. Just look at it this way - if there's any land available, the AI will eventually take it. Enjoy Alexander is another pretty straight forward war civ that's beginner friendly. When it all comes together at Monarchy the Tagma rush is devastating. Horseman units are powerful if you have access to two horses. My take: With Civ 6 Firaxis added a ton of game mechanics without building out the foundation and a big part of that foundation is AI and from what I've heard Civ 6's AI is trash. For other noobs (like me) that didn't know, the war cart is a very powerful ancient unit unique to Sumeria that can be built in mass quantities without much of a penalty because it doesn't have a maintenance cost. Her potato archers were the only reason I was able to hold off Simon and counter attack and take all his cities. The horse archer rush is extremely effective though can't be done as early as chariots or axes. As a noob, I think of these two scenarios which might be effective: -Beeline for swordsmen and rush them with 3-4 swordsmen; -Beeline for horsemen and rush them with 3-4 horsemen. When playing a science game, it is tempting to just spawn in, rush for a second city, and rush for a campus. Try to rush at least 1 unit with high melee because they increase the defense power of all your cities. You will need a granary and 6 housing improvements. I remember having 1 game that was completely ruined because my cities were all stuck at like -6 amenities permanently. Barbarian encampments only spawn in areas under Fog of War. Ive played civ 6 before civ 5 and in civ 6 early war is great for quick snowballing. That said, Egypt is a better civ for rushing, especially Ramesses as he's an all around civ who can just play R5: Inspired by a recent video by u/Potato_Mc_Whiskey I tried the Gaul man-at-arms rush strategy in one of my recent deity games. Settling close and trading housing tiles between each other is da wae. I pushed for a great general early and beelined directly for Oppidums to unlock man-at-arms. Dec 30, 2019 · Kept seeing people on here talk about a War Cart Rush being so effective but ignored it until I got more familiar with the game. Chariot Archers are probably the best unit for early war, unless you are surrounded by rough-terrain. Rush them with your keshigs and voila. You want to attack immediately when you get this tech, because the longer you wait you give your opponent the chance to get the tech as well. Putting it as a playable civ represents it's footprint in culture and history and not the ongoing war as I doubt that Firaxis would add Putin as Russia's leader in 7. Also you shouldn't be slamming carts into warriors. So naturally when my friend showed me Civ 6 and Gilgamesh was a playable character I just had to buy the game. Rush religion for monumentality spread with workers/settlers bought with faith. Then chop out settlers and rush for feudalism so the builders you get are 6 charges. Early war just causes the player who goes war fall behind simmers and the one warred on to lose. On deity, AI will be ahead of you and build ancient walls before you get a sizeable army to them. Unless you are really behind in science, but that is a different problem. I interestingly have the opposite approach - once I’m in the final stretch of a science/culture/religious victory I always throw out a couple of nukes for good measure - usually against whichever civ[s] slighted me with a surprise war on turn 10 Also War Carts getting you thru the first civ or 2 is probably enough, make sure you have diverse units and use them well to continue the push afterwards. I have tried to play differently each time, but feel like when I have a good game it's mostly luck. If your cities are following a different religion than the Civ going for the victory, then faith buy apostles from cities with a holy site and temple, and I have a few hundred hours in the game, but I'm still relatively unsure of how siege units should 'properly' work for war, especially mid-game. You want to get out as many warriors as possible. Sounds like you rushed into a war without a plan on how to hold the cities. War carts are amazing for an early rush but there's not much more to say for the Civ really. if you’re playing the expanded game with Most answers here are spot on. You can call other AIs to declare war too, you would be surprised on how willing they are. rush worthy wonders: forbidden city, ruhr valley (sorta), pyramids/etemenanki/oracle (if you get lucky or are china), big ben (sorta) situationally good for generalist/generalist wonders that are often contested but can be worth an attempt to rush Imo the 3 best options for rushing domination are: -Alexander (Macedon): pretty self explanatory, good UUs, doesn’t suffer from war, and can keep the rush going. However with 4+ players it becomes harder because I can't rush them all and those that I don't rush technologically advance far faster than I do (because of my military expenses + war weariness). I'm quite new to Civ 6 (40 hours) and currently playing a game with two mates and we have it set to simultaneous turns. Some other nice options for early war into culture are Rome (free monuments plus legions), Alexander (get eurekas and inspirations in war), Japan (great districting and combat strength if by the sea), Black Queen France (diplo visibility gives combat strength and a lot of tourism bonuses later) Nubia (pitati archers are broken and cheap At that point I either forget my military and get fucked up by war (I generally avoid declaring war, which is probably a bad idea) or I find out I just don’t have enough research to start colonizing mars (I can do the first two easily generally). At the very least you'll be able to stop the AI from expanding and take their congested land. Build order is a major priority here. So I'm asking for tips to play Immortal. If you say yes, you will reveal the location of your city to them, which will result in an early surprise war rush unless they are super far away. Considering production is the most important currency in the game, it is possible to go down different victory path, but science and domination are the clearest path. I tried doing a deity religious victory and just founding a religion is really hard. After building your 6-7 war carts, focus on your own expansion and infrastructure while your war carts harass the enemy. I know there probably isn't anything quite as overpowered as that in VI, but I'd like to know which Civ has the best UU that I can rush to give me an advantage in the relatively early game, like the Chu-Ko-Nu. Been trying to rush this as in description, but advantage most of the time is so small and only gives like 20-30 turns window before AI catches up and surpasses the tech tree. If you can keep your opponent from getting metal, the chariot rush can be effective especially with Immortals or War Chariots. Jun 7, 2020 · General-Use Early Rush Civs: Aztecs: Eagle Warriors are a warrior replacement that comes standard with high combat strength and the ability to convert defeated civ and city-state units into warriors on occasion. At that point you'll need siege towers and knights. I always plan on settling my first 3 cities before turn 40/45. I recommend Ethiopia for first religious civ. War on contact means no option to trade with Mongolia even though it might be useful to do so for luxuries etc. You don't want to go all in on religion and get wiped out by his army, and you don't want to go all out of early war and get bogged down until his uniques wipe you out. Depending on the civilization you are playing, it might be possible to get advantages with war from the medieval age and forward (like Byzantium). Because Russia doesn't have any bonuses to offensive war strategies, if you want to clear out some room from your neighbors to grow, it's best to wait until you build the Grand Master's Chapel in the government plaza and take advantage of your high faith output to overwhelm the enemy with numbers. My buddy (not that great at civ bless his soul) loves this game so I made him a short guide on how to use his favorite civ, Sumeria, to rush the earlier game and gain an advantage. Next biggest civ had only 6 small cities to my 30+. If anyone has any other hints/strategies for a Civ geek just starting the latest game, let me know. However, I also remember that war weariness would bug out sometimes and never go down, even after an extended period of no wars. Scythia will always have a special place in my heart, because I got my first (Civ VI) win with them: a religious victory after a strong Classical era horseman rush. So I have been pivoting to the strategy of building 3 early cities, then building an early army of 4 warriors 4 slingers, then building a few early districts until I have Political Philosophy when I build either the ancestral hall or warlords throne depending if I will be settling or conquering and then 1 city basically just purely focuses on settlers or military depending on the route Im Agreed with Gaul. New to Civ 6, and have been messing around with different leaders, maps, and starts. Timings are the key to successful wars. If you get six cities and you are boxed in by neighbors with no place to settle your next six can come from war. All the competitive Civ 6 groups use Simultaneous. I've created throw away religions just to get the pantheon bonus applied. Also it can help declare war w/o penalties in some situations. Himiko is so comically OP she should be S+ for a similar reason to the Twins. It's worth mentioning now the difference between basic units, Corps, and Armies; Corps get +10 Combat and Ranged Strength compared to the base unit, and Armies get +17, all before the Amabutho bonus. If you want a civ where you can build units and just go ham, I recommend gilgamesh for war carts, aztec for eagle warriors, and egypt for maryannu chariot archers. If you only want to pillage than absolutely go horses. The 50% off Anti-Calv stacks well with Ambiorix's ability to Zerg Rush a neighbor, even more so if they are a Calv heavy civ like the Scythians, Mongols (Mostly Genghis), and maybe Hungary and/or Poland. Just fortify the melee unit. Rush Political Philosophy and use the autocracy government for the extra bonus to wonder construction. Your next 6 can take longer than 100 turns and might be more marginal (islands, coasts, other less desirable fill-ins). Catapults are weak, so you want to just have the next stage of artillery to attack You can take a whole civilization out of the game with one quick war and a one sided peace deal. That’s easiest religious civ! Probably Alexander for intro war civ. War weariness and amenity loss can be countered with certain military slot cards, or waging a tall war vs a lot of civs rather than a wide war vs civs back to back. It's about the length of the war(s), rather than the opponents. production is king in Civ 6, and getting a building, district, wonder, etc a few turns earlier is always a good thing. If they want to exchange information on capitals, also say NO for the same reason. Now I haven't played Civ since Call to Power (a loooong time ago), so I read some guides and there was a ton to get my head around. Don't forget about the mounted rush options. Triremes and galleasses that can cross ocean is ridiculous for early wars. So the goal is commercial hubs for free inq. Sacred path, dance of the aurora, and dessert folklore are pretty good if you have the right environment. I never start any war without a ram even if my neighbor doesn't have walls when the war starts. these are all great. Maoi are ok depending on terrain as well, don't really synergize with domination though. Rush compass, spam galleass and enjoy domination. The Kurgan is underwhelming, sure, but I think you missed its strong suit—an early source of faith to rush a pantheon. But you can't just capture a city far away from your territory and expect to hold it. So much is very conditional here. Happy Holidays! It becomes a snowball that's difficult to stop; every captured city fuels the Zulu war effort on the military side as well as the economic side. I am at war with the host and despite having a better Army I got absolutely smashed by simultaneous turns, he was attacking me first everytime and usually killing a whole unit whilst my turn was still in the ending 'Please Wait' phase. Yes, try to boost those techs so you get them faster. It's actually pretty hard to beat the game on deity if you try to take a peaceful path, though. -Cyrus (Persia): the king of surprise wars with useful movement buffs and a really solid UU that covers both ranged and melee combat. but honestly after that war I got bored with this civ and didn't even finish that playthrough. Here's my usual strat: Completely ignore catapults/trebuchets Use siege towers until they're rendered ineffective by medieval walls Pause the war until observation balloons are unlocked Mongolia has a passive that if you trade with a civ your visibility with them goes up. You basically rush Swordsmen and build the Oppidum which instantly unlocks apprenticeship (and Man at Arms). Too many opportunities are lost if you approach war from a single player only perspective. But on lower difficulties you can rush a neighbor with warriors and archers. A timing in Civ happens immediately after you get a tech for an important unit. Sure, if they rush the great library as Babylon they'll get a huge science boost early game, but they'll fall behind against anyone that's focusing on infrastructure, because mid to late game population equals to science, not wonders or civ bonuses. Yeah. To clear out an early-game barbarian encampment it only requires 2 units, 3 makes it easy - bring 2 archers and 1 melee unit. But in this game with unhappiness and the fact that courthouse is so expensive does it even make sense to for example play as huns and take a couple cities with battering rams? Rush Political Philosophy and use the autocracy government for the extra bonus to wonder construction. War is not a pre-requisite to success at any difficulty. g. For this type of early rush I would suggest re-rolling until you have a starting city with at least a few solid tiles. If you built the Temple of Artemis, you may also try Audience Chamber for the huge growth potential, and rush a pop 10 city by medieval, but this is more of a meme, as tall is in Civ 6. Jan 29, 2019 · For other noobs (like me) that didn't know, the war cart is a very powerful ancient unit unique to Sumeria that can be built in mass quantities without much of a penalty because it doesn't have a maintenance cost. Civ 6 encourage player to play wide rather than tall, and germany toolkit are built perfectly for this purpose. The potential problems I see are: (Note: This is one of the reasons why horsemen rush is better than the swordsmen rush because you can't let the city flip in swordsmen rush. You ignore them because war carts ignore ZoC, have better mobility and cities without walls are always less than 30 combat strength. Get Governor Liang for the extra builder charge. Simultaneous gives me a rush and it’s fun having a war play out right in front of you. A fairly consistent tactic for early aggression is the sword rush, specifically upgrading your prebuilt warriors to swordsmen. However I definitely see the argument for Sequential. Kept seeing people on here talk about a War Cart Rush being so effective but ignored it until I got more familiar with the game. War cart rush will work until your opponents get city walls. Just got civ vi, although I used to play a lot of civ ii back in the days. Levying gets weaker though as late game city states tend to slow down their production of units. If you have oodles of space, then you may be wasting your production and gold to build and maintain an army that is obsolete by the time it reaches its target. I don't think they get any additional bonuses but they will be the strongest melee unit on the map for a little while. First of all, I'm going to have peace with all civ, and when they get to the future era we will have a World War. It gets slightly better odds against Archers and promotes better. Had a really fun war where Gran Colombia found me with a scout early and DoW like a turn later. It also has a longer lifespan in being able to meaningfully contribute against Crossbows and Longbows. Favor archers/ranged. Hercules and himiko have the best abilities that stay relevant all game. I've been playing since Civ I and have just ordered Civ 6. The benefits of war - and the extent of that war - are highly situationally dependent at pretty much every juncture of the game. I can basically choose what type of victory to have now. Sep 1, 2021 · Basically any civ with a unique ancient era unit is prime for rushing war from very early on. Chandragupta: is my favorite war civ on deity, varus stay relevant for over 60% og the game, and the +5 and 2 + movement is just insane and you can normally run over them in under 10 turns aswell. You take city states and other people capitals. In Civ 6, as many as you can pump out. Jan 18, 2008 · Even if I can build 1 War-Cart/turn from 2 main city it is not enough. Also prioritize the techs or civics that are required for the wonders you want to build. Also, when you research bombers, your range will be limited by the fog of war, so you'll need to send out ground units too. Give the AI 50-60 turns to build infrastructure - very important, people doing this strategy always go to war too early and not gain a lot of value from the first few wars. Civ 5 is a little different since expansion is hampered by Happiness. I usually go for fertility rites or religious settlements if I'm not going for religious victory and none of the pantheons suit my start/the good ones are taken. When picking your civ, pick a civ with bonuses for at least two of the four strategies I've discussed (early war, science rush, turtle, and religious war). Part I focuses primarily on defense, Part II on offense. If your civ has been converted to the religion of the civ that's going for the victory, then it's easiest to declare war on that civ and kill any missionaries or apostles of that religion. I find myself getting into build/strategy patterns and Byzantine turned that on it's head and made me go another path. kckug wxcemp pqv yophj ghbd jvn mcti dnp gaxl uyf