Tank difficulty dragonflight reddit. Play tank/heals and you won’t have to wait very long.

Tank difficulty dragonflight reddit sucks causr i wanted to get the free 500 timewalking tokens on every alt and only 6 put of 12 seem eligible. Not a huge difference in difficulty either, so it's not like a monk or DK is miles ahead of a druid or anything. The best tank is the one that enables pulls no other tank can. I said there is no chance to finish this dungeon, and everyone's response was "classic healer". Some other "easy" mounts include: - Ottuks from the vendor in the Tuskarr town on the western edge of the Azure span. Ever since the introduction of active mitigation, when each tank is at a healthy, fun spot, BDK is always the best feeling tank. I think if tanks did significantly less damage than a dps and significantly less healing than healers, but brought great team utility, it would introduce something fun to the game mode, but tank Pulls and double pulls that would be effortless on other tanks are extremely punishing on brew. Guardians also have 3 other specs you can play with if you decide to go beyond just tanking. I dont agree with Disc necessarily as a priest main. But I do love the class. Neatherheard is right. 0. You are the leader. You sort of play Dragonflight Holy Paladin in reverse: because tanks are so strong, people are playing Beacon of Virtue instead, which significantly increases your party healing. Hi all, I’m curious as to what your opinions are of the most simple and difficult specs in Dragonflight. It was still slow, but not as abd doing this. Every tank is represented in the first couple pages of the M+ leaderboards, which is a first in a long time. Warrior, Paladin, Death Knight, and Demon Hunter all have essentially the same thing. 2 came right after blizzcon, so a lot of people resubbed or preordered new expansion which included dragonflight the raid is really good 10. Your main spells are Howling Blast, Obliterate, Frost strike to dump, and remorseless winter. " Anxiety is a tough one to tackle. Maximizing your damage output is a huge part of being a tank in modern WoW. 1. The problem really is most people play dps so you’ll get dps wait times. io of +1100. They arrive at retribution and frost being the easiest, with warrior specs close behind. My advice would be playing what's at the top of any given role. 16 votes, 31 comments. I think it is likely you've improved since then. I’ve done AV15 fort on PTR and it’s probably the best dungeon in the rotation right now. When in doubt, pick what you like. I don't find HoV too complicated to tank, just need to know the basic mechanics of each boss, but Shadowmoon Burial Ground is unarguably the easiest M+ of the expansion and there are no routes, just hit W For what it's worth, I jumped into some alt runs with guildies today, after having not tanked anything since Shadowlands on my 390 warrior This season DH is by far the strongest tank, but there was a time earlier in the expansion where Druid was the strongest tank, and Paladin had a period of being the best for a short time, and I think there was a fourth tank that was best at the very start, I forget which. Tank Tier List Criteria 62 votes, 159 comments. I always link this video by Skill Capped, really good breakdown of melee DPS difficulty in M+. Source: I'm a bear tank. Decided that i want to tank for Dragonflight. Feb 6, 2023 · WoW Dragonflight Easiest Classes - Ranking DPS, Healer, Tank Class from Easiest to Hardest We want to make this WoW Dragonflight Class Difficulty Tier List for new people jumping into the game, so they have a good idea of where to start and what class to pick up to dip their feet into the content, or if you want something more difficult then Nov 25, 2022 · Decided that i want to tank for Dragonflight. You do not need a key for m0. If you want to analyze abilities, the tools are out there. Obviously there are problems with bear tanks as keys scale higher, but this is a question about what tanks are good to 1) learn tanking and 2) start tanking. Mar 4, 2023 · There are six Tank classes to choose from, and you may wonder which is the best overall or even the best fit for you. I really do love my Mistweaver Vulpera. Most of the time is customary, in m+ you are against time, and leveling pulling is not a problem, the tank in most cases can solo the pull. Blood DK was fucking gross. Thank you in advance! Honestly, my only complaints this season were the Rise timer (should have either increased it by a couple minutes, reduced some RP, nuked the minigame, or cleaned up some sand/trash on the sand platform), the fact that the map in DOTI is utterly useless (had multiple keys fall apart or had to be 4-manned because someone died, released, and got so frustrated trying to get back to everyone else I've played frost DK since Wrath came out and Frost tanking with Armpen was a thing. Like, the 3rd week was the first time that I even had all 8 dungeons timed at all this season. Yeah, this is the big problem. Either is perfectly viable, high damage and has decent utility. It's just a big-ass knowledge check and you have a lot of responsibility as a tank, so that's where the difficulty comes from. You need constant, pulsing AoE damage to make the most out of its healing. Self-sufficient, resource management, high-stakes and high reward for proper play, good util in ranged kicks/stuns, grips/stops, party defensive. Make sure mobs don't frontal them. Tank: Bear (took me 5 tries in dragonflight) Twins: Shadow Priest (easy) Tugar: Destro (this was ridiculously hard just do ww or hunter for this challenge) Xylem: DH (I did this in shadowlands on release pre nerfs and it was insanely hard, not sure about now) I like having more to do than damage. I've gotten every tank except paladin to 60 and have some questions for the guys that's been playing the beta. This interaction pretty much sums up the healer experience in Dragonflight. Its not a reactive healer so it feels daunting in the beginning but when you learn a content and know when to expect damage, you mostly just distribute atonements and follow a simple dps rotation, especially now with spirit shell gone, theres less of a chance to mess up there. But past experiences tell me if I don’t perform/understand it well enough I won’t have fun. What do you think would be best considering this new meta of 10. Id even argue that Warrior and Paladin both are 'Tank Classes' as interesting a tank caster would be, I think all the other comments make a good point that forcing the new class to have tank as well, woudn't solve the tank problem, as IMO the main issue I know for sure the tank DH challenge is trivial due to their kit literally nullifying half the fight, took me 3 tries back in 2017 on an undergeared alt Meanwhile it took me 75 tries for prot paladin (undergeared as well), but Kruul had double his normal HP because we apparently had "higher dps" than other tank specs 10. It’s one of my fave healers by far. The run backs in vault are killer and there are some trash packs that can't be done together becuase too much requires interrupts And then there are the fucking frogs that refuse to stand together for aoe and the dps that tries to keep hitting them instead of just going forward with the tank, preventing the damn frogs from ever catching up On top of that, each tank has a passive that gives them direct survivability from Crit. As a non-vdh tank I had no problem getting straight into +8s with last season gear, and also no problems doing a bunch of +12 keys while still pretty undergeared since I only run a few keys per week. For absolute easy mode Frost DK is king. It's absurd that tanks in general want to be entirely self sustained, and also almost as powerful as a dps, while almost all of them are mobile, and have some really sick utility. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked here. And they have a better oh shit button than all the other tanks. Wondering if you guys can recommend me an alt? I have pretty much every character to 25 already cause I'm an alcoholic. Make a group. The biggest difficulty is finding the rare in the alive state which is a lot easier now that the expansion is almost done. lots of tanks It had a lot of major problems with the design, which could easily be addressed moving forward. Imo the problem isn’t really that tanks think they should be able to play it’s the circumstances they think they should be able to play under. It’s stressful and I find i learn more, and more importantly (especially considering in M+ you have 4 others dependant on your pace and ability for tank-specific mechanics) I learn routes, mechanics and what wiped us FASTER playing the role of a tank. Illidan is the most challenging boss, and he has like 1 mechanic, but it can wipe. As of now, it's still a top tier tank alongside Monk, while also being the best option for M+ tanking. Druid has a variation of it. All the others are a pain in the arse in their own way. warrior, priest, mage, and dh. If you don't it kinda is your fault if there are mess-ups. That is the only thing I can think of. I'll speak on the difficulty side. A 15 in Shadowlands has the same scaling as a 14 in Dragonflight, and a 20 in Shadowlands is equivalent to an 18 in Dragonflight. For me, Blood DK is the most fun tank to pug with because you have a ton of control over mobs to help mitigate mistakes that pugs make. yeah you can add in Death coil/lichborne healing macro, breath of Sindragosa, double stacking Empowered rune weapon. Hello! I love tanking dungeons and I've decided to main a tank in Dragonflight, first time I'll main a tank since I started playing in Vanilla, they were always alts used to run some dungeons with friends. Now you have DH tank that can effectively keep them in place solo for the duration of most classes CDs, the entire group just baits in melee and they don’t go anywhere. Would worth asking your co tank how often they are taunting they should only be taunting on swap, if they are using it on cd to hold threat that is the problem. setup: CPU: 5 4600g GPU: gtx 1650 RAM: 16 gb ddr4 3200MHz I have rly good fps everywhere except for raids I am around 100 fps in dungeons, world bosses, and city but in raids, my fps drop dramatically and the game is lagging very much also on the lowest settings possible. The tank died to a 4 mob pull, and in response, he shared the healing meters on chat. Court is ez too, but the timer is less generous, you need a tank that knows what he's doing and a couple of the bosses can be ez to wipe on if you don't know mechanics, but overall, it's a lot of small pulls so pretty easy as a healer. I am currently leaning to prot warrior for two reasons: I like their aesthetic and the off specs looks really fun (arms and fury). which pull, how many groups to pull, know the exact moment their CD will be back up and which pull they'll be on for that, etc What I enjoy the most though, is getting to give cred to the healer when they've done a good job, since both tanks and healers are always the ones to blame according to majority of the group(yes you, dps, that don't use defensive at the right times and then blame healer for not healing enough, or blame tank for doing bad, or pulls that were too Tanking is super easy, and unless you are gonna be pushing M+ keys beyond level 24~25, meta really doesnt matter. After that you are near-unkillable. Paladin and Demon Hunter are slightly a step up from there followed by Death knight and Monk as the more complex tanks. My guild was just friends from FF/Destiny and we ran casual hours (2 sessions of 3 hours per week), so reclears ate up a lot of You can mimic how a queue might work by simply making a key and adding the first dps to join every time. Thanks in advance. Ive timed 28s with every tank class so truely its down to your personal preference. Looking at the talents coming up in Dragonflight while for DK and Warrior I am very happy to see what has been done, I look at Druid and worry because they are not quite there yet and Pallys I am so disappointed. lol they'll get fed up and leave eventually and you can replace a dps faster than a tank and healer and since you've got your own tank its no problem! Tanks in RBGs is just meta, but in arena it is def insanely annoying for sure. Fun professions that make a little gold would be The problem is their offensive option is probably the worst in the game because it’s not even worth using a global on. So the easy was to tank is kinda plain and the fun way is a lot more to learn I love Mistweaver so much. It will probably be DK, still not 100% sure, but probably DK, love the class and love the idea of not needing extra equipment to switch between DPS and Tank (yes trinkets and stats will not Any of the tanks with easy self-heals are probably most user friendly and tanks like Guardian have just so few buttons to press. Death knight most definitely feels super satisfying and fun, love healing from 1/4 health to full and having a shield so big you won’t take damage for another 5 seconds, and even when you do get hit, you have a massive armor boost so you can just heal it all back in a second. In off moments, you can go work mage tower for the coolest tank appearance in the game :-) Made my first tank for season 4 and I chose prot warrior. The problem is every tank has a lot of key binds pally probably is on the upper end of them but people who say bear doesn’t have a lot are either playing them wrong or haven’t played them in dragon flight. It's what my brother does. Position exploding mobs (like in Court of Stars) so that your team can take cover. Interests. But I'm struggling to kill elites solo. I have pushed 3 of them to 3k in season 3. Id say prot paladin. Background info; I'm currently a Prot Warrior Tank with a Raider. I’d put prot paladin and brew after that tied for 3rd. Play tank/heals and you won’t have to wait very long. Tip 6: Have fun! You’re gonna get assholes who don’t like how you tank a dungeon meanwhile they are on a class that can’t even Tank and have never tried it. Dec 5, 2022 · 2. Now i've done 5 dragonflight dungeons with the advice taken and changes made. I'm a pretty new player started 3 weeks ago, my booster evoker is really fun. Doing Dragonflight dungeons as a tank with PUGS, in my experience, was not that bad. VDH's sigils are so strong that they enable pulls on their own. currently at 2532IO. You don't really have empty gcds as far as I know if you run the correct talents and don't run out of resources. We tried this last week when the dk come back to test him If so then it's a matter of deciding whether playing the spec you enjoy is worth maybe looking for a group or guild that has the same attitude and perhaps playing slightly lower difficulty content due to the weakness of the spec, or going meta, playing a class you don't like/like less and having a better chance at pug invitations. because I lack damage and it takes way too much time to kill a simple mob. Really good defensive, your main ability is an interrupt that it up all the time, normally good damage so no threat problems. Meanwhile the more casual players just quietly leave. The difficulty comes from the high ammount of knowledge you need about everything else. I may not be a casual as i like to do high keys and mythic raid, but thats a lot of content, and more coming soon with 10. Is a tank with 0% uptime on all their defensives going to get to a +20 key? Do you really think those types of players don't need a healer before +20? Is the average healer who struggles to heal a low skill tank going to assume the tank is the problem or does the average healer blame themselves for not being to keep the tank up? It’s not hard, BUT, you can still wipe. Some tank specs like bear and BDK just turn my crank. Before Shadowlands came out, DK was said to be the best tank. Once he managed to get his shit right, o can't rip his aggro even if the priest pi me. When I play WoW I mostly tank, and I play all the tanks currently. Though each has its strengths and weaknesses, Tanks can be presented into a tier list showing how they stack up against one another, using the following scale: S-Tier, A-Tier, and B-Tier. Nokud, Ruby and Azure are probably the most annoying. until more content is released for dragonflight? We litteraly got a new patch 3 weeks ago, a new campaign, new chapter of said campaign 2 days ago. Tank spec is outdoing my dps spec, so even just solo lvling, farming etc I'm in tank mode. Honestly I’m a big fan, I think it’s nice and simple but requires enough management if your rotational defensive like shield block, spell reflect, and ignore pain that I feel plenty engaged. Some leave, some quietly try to play through the difficulty, some complain, etc. Bear still isn’t a hard tank and is probably still one of the easiest tanks but has gotten more complex in dragon flight. He’s one of my fave characters I’ve ever made. Second I’d put prot war, they have almost as many abilities as BDK and you are constantly pressing buttons - definitely the highest APM tank. As a tank you need to be able to spot hazards and position yourself in safe locations away from patrols. I managed to set up some mouseover heals, like someone suggested. If you try to learn on the fly you are likely to fuck up sooner or later. This lets you do the dungeon faster and time it at a higher key level. raiding could be different, cause you only Relative key levels were harder to time in shadowlands even with the lower scaling, most top teams were capped at the 25-26 key level range, I remember the 24s/pf/nw 25s I did in sl season 1 were pretty great keys, 24s/25s in dragonflight are a bit of a joke in comparison. I love my prot warrior due to his damage potential, but I love to tank a lot more than to I usually play DPS and tank roles. I started playing WoW in Dragonflight prepatch and got AotC Raz week 8 iirc. Though of all the tank classes, Paladin and DK were my favorite to run with. Monk is a little less direct, but it's still there. I will be at the front of the line yelling about how Guardian druids suck absolute ass at higher keys but I'm pretty sure everyone knows that guardian is the easiest to learn tank. I'm looking for an option that will provide great defensives as well as moderate dps output. try bringing one of each raid buff classes. The real fun starts above +20s, the difficulty level gets exponentially harder after that, abilities World of Warcraft on Reddit! Dragonflight S1 is at 36,215,941 runs in 21 weeks, and S2 at 27,189,927 runs in 27 weeks. We don't need any more tank specs, as the ones we have are pretty good. Mess around with the tanks yourself and see what you like. That's a big problem with 95th percentile parses in general, which Wowhead has an obsession with for some reason. I am having fun while playing with friends, doing dungeons, etc. So do your homework on dungeons. If I'm on my alt and the tank asks for a route im outta there quickly. If you don’t trust me, Trellsky, a tank known for playing competitive high m+, described brew as “tragically bad” before the most recent round of nerfs. To speed things up I frequently pulled extra groups onto the tank. . Especially with the Dragonflight rework to the mastery it's been a pain to run around slowly DoT-ing everything while trying not to die. new raid, new dungeon pool for m+, blue dragonflight quest. Nice thing is, I can take on a huge amount of adds and still remain close to full health. Theres also the people in the middle. This is because these players are great at watching their groups CDs, understanding exactly how and when to use their larger CDs. If I, as a tank, can keep a steady stream of pulls of us going to the boss, in a +0, that should be enough as it is in a heroic dungeon. It's not good/efficient to just heal the tank. MDT shows trash abilities. As a tank your job is to lead the group, you need to know everything about the dungeon. The problem with this in PvE is that much of this utility, especially in raids, isn’t really useful and won’t outweigh raw damage in the meta. The tank is very quick to grab threat if you pull something. They got confused when they were balancing it and accidentally gave all the buffs meant for the other bosses to the first one. Toxic comments are way over represented on reddit. It's the tank spec that plays like a DPS the most where you are tanky just for hitting damage buttons. Hey guys, WoW newbie here! We started playing WoW with a group of friends and as usual, I took the support (Healer) role. Knowing that the boss have a period with a drastic dmg spike and then saving shield wall for that is a bit harder. As someone who is still struggling to choose a main and who enjoys specs that sit around moderate difficulty, I am wondering what your opinions are of the easiest and most difficult. What are the easiest to hardest for newer tank in order of difficulty ? (bear tank) I want to start watching vids and learn like 2 a week until i have them down. As squad leader/tank it's your job to keep the privates and medic safe. That being said any of the healer specs is fine if your goal is to do a +20, I would say below +20 is easy mode, if you are ilvl 440 or more, you can view it as tutorial. While I don't pug as much as some, I pugged the 20 teleports last season and never had any problems. especially in pugs. Otherwise even if you are struggling to hold aggro over other tank the taunt should at least get threat for a few seconds. Therefore, unless the spec's defensiveness is weakened to the point it can't live pulls other tanks can, it will always be on top. ) Hardest tank to play is by a longshot BDK in dragonflight. While there is a lot more of that kind of healing in Dragonflight Dungeons/Raids, Disc priests already have the answer to that problem: Power Word Radiance and big dps bursts or pre-Rapture bubbles in preparation for the I did not do any of the mythics in first 2 seasons so barely know these dungeons. Druid is the simplest, but I always found paladin the most relaxing. I was having the same problem with a dk tank early in the tier, but the problem was really he was underperforming. I want to learn to tank this season so heading into expansion i have some exp. A roguelite mode hasn't been confirmed for Dragonflight, and I do not anticipate them to continue it after the overall flop Torghast was, so this post is mostly for the sake of discussion. I'm not a good Healer or a Tank personally, but I'm still much better at healing because I don't feel stressed about it even in difficult healing situations, while I'm constantly super self-conscious when tanking. Because playing bear tank is a very simple spec like a cut down warrior but playing a good druid tank is hard to get down with the the abilities and forms. As others have pointed out, from a mathematical perspective, the m+ scaling is harder in Dragonflight once you get to 11. Today i managed to dive into my first dragonflight normals as healer, and i was stressing it. I was trying to tank and the entire runs were fine until halfway or so when people start yelling and trolling because one pack got pulled that apparently wasn't part of "the path". 1 released at the beginning of summer, while 10. Only problem I have with class is I hate using their dps/tank specs for questing leveling. Set the dungeon difficulty to mythic, walk in and start killing mobs. Reply reply Most fun tank is totally dependent on the person and what they like. take 3 tanks, and as much dps as you can find. Tanks got out of hand in SL as well, so yeah, I kinda think they did. Personally, I love the mobility and burst of a dh tank, but it never hurts to play what's ideal. Which one do you think looks the coolest? Which one resonates with you? Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. It's worth remembering tank stats are often skewed because many high level tanks only play tank - in which case, it's easier to just play the top 2 specs in any given patch knowing keys take one and raids two at maximum. true. Other people have noted the non-difficulty aspects of Savage and why those elements drive people away. Got a little bit of practice with those, then dinged 61 and opened dragonflight. and hunter for good luck charm. With the Warrior as my second Tank (after VDH in Shadowlands), I want to try some more tanks out. Guardian is SSS+ tier, everyone else is B tier at best. Pair that with your Divine Toll and you have a way to get a lot of healing out quickly every minute. Season 1 was kinda hard for tanks to manage the exact percentage of the route to have a smooth pride spawn. A lot of this only rings true to Dragonflight as the new expansion is changing A LOT of the button bloat. Guardian druid got fucking disgusting amounts of damage last season. The vast majority of groups are silent besides, "hello," and, "gg. but I am having problems when soloing most of the quests, World Quests, while mining etc. The tank only ever pulls one group at a time, but the group is easily able to handle 2-3 groups without wiping. Keep up the learning and you’ll get better. I think the main problem with cata dungeons is the "randomness" of what to do with some mechanics. They start at +2. 100%. The thing that i enjoy the most with tanks is the self sustain and being able to solo a lot of content. It's harder than all of the rest of the dungeon combined lol This shouldn't rip anyone threat. I’ve fought prot pallys before who absolutely cheese their entire kit to heal more than healers and still compete with dps while making sure his teammate isn’t dying, and granted not all tank players in arena are that good but the fact that it can get that bad is a reason why tanks in arena is a big no no. Which is a team inconvenience, by slowing down the keys, though tank has the most impact. You’ll see how being able to curate the group holds its value. Its not about the number of specs, its about how good said specs are. Fort + Bolstering on Freehold style keys with melee attack mobs that wreck you are really the only thing that still inconvenices tanks, but that doesn't apply to 20 and below keys, typically The second part of the difficulty in playing blood is precisely that, getting used to being squishy at the start of the encounters while you pool resources and not getting panicky about it. There are very few Demo or Unholy parse in the top 5% that doesn't have PI. And making this shit baseline guarantees that they will remain the only viable RBG tank barring every other tank spec getting a CC immunity as well as massive mobility and utility buffs. lt doesn't destroy their ability to tank. It's probably going to be one, but it's still much faster than usually. Being a tank too makes you unkillable if you have the right equipment and sufficient iLvL, so you just basically stand in the corner soaking up damage while the others do their thing. Having to use a braincell while lvling is so refreshing. 05 Any help is much appreciated. Like stuck on meteor, or do not move with a random debuff until dispelled or do not kill this dog, but kill all the other dogs before boss. Go tank my man, start working on these life skills now. Hey guys I have a question regarding fps boost in Dragonflight raids. I'm having huge trouble on keeping aoe aggro in 17-18keys with… Theres another weird ass requirements. Prot warrior is definitely not beginner friendly imo having 2 separate mitigations despite being one of the funner tanks. Simple to play and mobile. In heroics since you're a holy priest, if you get a toxic player just constantly grip him into stuff. Just had a few questions regarding my options for tanks. For overall difficulty, I would reccomend druid or warrior as the easy specs to pick up. but since you play max +17 keys, it shouldn't matter as long as there is no really breaking mechanic or oversight in tuning. -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. Another problem and it's something that most tanks hate, is when the DPS pull the packs, and rush the tank, as a results, the tank is often rushed to avoid this. It does however provide a 40yd ability to pull mobs with which most tanks don’t have but outside of convenience it hasn’t seen much usefulness since shadowlands where it could allow you to pull some mobs you otherwise Bear tanks has a brainless rotation, but there are Bear tanks that make super high keys. They have to balance around too many different types of player. Its mainly just the DF Elites that give me problems. but it's lame only one tank spec being viable in BGs. Lack of Variety Weaker tanks need to be brought up and prot warrior needs to be brought in line. I'm not dying or stressing I started my Rsham alt a couple days ago, and I am beyond frustrated. I really love the difficulty tho. I'm seeing a lot of posts saying guardian druids and protection warriors. class tuning just began on the beta servers, its hard to say which tank will be the top of the bunch in dragonflight. Hello guys, i'm a 264ilvl brewmaster tank. Utility and general class toolkits will always have an impact in what is evergreen and always meta and not with rogue being the glaring example of this. 2 released towards the end of the year Dungeons being very easy contributed to the increase in runs for sure, but its likely not the main cause. It's a lot more button mashy than druid, but that button mashing translates into so much interrupt spam on every enemy in range that it just doesn't have a lot of the problems that other tanks do with casters, I always feel completely in control of everything that's going on in the instance, never having to rely on the party The difficulty from tanking have never come from what class you play or the execution of any rotation. The difference between healing prot warrior vs other tanks is insane in how much less they need. Dorki rated all tanks around a 4-5 on defense and brew at 1-2 The spec is playable for sure. But also, brew isn't remotely sweaty unless you don't know what you're doin. Right now (Season 1 of Dragonflight) the devs have stated that they were previously unhappy designwise with how little healing the healer would actually do, and how much pressure was placed on the tank to be playing optimally while also trying to adjust the route in the fly. I'm a new player (just started a week ago) and started as a tank. Please note that only the dragonflight dungeons will be available at m0 (at a relevant difficulty, since the others do not scale to lvl 70 or aren't even available on mythic difficulty). This does get better with gear, but it's still slow and tedious compared to Guardian. Pressing shield wall is not hard. Some tanks have more buttons to press faster than others, some tanks have button bloat meaning you have a ton of buttons to press. 5. and with an ongoing shortage of tanks (and healers) you will unlikely have problems finding a group for m+. The season 4 affix is far less intimidating since they help you with the percentage because they usually give you more % than below 10+ keys mobs. Balance is pretty great, so you have to decide what kind of fun you want. Usually the most 'hardcore' are the loudest, so they often get catered to. Some of my chars get a "you havent logged on for a while" and i have to redo the prepatch questline, and i can only queue for BFA dungeons instead of dragonflight or shadowlands. The problem with prot warrior is they have amazing physical mitigation and any magic tankbusters they can just spell reflect. If people start being rude to you for trying to get into tanking, just know that they are the reason people don’t tank and are assholes. I'm curious what other tanks are fun to play and nearly unkillable. Holy has always felt wonky in m+, Disc is much better for m+ healing, but it's prob one of the harder specs to fully master. I tried one on a lv65 alt, and yes it was painfully slow. lgids sknie zvbtg zkagzk vapje com dgtphw jsqcre ugkyef bgy