Collision not working unity I have messed with everything and yet the script is not working, my enemy is just phasing through the wall. 5 : My enemies have a NavMeshAgent. The player capsule simply phases throught the wall regardless of the speed at wich i am going. Log. When the player moves, I want it to get stuck on the enemy if they touch, but the collision doesn’t work, and they go through each other. Hi, looking at the pictures, you do not seam to have a Collider on you player. Everything works May 9, 2022 · Hey. Here’s a video of what happens: Is this as expected Jan 25, 2018 · I want my Character to ignore the layer is colliding with when I press S (just like in Gun Mayhem when you press to go down while colliding with a layer and the character ignores the collision with Mar 6, 2022 · I need two things that should work and aren’t : First of all, i want a Object with a Kinematic rigidbody and a collider to be blocked by a tilemap collider. I have provided my main character with a Collider and a Rigidbody2d and set it to kinematic in order for it not to fall down the screen. Holes and complex geometry go wrong with convex, so now the parent has a rigidbody with a collider and each child a collider. I have attempted changing the collider to not be a trigger, I’ve charged the particles from local to global simulation space, I’ve tried putting the particle system on the parent ship object instead of on a child, I’ve fiddled with all of the collision detection settings on both the May 1, 2019 · I have two objects: “Player” is an object that has a box collider 2d and a rigidbody2d, and is set on the “player” layer. Another game object, let´s call it “object B”, has only a Apr 16, 2014 · Hi, I’m making a puzzle game, where the gamer has to get the player safely from the start to the exit by placing waypoints and then pressing ‘Go’. In the beggining it worked fine but then it just stopped. However, it’s not working. What i am finding is sometimes the collision isn’t being detected. Possible solutions to onCollisionEnter not working. The projectile has an EdgeCollider2D with “isTrigger” checked and the asteroids have an EdgeCollider2D and a RigidBody2D and is of Dynamic body type. Collision events will be sent to disabled MonoBehaviours, to allow enabling Behaviours in response to collisions. You should not use the override keyword, as this will report "no suitable method found to Oct 25, 2020 · Im having a lot of weird prolems with my rigidbody collision in unity. “Enemy” is an object that only has a box collider 2d, and is set on the “enemy” layer. OnCollisionEnter(Collision) Also try this instead of using switch-case: Aug 24, 2016 · By being lower case, your creating an entirely different function, that does not overload the original collision function your trying to call from MonoBehaviour. If you are changing transform. any ideas? var numberofpartices= 10; var particles: Transform; var seperation= Random. Hellclaw2099 January 19, 2023, 12:43pm 1 Nov 16, 2013 · Hello everyone, I am working on a project and have been hung up on collisions for almost two hours now. I am trying to use the OnTriggerEnter/Exit for audio purposes. Oct 26, 2016 · My models in this my game aren’t sensing a collision with each other when they spawn (if they spawn inside each other), causing a script I made (to fix the issue of spawning inside another model) to not do anything. Seppi November 10, otherwise it does not work properly. See this link. I’m fairly new and have been trying to get an enemy to attack my player when the player is in range of a sphere collider. This works perfectly in the editor with the Dec 20, 2018 · You are using OnCollisionEnter instead of OnTriggerEnter. The “Use full kinematic contacts” box is checked. For some reason collisions with the moveable objects work but not the collisions with the static objects and I don’t Aug 24, 2022 · I have been looking around for hours and I cannot find a fix or the cause of the problem. Unity is a powerful game engine that can be used to create 2D and 3D games. The sphere and the cube collide like normal but OnCollisionEnter isn’t called. 2D. plz help. ignoreCollision on my environment and I managed to reproduce the same problem on a smaller scale so here it is. Sep 13, 2021 · When it seems a collider is not working in your Unity scene, there are a few things that you might want to look at. May I ask what’s wrong? Screenshots: The Player can go through the “wall”; both the player and the wall are on “Sorting layer 04”, “order Feb 6, 2017 · I have the following code, that’s designed to create a missile and launch in the direction of my spaceship. i tried to set the player to the Sep 9, 2022 · collision not working properly in unity when moving. Jun 24, 2024 · Trying to count collisions event but counter always zero. I have looked EVERYWHERE, and found numerous tutorials on these forums, YouTube, and I have even ventured to the second results page on Google (yes I’m that desperate). Great. Nov 29, 2022 · I am attempting to follow a really simple tutorial for an enemy walk cycle between two blocks. In the scripting of the box collider i am using OnCollisionEnter2D to detect if i have hit the circle collider. But right now I am trying to simply get the bullet to be destroyed when it hits the other object and possible to destoy when hitting a tagged “Enemy” object. I should of included the info of the timescale in the question. It can be changed in “Project Settings > Physics 2D > Default Contact Offset” but doing so for visuals means you can cause other issues so only do so if you know what you’re doing. so i created the “enemy” and “the invicible” layers and disabled the collision between the two from the 2d collision matrix but the collision still happens. However, my game does not seem able to detect collisions at all. I did everything in different ways and I haven't had anything. when it collides with a door, it glitches out and when it collides with 2 nvisible box colliders at the edge of the map while walking diagonally, it walks If you have checked all of these things and the `onCollisionEnter` function is still not working, then you may need to contact Unity support for help. Apr 26, 2014 · Hi I’m making a simple script so when my character called ‘Player’ (in hierarchy) collides with a cube, named ‘Cube’ (in hierarchy) , the cube disappears. name + " OnCollisionEnter Entered"); } Object 1 is a sphere with a sphere collider, rigidbody and this script. Mar 5, 2012 · Hello, im new to unity and I have a problem with collision with my player and terrain. I’ve been trying to solve this issue for weeks. My player a Jul 17, 2017 · Hi there, I’m having the following issue, with a video to illustrate. Nov 10, 2012 · Unity Discussions Collisions Not Working. why collision is not working properly. This works perfectly in previous builds. At least one object in the collision needs to have a rigidbody. I also have the same game in non-vr PC version where the fps controller successfully collides with the Dec 31, 2020 · I’ve spent hours on this, but I just can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. Strange thing: I can’t see the green outline of a typical mesh collider. My mesh colliders just don’t work. This is the script: (which is on the gameobject with the collider and I also tried Apr 17, 2014 · Hi, I’m making a puzzle game, where the gamer has to get the player safely from the start to the exit by placing waypoints and then pressing ‘Go’. The enemy will be able to destroy the player on contact; but for now im just making it print to the console. I’m probably overlooking something really simple here… I haven’t even been able to get the Debug. Range (-10,10); var particlemaxsize=5; function Start () { for (var i : int = 0;i < numberofpartices; i++) { var numRandom: int Oct 19, 2022 · so I have rigid body and when it collides with another body with low speeds it is working just fine but when it collides with hight speed it goes through the object I’ve Been have this problem for day and I can’t fix it here’s my code this is my player movement file site… using System. All three characters have the same layer (which collides with itself), are all untagged and have rigidbodies with frozen movement and Feb 23, 2018 · You're trying to pass a CharacterController type argument to a Collider type parameter of the Physics. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class Jul 7, 2020 · I am making a 2D game much like Doodle Jump. Jul 9, 2018 · Much like George Mori, for me not having an Update function made it not trigger. OnCollisionStay : Unity calls this function on each collider once per physics update while two colliders are in contact. 15f2, OnCollisionEnter is not working. The collision works perfectly when static even if the tilemap do not have a rigidbody at all May 15, 2012 · I’m having some issues with a certain use case when two objects touch on screen, but do not “collide”. I’m trying to reset the jump counter (Jumps float) on collision with the tags (Ground || JumpPad). Collections Dec 31, 2023 · this is my first project i am trying to get the player to collide with the wall in my game (2d) however despite using the same code i got from some tutorials in one of the projects the player passes through the wall entirely while in the other the player gets stuck even though its not supposed to. In my project I have a mouse that moves towards a block of cheese. This works perfectly in the editor with the Jun 15, 2022 · The script below should make me teleport on collision (VelocityFixer() just changes velocity and is not related to the actual teleportation), and when I manually drag the prefab into the hierarchy and put that into the public gameobject I have at the top of the script for the 2 portals it will teleport me in between them, but if I just put the prefab inside the 2 public gameobject slots seen Jul 9, 2017 · Hey everyone I designed a VR game on unity for the HTC Vive After downloading Steam VR Plugin and dragging the prefab camera rig onto my Hierarchy and scene. And you have to move the player using forces. However Jun 3, 2017 · Unity Discussions Collision Not Working. Collision not working in 2D. Jan 30, 2018 · After a year of unity why do I continue to have problems with collisions in 2D! Ive posted this thread so we can list all solutions for everyone to use and also hopefully it will help me figure out my new “collision not working problem”. Inside which Aug 31, 2015 · I have two 2D game objects. Value++ Sep 4, 2021 · Version: 2020. The player is a cube and the obstacles are cubes and i have a 2D Box Collider and 2D Rigidbody(with gravity turned off) on each. rotation); Physics2D. Mar 31, 2014 · I want to make it so when the bullet hits the object it will delete the object but i tried everything putting a ridge body on it changing the script more then 5 times and editing the ridge body and trying to make it work without a ridge body adding a ridge body to the bullet and editing the box collider and still nothing is working, if you can help me here that will be grate you can post a Apr 20, 2016 · Hi Everyone To break this down simply i basically have a 2d box collider flying into a 2d circle collider. Jan 11, 2012 · EX: A gameobject (gameobject1) with a collider and rigidbody component will collide with a static (not moving) gameobject (gameobject2) that just has a collider. A bird AI follows the character and changes scene on collision. I have a method I wrote for solving which Dec 13, 2018 · Please help me i am getting really pissed. We are using the Terrain tool to place trees on a map. Hi! I dont know why my Collision is not working, If the shot hits the target ,the Oct 3, 2018 · I know this has been asked several times before, but I don´t find the answer. I have only had this issue when the collision objects have used a nav mesh. I separate the two types of objects using two different tags, one is moveable thus allowing the bullet to apply velocity to the collided object. Resolving the "Unity 3D collision not working" error involves checking and correcting the aforementioned potential issues: Check Collider and Rigidbody Components: Ensure that both objects involved in the collision have appropriate collider components attached. Scripting. Unity Engine. However, even the best engines can sometimes have problems, and one common issue is that collisions don’t work properly. ihave used onparticlecollision() attached to the particles but the onparticlecollision script is not working. IgnoreCollision method. Feb 28, 2013 · The collider is not set as a trigger (for collision events) - this goes for both colliders; The script is on the same object that has the rigidbody (not a child - important) The physics layers are set to collide (if you dont know what this is, you probably havnt broken it) Rigidbody is not set as IsKinematic; All those have been checked. For some reason, collisions are not being registered at all. Any help would be appreciated 🙂 using System. other 3 main Unity usings (system, system collections, unityengine) using UnityEngine Mar 15, 2021 · Hello, This is the first question I’ve asked in Unity forums. Hi, I have code here to test a collision: var timesThrough: int = 0; Jan 8, 2021 · Unity will call the method automatically if a collision is detected. Something interesting to note Jul 15, 2014 · Hi All, I am trying to use particle collision to add some spice to my game world. The player just goed through the terrain! I added a box collider to my main character, and the trigger option is unchecked on both I also used a script that checks is collision working but it does not say anything in the debug log. 3. 5f; public int attackDamage = 10 Feb 6, 2022 · Hi everyone, I know this question has been asked many times already, but most of them occurred long ago or didn’t have an answer that would help. The other is static like the ground. I have set X and Y to the width and height of the sprite for both of them, and set Z to 3 just so it has some sort of thickness. Here’s the code I have on the sphere: public class CollisionText : MonoBehaviour { private Text myText; void Start() { myText. So I’m building a 2D Metroidvania and would like to implement one-way platforms in certain situations. May 25, 2020 · A Trigger collider does not generate collision response (which is what the OnCollisionEnter/Stay/Exit messages and their 2D versions handle). 2. I tried using this: Unity Feb 15, 2024 · I have 2 spheres with sphere colliders (istrigger is off) controlled by VR controllers, with the root gameobject having a rigidbody on continuous dynamic and isKinematic off, and a cube collider which I’m trying to collide with. You would assign obj-tagged objects to a particular layer, and the object in your post to another layer, then go into the Unity Physics Manager to disable collision between those layers. using System. For some reason the character I’m working on (the bat-like one) only collides with the ghost-like and doesn’t collide neither with the player character nor with a copy of itself. I'm using a 3D tilemap so yea. As stated above you will typically need a rigidbody. I scripted it, but nothing. I’d just like to display some text when the player collides with a sphere. Modified 2 years, 1 month ago. Now my problem is that when I imported my mesh, I checked the box generate collisions but I could walk right trough it. The bullets are spheres with a sphere collider and a rigidbody attached. All I want to do is detect a collision with a console message and even that seems to be beyond me. I am using the below script that is attached Jul 17, 2023 · my player object is passing through box collider. i want to hit the cloud with an cube and detect collision detection. My Player has a RigidBody and my Collider attached to said player has a Mesh Collider that is Convex attached to it. Set Collision detecting to continuous not discrete. Also, I have done the same thing but with a static Rigidbody2d for a tree. My raycast doesn’t detect my enemy’s mesh colliders when i am shooting at them. My trees also have mesh colliders, they don’t collide with my player. Collections; public class PlayerCollision : MonoBehaviour { void OnColliderEnter2D (Collider2D coll) { if Jun 25, 2020 · So I have this script on 2 objects void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { Debug. I have 2 gameObjects, both with not trigger SphereColliders and not Kinematic RigidBodies. GetComponent()); } However, it doesn’t seem to ignore the collision. Here’s what I have on my player : And on my “block” (to test collisions) : Jul 29, 2019 · there is no debug message or anything ontrigger is false on both i have rigid body on both collider on botb made sure to spell it right 10 times i even tried ontriggerenter still not working when the cube collides nothing happens void OnCollisionEnter(Collision col){ Debug. I have managed to get VR and movement working for my game BUT my VR controller or the camera goes through walls and any other objects. colliders. I’ve given the player and the walls a box collider but they can still walk through walls. Anyone has any idea of what the reason for this could be? I have spent one week googling this problem, and all I find is old posts without solutions although many people have encountered this problem even in Jul 11, 2013 · Hello I’ve created a NPC demon and imported it from cinema 4D which has a animation controller with currently 2 states: Walk, Die. They each have a Box Collider 2D and a Rigid Body 2D which is not kinematic. I have ticked ‘Is Trigger’ for both of them. This is the script (Javascript) attached to my player (First Person Controller Camera, has a RigidBody and Capsule Collider with no trigger. 2D and 3D colliders don't detect collisions with each other. Collections; public class LauncherScript: MonoBehaviour { void Update(){ … Feb 3, 2024 · I am trying to do a simple Dr Who themed game where you pilot the TARDIS in the time vortex, but for some reason the collision isn’t working - the current thing is that when the Tardis hits a Dalek, it displays a game over text on the console for debug purposes, but either the objects aren’t colliding or the game over tag isn’t switching. When I add a capsule Nov 21, 2019 · You should read up here about Collisions in unity. 5 hrs of debugging why my 2D collisions just don’t work, I simply tick the box “Use Full Kinematics Contacts” and it works like it should. I tried to use a Physics. I’m trying to get it to detect whether it touching a certain game object and if its not to destroy itself. Jun 18, 2018 · Hey im making a GameObject wich gives you a cosmetic(The cosmetic part works fine) but when i try to pick the GameObject up/walk into it, it wont work. Both objects have is trigger unchecked. I’ve read that when an object moves fast, to detect collision trigger it’s best to enable Continuous Collision Detection to avoid Sep 22, 2018 · Hello guys, I am having this problem where collision works perfectly inside Unity(Unity 2018. I have a empty game object named house. To solve the problem: Check (and add if there isn't) a Collider on your object with the CharacterController component. Here’s the thing since Unity 3. I thought using a particle system would be the easiest way of doing this. Check that is trigger is not selected on any of the colliders; Pause the game and check in the scene view that the green boxes of the colliders actually colliding Jul 20, 2021 · im trying to track collsion on a unity project and i dont get whats wrong thats the code i'm working with. I have tried many different ways to do this but either it ends up not colliding with anything or colliding with Feb 21, 2022 · I have a 2D planet defense game with asteroid prefabs I’d like to destroy when hit by a projectile. Heres what I have: var mySpeed Jun 13, 2024 · I am following the unity tutorial, and I am following the step of collision detection. Anyone, please leave reasons why this could be happening, it is 3D by the way. Collections; using System. Netcode client Jun 15, 2018 · So, I’ve made a collision mesh for my platform, and its not working, I’d rather not show images just yet of the platform just yet because its really cool. legacy-topics. Deonisos69 March 13, 2016, 8:15pm 1. The rigidbody is set to non-kinematic (the checkbox is not checked) if that matters. I have an object with a mesh collider and rigidbody. 1 I’m working on a character controller script and I can’t get the double jump working. The host in the video is properly colliding while the client is struggling really badly. Collections; public class CollisionCheck : MonoBehaviour { void OnCollisionEnter Jan 7, 2023 · Hi all I have my human character who is trying to throw a grenade, the human character has a capsule collider The grenade’s collider is disabled by default and gets enabled when the user throws the grenade, however, my grenade always collides with my player’s collider I knew of the existence of Physics. (it’s a game similar to snake where the body of your snake consists of blocks and each block get’s spawned in to move “forwards”). I unticked ‘Use Gravity’ and left the other settings as Oct 24, 2024 · Hi Richard, the MeshCollider on the Sprite is not set as Trigger (otherwise it would not work, as you say). im trying to destroy an object on collision but it doesnt work for some reason. I have a lot of different colliders in my scene and checking them all in the if statement would be wrong. Any advice would be super helpful, along with any advice on creating a “death screen” upon collision with an enemy. ) The cube itself has a rigidbody and box collider. problem is they dont work. I tried also to rotate the sprite in case the normal was facing in the wrong direction, and tried different types of collider, but no way, won’t work. I’ve attached pictures of the components of each as well as there collision / trigger scripts for reference. Yet for some reason it’s not Unity 2D Collision Not Working: A Comprehensive Guide. e . enabled = false; } // Assuming you're using a 2D platform void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) { if Nov 19, 2020 · I am trying to make a system where when the player pushes on button he changes layer from “Player layer” to an “invicible layer” where the player can’t collide with enemy or other objects. position directly or with Transform. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 2 months ago. I want to collide my player with the goal to change the level. I put it over a plane with just a box collider. Unfortunately, collisions for OnTriggerEnter and OnTriggerExit are not registering. 4. Actually the colliders of all objects in the game aren’t working. guiTexture; leftcontrol Jul 24, 2013 · I am working on a small game that uses a “game over” screen that is displayed upon a collision with a pit (a cube with black material. The physics Layer Collision Matrix is set to not detect collision between the layers the objects are (enter Edit > Project > Phisics and check if the encounter of the layer of both GameObjects are checked inside Layer Collision Matrix) Jul 31, 2010 · OnTriggerEnter works fine, but OnCollisionEnter will not work. From your screenshots, the horse has a Circle Collider 2D, and each cloud has a Box Collider 2D. I’m not sure I follow. I would look at Box Collider Reference because at the bottom is a Collision action matrix that explains under what conditions collisions occur. The ones that pass through are moving. 01 or 1cm) used to ensure polygons have enough of a buffer for continuous collision-detection to work correctly. I have a bunch of flower particles that I want to disappear when a player steps on them. For context, our project is on Unity 2019. Right now the underneath is Mar 26, 2017 · Hi @Programmer, I understand that this should work, and I did change the tag of the (blue)ball (I only have one ball at the moment) in the editor but I attached a screenshot of the player prefab and I think there is definitely a problem with how I structured the player, because not a single collision detection method is working with it. The game has a script to translate the enemy Aug 4, 2009 · now i got the same problem…i have group of cloud particles where each cloud is separated with some distance. When the shape is let go, i turn on gravity to make it drop to the bottom May 2, 2013 · This approach doesn’t work for me. Iam moving this object on Z with 2 touch controls (android platform) Script for moving: var leftcontrol : GUITexture; var rightcontrol : GUITexture; function awake(){ leftcontrol = GameObject. 27f1. raycast t help determine when there should be a collision even if the collision detection system misses it, but it seems my raycast are also passing through the bat sometimes. Working with collision events primarily involves the following API functions: Collider. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class EnemyAttack : MonoBehaviour { public float period = 0. gameObject); } Aug 3, 2011 · i know this is old but i just found a solution to a problem in my code, i had OnCollisionEnter in a script attached the parent of the thing that was getting the collision, not the thing that was getting the collision, so it didn’t work. Jan 19, 2023 · Collision not working? Unity Engine. Is there something I’m missing or doing wrong? Or is it impossible to properly detect collision without a mesh renderer? Note: I’m really really new to Unity, I’ve been learning through Unity’s main May 7, 2014 · Unity Discussions Collision not working. 35f1 and 2020. 0. I have Sep 12, 2019 · im pretty new to using unity and i really want to use colliders. also i have no script overwriting the colision class. problem is unlike anything I’ve coded before the object that will collide with the collectible is not moving but spawned in ontop of the collectible. I want it to go off on touch. 4f1 Personal I set up Rigidbody 2D and Box Collider 2D for the player, however, it can still walk through the “wall” that has both components. Viewed 1k times Unity collision not being detected. If your trees have colliders and no rigidbodies OnCollisionEnter will not be called. I had to separate one mesh into pieces because mesh colliders just don´t work. 1. But I also tried to get rid of it and use it as a normal model but it still didn't work. IgnoreCollision(GetComponent(), missile. May 18, 2015 · Dear Unity Community, This is another question that came from my previous question, because I found the problem of the first question but it raised a second one. Hi, I have code here to test a collision: var timesThrough: int = 0; Feb 18, 2022 · Since the following line doesn’t execute, BUT it works, sometimes it doesn’t make the correct reference, but when the entity moves a little bit, it starts to work. I’ve read through countless articles and my code matches those I’ve read yet I see no results. when I use the on collision enter node it doesn’t work, nothing happens, when I use the on trigger enter node, the player teleports to the spot but then immediately teleports back to where it was. Jul 23, 2017 · EDIT: I have tried having the same script attached to other objects involved in the collision and that does not change things. A trigger (in this case) it’s quite similar to the collision, so you can use it as a workaroud. I am new to ECS, specially the latest package versions, and I am facing difficulties getting even a simple collision detection system to fire properly. Can anyone see anything Feb 23, 2017 · Ive tried taking off the transform. But in the front, I just go through them! Same Nov 5, 2014 · The problem is that the balls pass through the bat (not always, but most times). I cant seem too fix this problem, I have watched a lot of Jun 5, 2017 · Hello. Aug 18, 2014 · Unity Trigger Collision not working. IgnoreLayerCollision( Check that too and make sure it is not called. Jun 3, 2020 · 2D collision not working. Which then prompts a debug message to tell me if it has hit. Log(“hit”); } Dec 26, 2023 · Unity OnCollisionEnter Not Working: A Comprehensive Guide. I have a player controller script which allows me to move my player, but when it collides with stairs, it glitches out. Mar 13, 2012 · Are the they set as triggers? (Triggers dont have collision events, they have onTrigger events) Maybe try putting a Debug Log in there to see if May 2, 2024 · Hi , i am starting on a small project and i am already having problems , I have a capsule object that i control the horizontal movement off using the Rigidbody function Moveposition() . This setup should work, so make sure none of the colliders are disabled. Im going to kick start us off with these few: Do you have a rigidbody and collider attached. EDIT II: I have also tried the other collision types (OnExit and OnStay) and have tried a variety of colliders. If you are moving very fast you should change the Collision Detection mode from Discrete to Continuous. My goal is when he mouse collides with the cheese for it to remove 10 health from the cheese and remove the mouse. My RigidBodies doesn´t have gravity on, but they have constants (don´t move on z, and don´t rotate on x or y) Dec 9, 2010 · Hey all, I’m trying to get collision detection working for sprites (I’m using SM2). Further direction on that is available in the Unity Docs. Object 2 is a character model with a rigidbody set to kinematic Dec 11, 2014 · I’m trying to destroy an object called “Spear” after it collides with the “ground”. However, I’m facing an issue where the ship and asteroid don’t seem to react upon collision. I am trying to sucessfully check if the player “is grounded” by reading the collision of the player with a plane called (and tagged) Ground. I did this like my player has a character collider & no box/capsule/mesh etc. FlowWolf November 12, Sep 21, 2015 · Hi, i have a simple player and enemy object. Checking for all collisions except with the one which belongs to the player object. More Info : Unity - Scripting API: Collider. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class DeleteRoot : MonoBehaviour { private void OnCollisionEnter2D Dec 22, 2022 · Actually, I found the issue, and this isn’t it. Collisions work perfectly from anywhere but the front of my enemies! If I run into their back, the player collides perfectly. position, transform. BUT, the box collider is working? I tried putting box collider and it seems to be working. anon_5894484 May 7, 2010, 12:40am 1. It only participates in overlap checks, which are handled by the OnTriggerEnter / Stay / Exit messages and their 2D versions. ) function OnCollisionEnter(deadPlayer : Collision) { if Aug 7, 2023 · So I have a ground object called Player which has a Collider and animator attached to it. This is what my May 7, 2010 · Unity Discussions Collision not working. i tried a basic ontriggerevent method like in those tutorials and nothing happens in the console even with Debug. this is the Jan 17, 2021 · I've made a code where once you collide on a gameobject, it will go to a different scene, the gameobject is a bed, I've applied a tag named Bed, I've applied a rigidbody, I've applied the code to the player where once you collide the code will activate, but for some appearent reason, it still won't work, Apr 8, 2020 · I’m trying to make a collectible that will destroy itself once collected. I have enabled Collision on a shuriken particle system. I have a game object called “GlassColor” with a rigidbody and a box collider without “is trigger” it also has the script. When i click on the shape and drag, it generates a new shape and follows the mouse cursor, while following the mouse, the rigidbody is set to kinematic. I have enabled World Dec 22, 2012 · Ive been trying to make a collision script for a crate so it explodes when it is shot but i really dont know what i have to do, here is the script i have so far. I am using bolt for this project. Any ideas why its not working? using System. The bat has a capsule collider and the ball a sphere collider. When the game plays, one moves towards the other and collides with it. So I faced a problem with Physic2d. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class CharcterController Dec 28, 2013 · Things like this can really be frustrating, being that upgrading one of 2D games made to a higher version of Unity, I guess you would expect things to break, but after 1. My player doesn’t, he has a Character Motor, Character Controller and Platform Input Controller. If your `onCollisionEnter` function is not working, there are a few possible solutions that you can try. Decide if these objects will be moving and set the appropriate collider. On the level there are zombie heads (ie: stars) to collect, which when the player touches them there’s a particle effect and the game object is destroyed. I don’t want a trigger, because I need to go in and out of it in order for it to activate it. It's just weird cause I'm following a tutorial and that didn't have an Update function at all. Log (“collision”); to call. im quite new to unity so sorry if its plain to see the errors var Crate : GameObject; var BulletA : GameObject; function Update () { } function Aug 20, 2020 · Nothing helps for me, but in my case I didn't know there was a place in code that breaks collision layers (that is do not change the collision matrix settings visually): Physics2D. May 12, 2017 · Undetectable collision. Oct 15, 2015 · The bullets that are fired don´t seem to hit the particles since the above message is not printed. One of the sprites has a rigid body. Oct 19, 2024 · I’m currently working on a project where I need the ship and asteroid to disappear after colliding and then regenerate after a few seconds. Though I would like to point out that I was working with triggers and overlaps and not full-on collisions, as one of the colliders was a trigger. I have a script my instructor gave Nov 15, 2024 · I am working on a game that needs collisions with the player and enemy characters in order to do damage, however I can not get my collisions to work. As the name suggests, it isnt detecting the collisions, it just ignores it. It works if I use the prefab directly in the world, but not as a painted tree Apr 26, 2021 · Hi all, Unity version: 2020. Collider. The “die” animation gets set when the NPC’s health is >= 0. One of the followings is causing the problem : One of your colliders doesn't have a Rigidbody2D attached to it, as it says in the documentation, in order to get collisions works, one of the two object must have a rigidbody component Help, im using unity 2020. However every time the objects are bouncing off Mar 13, 2016 · Unity Discussions Collision not working. I have included screenshots of the player Gameobject and the walls i am trying to collide with. But when they collide the collision does not happen why is that? private void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other){ Destroy(gameObject); Destroy(other. chek the can we attach a collider for each Sep 16, 2020 · Hi I’m fairly new to unity and coding with C# and I’ve made a collision detection system. I need the client to be as accurate as the host so that the game can be played properly. However, I also have Apr 29, 2015 · Colliders are same type. obvious really but if you are getting frustrated, check you have the script attached to the correct object Dec 1, 2024 · My Camera is colliding with Mesh Colliders for meshes that I generate at runtime despite the Camera object not having any colliders or rigid body, and being assigned to a Layer that shouldn’t collide with anything in both the 2D and 3D Collision Matrix, and being assigned to the Exclusion Layers on the collider. Adding an empty Update function made it work. IgnoreCollision so I implemented that right away, however, it seems that it doesn’t May 17, 2012 · Hello there, I’m working on a project right now. I am stumped as nothing I have used before will work :(. ive tried every single tutorial on youtube and documentation online and nothing works. i have a rigidbody2d boxcollider set it to is trigger and no success. It works perfectly well when the rigidbody is dynamic, but not when it’s kinematic. need help ASAP! Code file → Player Movement. I’m able to preview the project with no script errors but the script doesn’t do what I want it to. I have tried to read posts about it doesnt work. 3 though so might just be a bug. Here's the video so it's not so confusing. using UnityEngine; using System. Turns out collision detection can’t happen if timescale is set to 0. Check if the colliders corresponding to the game objects are attached to their respective game objects. Questions & Answers. i get no errors it just does not detect the collision of the bullet and doesnt do anything. To clarify, we are not overloading a method from MonoBehaviour, in the traditional sense. I have an object with a script that detects collision, both it and other objects have the box collider component. Collections. I wasted 2 hours in trying to figure out what is going on. To help others, the link to the previous question is the following: The actual problem is that when I install my APK on my Android device, collision is not detected, tough in the Unity editor everything works fine!. OnCollisionEnter : Unity calls this function on each collider when two colliders first make contact. At least one participant of the collision needs to have rigidbody component attached. I have a surface (ground) and a ball, the ball has a rigidbody2d and a CircleCollider2d so that it can roll on the surface, but it also has a trigger collider in a child Mar 10, 2022 · I have a problem where everytime I run the unity game the collision detection does not work, I was going to add a fridge to my cooking game that you could open and it would bring up a UI containing all of the items inside the fridge, here is the code for the fridge Dec 2, 2014 · I am making a game and part of it is navigating through obstacles. Here is the script and a picture of the models inside each other: using UnityEngine; using System. Did you try adding one? Jan 19, 2013 · That’s my problem, with the OnTrigger event I got this: (character passing through the cube: not what I really want) @NoirQ Now, I’ve been trying all combination and what works is: Collider on my cube (box collider) and Rigidbody and capsule collider (both) in my main character. void May 14, 2021 · I am making a game, I have an obstacle set up where the player teleports somewhere if they touch it. Collision detection isn’t working whenever another object collides with that object, only some objects pass through this object. Sep 27, 2017 · Hello! I’m having trouble making my collision detection work in a top-down shooter game I’m making. Unity Physics with Netcode for entities 1. johntheunsto May 7, 2014, 5:19am 1. Nov 8, 2021 · I've been trying to create a game where once you hit the 'repeat' symbol you have to return to the position of the first repeat symbol i. Here is my collision script (applied to the wall): Screenshots of how I have the colliders setup are attached Jun 7, 2012 · FIXED!!! Fix: Collisions after graphs in pathfinding are done and use OnTriggerEnter I am trying to get a bullet to do damage to an object. Also previously I had a for but it didn’t work in any way. I added May 11, 2014 · i searched the forums for solution but none work for some reason so i’m wondering why my collision is not working,is trigger is not checked on the collider, both of the object colliding have rigid bodies and are kinetamic. Jun 3, 2020 · What version of Unity are you using? Assuming you’re actually using it correctly and it’s not simply that you’re not following how to use it, it could be the corruption bug that was fixed 6 months ago but was only recently backported to 2019. 2) but when I run the game in Android(so far), it works well, but then suddenly stops working. but this doesn’t work. Nov 17, 2024 · Ensure Both Objects Have Colliders: Check that both the horse and the clouds have collider components. Both trees in the collision will receive the OnCollisionEnter callback. I think it’s the problem, and you are also comparing with game object name, and you should use tags instead. 3 [UpdateInGroup(typeof(AfterPhysicsSystemGroup))] public partial struct BulletSystem : ISystem { [BurstCompile] public partial struct BulletCollisionJob : ICollisionEventsJob { public NativeReference<int> counter; public void Execute(CollisionEvent collisionEvent) { counter. I tried creating a test scene with another script and no multiplayer, but it’s not better. Run the game, the sphere falls on the plane and the log appears. This is the script i have attached to the obstacle prefab. txt - Google Drive Jun 21, 2020 · I’m new to unity. what is the possible problem. Although, I do not want the bird changing scene when hitting the platfroms so I want a script that changes scene when colliding with a gameobject with the tag Player. Generic; using UnityEngine; public class PlayerStats : MonoBehaviour { [SerializeField] private float maxHealth The fix is to either lower the fixed timestep (so physics are calculated more frequently, at the cost of performance), change the collision mode to dynamic or one of the others (has other issues that may not work for all situations), slow down the projectile, or increase the thickness of the colliding bodies until collisions are reliable. i made a simple character controller, and i implemented simple collision, but for some reason, it will not detect any collision if the player is g… Apr 8, 2015 · The particle emitter itself: Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life (Can’t attach 3rd image). I’m using a Kinematic character controller and Tilemaps for the environment layout, so Platform Effectors are not an Ideal solution. The reference video can be found at . please help, im legitimately Feb 29, 2020 · It’s a small region (0. Oct 5, 2018 · A (typically) better solution is to use layers to manage collision between categories of items. . 28f1. The code below compiles fine and it’s an adaption of some older examples I found, using the “new” SystemBase instead of the Mar 27, 2023 · Hello there! I’ve been looking around for a solution to this problem for over a month now, but nothing seems to work properly and I’m reaching my wit’s end… I’m learning Unity by making a top down 2d shooter, and the projectile in the game moves fast. Yet for some reason it’s not Feb 28, 2013 · The collider is not set as a trigger (for collision events) - this goes for both colliders; The script is on the same object that has the rigidbody (not a child - important) The physics layers are set to collide (if you dont know what this is, you probably havnt broken it) Rigidbody is not set as IsKinematic; All those have been checked. I tried to attach a rigidbody to my character but then I cant controll my Nov 28, 2021 · Hello, I am currently working on a 2d mmorpg project, but my colliders aren’t working. Nov 5, 2022 · So basically I had to take off the mesh renderer for the sprite renderer for my player object. May 5, 2024 · I am making a network multiplayer air hockey game on Unity with Netcode for GameObjects and Relay and I have an issue with the client side collision where the paddle doesn’t push the puck properly. When he dies he falls onto the ground and stays there. So I have a parent object with 2 children. I will try to answer any questions. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 4 months ago. The scenario is, that the bottom of the screen has shapes. Find("GUIleft"). Also, the bullet object has a script attached with the same lines as above: Feb 18, 2022 · Since the following line doesn’t execute, BUT it works, sometimes it doesn’t make the correct reference, but when the entity moves a little bit, it starts to work. If so, please follow the comments in the link too for Mar 27, 2018 · I have a bullet object that I’m trying to get to collide with 2 different sets of objects. I’ve followed this code exact from a tutorial, but it still doesn’t work (could be outdated). I am using a beta version of 2019. But I’ve made a object and its collision mesh I’ve applied it to it as collision mesh and its still not working, ticked convex and it doesn’t show up??? please help?? Jun 21, 2016 · Collision events are only sent if one of the colliders also has a non-kinematic rigidbody attached. But it just keeps going? using UnityEngine; using System. Translate it will not work. Not using the hit variable in the method’s signature should do exactly that. The flowers do not move (speed = 0) and have a lifespan of infinity. But my level goal object has a box collider and when i collide my player with it , nothing happens. Translate, but still no collision when the objects hit the wall. Unity’s OnCollisionEnter event is a powerful tool for responding to collisions between GameObjects in your scene. silwalanish June 3, 2017, 11:34am 1. Visual-Scripting, com_unity_visualscripting, Question. once the player hits the "end-repeat sign" they'll return to the "begin-repeat sign" but only once then they'll continue the level, but for some reason the game won't register the symbols even when a rigidbody is added Jan 18, 2011 · So I have these spheres called particles in my script and they have colliders on them and everything but nothing seems to be actually colliding and nothing appears in the debug log. public void FireMissile() { GameObject missile = Instantiate(Missile, transform. Dec 31, 2012 · Hi, I’ve spent about 3 hours trying every single possible way of doing this but nothing seems to work. I followed 3, maybe 4 tutorials and even went on Unity Forums. Modified 4 years, 3 months ago. Example: When camera moves over the generated mesh, the physics will Sep 2, 2023 · I am relatively new to c# and Unity, and I am making a top-down 2d game. Have you Sep 4, 2023 · Hello, I’m pretty new to unity so I hope you will help me get this right. Log(gameObject. This worked perfectly in previous builds. Both sprites have a Box Collider.
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